What isan RPGa metroidvania?
It was beaten long ago, but not by many. So yeah it's hard.It's hard to beat this:
It was beaten long ago, but not by many.
And don't know about "pinnacles", two games can be of the same genres and take different directions equally valids.In your opinion, what metroidvanias beat Ecclesia as pinnacles of the genre?
And don't know about "pinnacles", two games can be of the same genres and take different directions equally valids.
And define metroidvania just in case, depending of the person it can mean different things.
If it really is about metroid + RPG and only that then maybe Ecclesia is the best I guess, yeah.
I edited my post. I didn't put Guacamelee or Strider since I think they're very good but not great. Maybe because of the map? (it gives to much information, tells you where to go, etc)Let me put it another way; what are the best metroidvanias in YOUR personal opinion, which were created after Ecclesia?
Example: I would put Guacamelee! up there as a 9/10 metroidvania which was created post-Ecclesia.
Have you played bloodstained ritual of the night? What's your review on that?Time ability is really just a gimmick in Timespinner to use enemies as platforms and it's not used all that often, the recent Touhou Luna Nights had time stop and slowing as well, and you really needed to master that to fight bosses
Also, if you got sick of the GBA/NDS Castlevania, Timespinner plays very close to those in terms of graphics (GBA) and overall approach
The biggest problem is though that its too easy, there's almost no fight that will be any challenge
That said, I did like the weapons system, lots of cool combinations of spheres, but since combat, in general, is a joke, the whole thing feels rather like a mechanic you can't really explore to the limits since most enemies die too fast
Ah, nice, thanks.https://rpgcodex.net/forums/index.p...-metroidvania-game.90489/page-24#post-6185897
Good game if a bit too similiar to the GBA/NDS Castlevania
Has retarded puzzle logic