Underlined only true good stuff in that list which I hope is given as a patch to Xcom 2 as well.New infos on expansion, tbh is ton of stuff:
-Rulers are now facilities guards and they will trigger in every mission like they used to be only after being engaged once. Rulers and Chosen can't be in the same mission.
-Chosen: the hunter snipes you from out of sight, it's avoidable by movement tho. The warlock summons ghosts. The assassin teleport into soldiers to melee swings.
-The chosen have a resource called "knowledge" and they can increase it by interrogating xcom soldiers, after they have enough knowledge they can reach your base. They can also capture your soldiers and you may need to rescue them in a stealth mission.
-They can screw you up in the strategic layer too and there is also a new base defense mission involving the chosen attacking the avenger.
-Every chosen is independent and they have their own knowledge bars and they control different territories.
-Every chosen has a stronghold in which you have to go in to defeat them permanently (think like EU alien base missions).
-The chosen gain new procedural perks and abilities over time. Nemesis system from Mordor ispired Firaxis.
-Little fun details added like factions or alien speaker radio transmission about world events while in geoscape, just to add flavor
-You are not obliged to beat all chosen before beating the game, but the chosen u didn't kill will show up all at once for a final confrontation.
-Different ending cinematic
-New enemies: Priest, mind control, revive himself, and many buffs. Purifier, flamethrower and incendiary grenades. Spectre, who knockout you soldiers and create an active copy of them.
-The zombies are a lot and come in swarms, but if you kill one straight you have a free action, basically you can chain kill them.
-New mission system in tactical: lot of missions have random modifiers, example: lot of explosives in the map\you can bring only 3 soldiers\free conceleament skill for all soldiers\etc. etc
-You can have more heroes but after the first they will be very hard to get
-2 new facilities: training center, for new abilites for soldiers and Resistance ring, related to covert ops
-Covert ops in which you send ppl out looking for intelligence but they can trigger missions in which you need to rescue them
-Bonds between soldiers work in both strategical and tactical by adding new stuff, like if one close to other is immune to mental effects and so.
-New fatigue system
-If u bring fatigued soldiers in missions they may panic, or do bad stuff like reacing badly to many events so it's doable but very risky
-New item: Lost lure, who can make zombies attack where you want
-Every faction and chosen has new weapons you can get , so basically 6 new weapons.
-New research stuff called Breakthrough or Ispiration, they appear randomly and allow many buffs like increase sniper rifle damage or decrease a facility cost
-Improvements fixes on engine, such loading times and framerate
Underlined only true good stuff in that list which I hope is given as a patch to Xcom 2 as well.New infos on expansion, tbh is ton of stuff:
-Rulers are now facilities guards and they will trigger in every mission like they used to be only after being engaged once. Rulers and Chosen can't be in the same mission.
-Chosen: the hunter snipes you from out of sight, it's avoidable by movement tho. The warlock summons ghosts. The assassin teleport into soldiers to melee swings.
-The chosen have a resource called "knowledge" and they can increase it by interrogating xcom soldiers, after they have enough knowledge they can reach your base. They can also capture your soldiers and you may need to rescue them in a stealth mission.
-They can screw you up in the strategic layer too and there is also a new base defense mission involving the chosen attacking the avenger.
-Every chosen is independent and they have their own knowledge bars and they control different territories.
-Every chosen has a stronghold in which you have to go in to defeat them permanently (think like EU alien base missions).
-The chosen gain new procedural perks and abilities over time. Nemesis system from Mordor ispired Firaxis.
-Little fun details added like factions or alien speaker radio transmission about world events while in geoscape, just to add flavor
-You are not obliged to beat all chosen before beating the game, but the chosen u didn't kill will show up all at once for a final confrontation.
-Different ending cinematic
-New enemies: Priest, mind control, revive himself, and many buffs. Purifier, flamethrower and incendiary grenades. Spectre, who knockout you soldiers and create an active copy of them.
-The zombies are a lot and come in swarms, but if you kill one straight you have a free action, basically you can chain kill them.
-New mission system in tactical: lot of missions have random modifiers, example: lot of explosives in the map\you can bring only 3 soldiers\free conceleament skill for all soldiers\etc. etc
-You can have more heroes but after the first they will be very hard to get
-2 new facilities: training center, for new abilites for soldiers and Resistance ring, related to covert ops
-Covert ops in which you send ppl out looking for intelligence but they can trigger missions in which you need to rescue them
-Bonds between soldiers work in both strategical and tactical by adding new stuff, like if one close to other is immune to mental effects and so.
-New fatigue system
-If u bring fatigued soldiers in missions they may panic, or do bad stuff like reacing badly to many events so it's doable but very risky
-New item: Lost lure, who can make zombies attack where you want
-Every faction and chosen has new weapons you can get , so basically 6 new weapons.
-New research stuff called Breakthrough or Ispiration, they appear randomly and allow many buffs like increase sniper rifle damage or decrease a facility cost
-Improvements fixes on engine, such loading times and framerate
The rest is lots of gamist bullshit that nuXcom already has enough of.
Long War 2 is already enough. I seen nothing here that makes this a better game. But I seen plenty of shit design some of the things "stolen" from LW2.No need for another game, if they were Long War 2 features that'd be enough![]()
Long War 2 is already enough. I seen nothing here that makes this a better game. But I seen plenty of shit design some of the things "stolen" from LW2.No need for another game, if they were Long War 2 features that'd be enough![]()
Explain this to us that don't speak Retard.Long War 2 is already enough. I seen nothing here that makes this a better game. But I seen plenty of shit design some of the things "stolen" from LW2.No need for another game, if they were Long War 2 features that'd be enough![]()
So, long war 2 was shit design? LOL
I wonder what happened to the terror from the deep thing. Think that has been scrapped in favor of this?
I wonder what happened to the terror from the deep thing. Think that has been scrapped in favor of this?
XCOM 2's huge War of the Chosen expansion detailed
Forge battlefield friendships and create clones from corpses.
At the PC Gaming Show creative director Jake Solomon outlined War of the Chosen, a massive expansion for XCOM 2 that adds three nemesis aliens, other resistance organisations, new soldiers, new abilities, new gear, zombies, cities full of zombies and too many other features to fit in one sentence. I spoke to Jake Solomon to learn more, and discovered that almost every aspect of the game has been retouched and expanded upon.
Let's start with the Chosen. The team saw the nemesis system in Shadow of Mordor and wondered how those persistent rivalries would work in the context of an XCOM 2 campaign. The result is three distinct alien heroes that will dog XCOM's efforts in battle and on the campaign map. They can run operations on the strategy layer to disrupt your campaign, and they will even taunt you in the command centre. Solomon felt that the strategy layer was a little cold in XCOM—"this is my fault," he says—so expect loads more chatter. In the ship between missions you'll hear Advent news reports spinning your missions. In the bar aboard the Avenger, if you zoom in there's a radio station playing with its own DJ.
Initially your alien nemeses are hunting 'knowledge', which they can acquire in a few different ways, including kidnapping yours soldiers from the battlefield and imprisoning them (you can break them out later). The more knowledge they gain, the more powerful they become. The Chosen ultimately want to find the Avenger, shoot it down with a huge gun and attack the wreckage to recapture the Commander and destroy the XCOM project. If the Chosen get the upper hand in a campaign you will have to play this mission to save yourself. If you manage to keep the Avenger safe, the Chosen will turn up in the game's final missions to make things especially hard. You're going to want to take at least one of them out.
To track down and kill the Chosen you need the assistance of the three new rebel groups— Templars, Reapers and a rebellious human-alien hybrid faction called the Skirmishers. Each Chosen is being hunted by a corresponding resistance faction. You send soldiers to aid resistance activities to improve your standing with a given resistance faction, unlocking leads on the Chosen along with strategic orders and resistance soldiers for hire.
Solomon likens orders to policies in Civ, you enact them to activate a particular effect on the strategy layer or the battlefield layer. One order reduces the Avatar Project count by one bar per turn. Another pauses the countdown timer in a stealth mission until your squad has been revealed. There are dozens of orders themed to fit their associated resistance faction. You can cosy up to multiple factions at once, but obviously it takes time and resources to do so.
Befriending the Templars, Reapers and Skirmishers gives you access to the best soldiers in the game. Resistance heroes are insane. The hybrid Skirmisher heroes are extremely quick, and can take multiple actions in a turn, for example, and they only get better as they level up and gain ability points to spend on powerful new skills. A low-level Reaper skill gives the hero a chance to remain concealed if they fire from stealth. A high level skill lets a hero fire their entire clip in one go, which is potentially amazing. A top-tier Templar skill lets them absorb corpses from the battlefield to create a clone of themselves. Solomon says it will take a long time to unlock the most powerful abilities, but they will be incredibly destructive.
But what about your normal soldiers? XCOM has its own pool of ability points. Clever tactical moves such as successful flank shots in combat have a chance of generating points. If you build a training facility, you can then spend these points on your standard XCOM-trained soldiers. You have to be careful with them, though. In War of the Chosen soldiers become tired if you use them in multiple successive missions. You can send a tired soldier into battle, but there's a chance they will earn quirky traits. Jake Solomon gave the 'obsessive' trait as an example. If an obsessive soldier's clip is empty there's a chance they will use their first action in a turn to reload—anyone who mashes the reload key constantly in an FPS will sympathise. The system is designed to add more character-forming foibles to your squads, and to encourage you to diversify by benching tired soldiers to develop others.
Perhaps my favourite addition in War of the Chosen is the soldier bonds system. As your soldiers fight alongside one another in battle, pairs will be flagged as 'compatible'. If you nurture this compatibility your squaddies can form bonds that come with battlefield effects. Superfriends can potentially fire simultaneously on targets. If one goes down to panic, the other can run over and remove that status effect (Jake also mentioned new types of panic, but we'll have to wait and see what those are). The expansion also adds covert missions that let you send scientists, engineers and soldiers off to a location for a while to earn resources and help out resistance factions, and bonded soldiers will complete these more quickly. The system makes your soldiers more effective and realises the sort of battlefield dramas XCOM players have been crafting for years. I know what you're thinking, are these soldiers just friends, or something more? "It's up to players to decide what a bond represents" says Jake Solomon, diplomatically.
After all that I feel like I've only learned about a fraction of what the full expansion has to offer. The Chosen and the new resistance factions sound like an interesting challenge to manage, but I'm especially glad to hear about the smaller features—crew bonds, soldier traits, alien banter—that should bring more personality into the game. Firaxis says War of the Chosen is their biggest XCOM expansion yet. It already sounds essential.
EW was a good expansion though.
EW still had a terrible geoscape, we would complain a lot. And combat was still pod system with 6 max soldier per squad that become supersoldiers you cannot lose so we would still complain about that as well.EW was polished version of original game. If original game looked like that at release nobody would complain.