To be honest, besides Mac'Aree and parts of the Antoran Waste, I'm not very impressed with Argus. I've yet to do the dungeon, will run it tomorrow, but the storyline hasn't been anything worth talking about so far.
As for the world quests/world content, has it ever been interesting past the first week you've ran through it? I ask this a as a genuine question, as the only other expansion I've ever really played was Vanilla, and there raid logging was as constant a problem as it is in legion (only there you stopped constantly farming gear for pre-raid BiS once you started to properly raid, whereas now you can constantly try to get better gear via M+).
Progressing through Mythic Tomb isn't very fun, for me in any case. In fact, I'm starting to feel like Nighthold M as a whole was far more fun to progress through. Heroic is pretty good. I know the devs have talked about how they didn't really align their work too well for ToS, hence the soaking mechanics en gros, but even without taking them into consideration, there are still those fights that 'could have been great, if only..' such as Mythic Sisters, where the claustrophobic camera really fucks you over, as you actually have to pay attention to what's happening around the room. Progressing on Sisters was such a bitch, I hate how one of the main mechanics of the fight is having to move your camera angle constantly (as a ranged dps that has to stay at the edge of the room).
I'm really hoping Antorus will be less underwhelming, and I'm slowly thinking more and more often of taking a break from M raiding for a few months, since Antorus will last for a long while anyways, probably until next September. Maybe roll an Alliance hunter in the meanwhile.
Anyone else looking forward to Twinstar's Hades server?