It is too hard to manage it seems for most.
You have a reserve for start to quickbuild. But to build with materials you have to make coal, make bricks, make prefabs, make cement, make concrete, make boards, make steel, make asphalt, make grave and maybe something more. For nearlly EVERY building. And to make steel you must mine coal ore, refine coal, mine iron ore, refine iron ore, transport it to steel mill. and each refining buildings is HUGE, and steel mill is even bigger. You must make public transport and for that you have to reserve space, and almost everycity you have to plan ahead, youcan't build like in tropico, where youplace shit and it connects and fits, there are ranges where people can reach by foot and then you have plan for electric substation because power lines can ess with your roads...and converyors etc. etc. etc.
I restarted shitload oftimes because at some point I realised "fuck, my city design is messed up because of this ouse placement and wrong road elevation" and, well, that's pretty close to what today architects and city designers face - shitload of buildings you can't touch because billion reasons or historical significance and you still have a job to fit some trade center in the area. Can't wait till it will reach 1.0. So far it is okay, buggy and simplistic in some areas but okay.
For example for asphalt road you will need: truck for gravel, asphalt paver, asphalt rollers, buses to deliver workers. And several stages of construction