Seems to me the codex is having a good time people returned to post about games! So the shoutbox obliteration that lead to a massive butthurt was nothing but incline!
You sound like an addict in withdrawal denying his desires
Why? Shoutbox was a shitshow. Better that it closed all people were using that mainly for yell niggers screeche about jews gays stupid monologues about culture war or whatever politic dumpster was happening at thd moment. So better that is gone! My dream is the politic section of the forum would be nuked too that would be also massively incline since 99% of the shitposters comes from there. Not to mention boozers getting horny writing gross stuff to then tell for the 100th times how they would kill themself because the world sucks.
No, this is like saying we were better off during the lockdowns because a lot of bad stuff usually happens on the street at night and it is kind of comfy working from home.
The existence of shoutbox (freedom) is not the problem. The problems are the problems. The shoutbox just brings them to the forefront. Where is the forefront now? It is hidden. Inaccessible.
Shoutbox was the finger on the pulse of the codex and now while we still have a pulse we do not know anything about it because we took the fucking finger off of it.
Writing that part made me think of this classic. It
is Italian, but I do not think you consider it music, Mebrilia.