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Warhammer Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader - turn-based Warhammer 40k RPG from Owlcat Games - now with Void Shadows DLC


Dec 13, 2019
What difficulty are you playing on and did you have Cassia focused into navigator stuff and Argenta focused into Heavy Bolter?
I didn't take Cassia (and she is not specialized into Navigator abilities anyway). Argenta is focused into Bolter, but it may be a bit suboptimal (no Rapid Fire, because I didn't realize how important it was at the time).

Abelard is great as a Vanguard parrying/deflection machine. Ulfar is decent melee support. Argenta is doing good work by blasting targets, and so are Yrliet and my Rogue Trader (both Operatives - Bounty Hunters). Recently I managed to make Jae work as decent damage-dealer (Tactical Advantage combined Shardcarbine or Splinter rifle, don't recall which at the moment. Her buffing/extra actions are relatively minor in terms of impact so it doesn't have the kind of impact that literally breaks fights). So it is not all bad, but I really wish fights were more even. Because sometimes they are super easy and sometimes they are super hard, with no middle ground.


Aug 13, 2017
wanted to check if they fixed Cassia yet, obviously not

final boss Cassia's first turn no respite giving way too many stats


so yeah can still 1 turn kill final boss in officer's first turn giving buffs + turns to Cassia without help from other members

here is dmg without press the advantage (boss also moved away from strategist frontline zone so thats whatever dmg it would bring)



Mar 1, 2021
How do you guys who like the game perceive those original skill numbers?
Not Asian style, not European style...


Mar 16, 2015
wanted to check if they fixed Cassia yet, obviously not

final boss Cassia's first turn no respite giving way too many stats


so yeah can still 1 turn kill final boss in officer's first turn giving buffs + turns to Cassia without help from other members

here is dmg without press the advantage (boss also moved away from strategist frontline zone so thats whatever dmg it would bring)

That is like nothing compared to broken Killing edge with a good sniper rifle. My main did like 7000 damage or something to him with one attack.
And he did over 2000 damage to act 4 boss before they buffed Killing Edge even more..


Jul 12, 2008
Okay, so Act 4 really is very buggy. Heinrix talking to Idira (even though she got killed by Argenta ages ago) is a mere detail, but I've started the quest "Price of Humanity" and Emelina (Heinrix' crazy girlfriend) just stops talking to me in the middle of her dialogue and won't talk to me again, making it apparently impossible to move the quest forward.

which difficulty are you people playing on?

Daring. It makes difficulty weirdly uneven : most fights are a walk in the park, but some remain quite challenging.

I'll probably give the game another try on Hard at some point in the future, though I'll have to do a better job building some characters. For instance, I strongly suspect that I've completely fucked up Cassia's build : the comments I read about her suggest that she's supposed to be the best companion by far, but while she's useful enough, I've never managed to make her even remotely as devastating as Argenta with a heavy bolter. Also, I've never figured out how to properly build/use a Bounty Hunter.

I am also impressed Owlcat managed to convey how horrible a place Dark Eldar city is (and Dark Eldars as a race), despite the game being isometric with cartoonish 3D models.

I hated the place ; it felt extremely repetitive, shallow and boring. The only character I found to be interesting in the entire city was Tervantias the surgeon, and he should have been given a greater role to play.


Aug 13, 2017
That is like nothing compared to broken Killing edge with a good sniper rifle. My main did like 7000 damage or something to him with one attack.
And he did over 2000 damage to act 4 boss before they buffed Killing Edge even more..
sure this is a broken ass game

but as I mentioned thats just officer buffs + Cassia attacking in 1 turn before boss even got to act, if I used other party members first round to buff/debuff easy to get that dmg higher

and regarding bosses act 2+ Cassia & officer mc can 1 turn any of em :?


Mar 16, 2015
That is like nothing compared to broken Killing edge with a good sniper rifle. My main did like 7000 damage or something to him with one attack.
And he did over 2000 damage to act 4 boss before they buffed Killing Edge even more..
sure this is a broken ass game

but as I mentioned thats just officer buffs + Cassia attacking in 1 turn before boss even got to act, if I used other party members first round to buff/debuff easy to get that dmg higher

and regarding bosses act 2+ Cassia & officer mc can 1 turn any of em :?
Killing edge needs nobody, just that sniper to get his turn. It is completely broken. Operative/Assassin with a sniper rifle is the most broken character that can do most damage on its first turn. Well built Argenta can do the same but she needs buffs and extra turns from others to first build up arch militant and soldier stacks that improve critical hits


Killing edge needs nobody
it doesnt look very broken, how do you get a second shot? how do you get past dodge alone? where do you get lethality from?

there is the drukari rifle that resets cooldown on crits and a psyker officer will give dodge bypass and autocrit
warp surge brooch gives idira assassin additional attacks equal to her psy rating
and there is dumb shit liek this: whcih at least doesnt seem to work...


Dec 13, 2019
which difficulty are you people playing on?

I hated the place ; it felt extremely repetitive, shallow and boring. The only character I found to be interesting in the entire city was Tervantias the surgeon, and he should have been given a greater role to play.
I didn't like how narrow the maps were. It would make sense in terms of city streets, but the entire city (the inside of buildings included) feels like it's built this way. The characters I found to be... proper. Not amazing, but not terrible either. What surprised me is that there are actual beggars in the streets.


which difficulty are you people playing on?
your pc should be an officer than the only one where the game presents a challenge - unfair - but i do the skill checks on story and toybox-ctrl-f10-killall all the shitpcombat
if you read through all the talents in the atrocious level up screen, it becomes hard to build a shit cassie
on lower difficulties the enemies dont have enough HP to withstand the deleting rolling their way, you gain tons of momentum, new turns, more deleting...

i dont even know where i would start to try fixing this shit
probably caps on stacking, but than all the talents that stack are overlapping and pointless
PROOF once again that ADND rules supreme! ring+1 and fullplate+1


Mei Scarlet

Oct 5, 2016
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire
Finally finished the game a couple of days ago. Liked it a lot but that's because I was itching for a proper WH40k cRPG for more than a decade since I've read Abnett's Inquisitor books that were structured literally like a party based RPG; so I'm forgiving a lot. Anyway it was pretty nice, I waited for like a month of initial patches and hotfixes and didn't encounter any game breaking bugs at all.
I'd say it captures a WH40k feeling pretty good, didn't feel like those 100 hours were wasted.
Didn't like a lot of things too, the main one is that the game is too fucking braindead easy? I played on hard and the last time I had some sort of a combat difficulty was during chapter 2. The system is just too simple and too straightforward so your characters builds inevitably get very imbalanced too fast even if you don't really try to abuse broken mechanincs. So many of the things are just fundamentally broken that they just break the game mechanics, too many to point out even you take the obvious officer's extra turn fuckery out of the equation.
Probably the hardest fight in the game was unironically the very first fight in the space docks of Rykard system if you just go and land there first.
Also the enemy AI is dumb as FUCK.

Also I was going for heretic playthrough but didn't select a lot of obvious chaotic dumb dialogue choices since I had a Sororitas and Inquisitor in my party and found out that because of that I actually got locked out of heretic path since I didn't even get to heretic 3 level in chapter 4 so all the heretic options were locked out for me. It was actually a shame since the beginning of the game implied I can play a trickster sneaky heretic character that slowly plants heresy seeds here and there - you can deliberately hide that you found the chaos sword shards from the Inquisitor, you can find out that the governer of one of your planets is a Chaos worshipper but just kinda let her do her thing. But nah, as it turns out, you really need to pump that heretical options no matter how dumb they are or how immersion breaking they are if you are aiming for a heretic path.
Anyway, I feel that a lot of things would change in like a year from now as it usually goes with Owlcat games so I'll be happy to replay a game some time in a future.
Also a funny thing, usually in cRPG like that there are lot of obviously dumb chaotic evil dumb choices that don't really work but my next playthrough will be of an absolutely fanatical bitch sister who purifies shit all around her with a holy flames at the very mention of any herecy, alien or mutant shit and I feel that would be a very nice playthrough in a WH40k spirit.

Mei Scarlet

Oct 5, 2016
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire
>and makes psyker playable.
Also why are you guys saying that psyker is not playable? My telepath psyker MC was overwhelmingly broken since like chapter 3 when I took all of the telepath and psyker damage perks and pumped willpower, in combination with assassin's broken elusive shadow and a lot of shit that pumped the damage out of nowhere probably due to bugs, I did the most DPS out of any characters out of my party with literally zero downsides.
Though it doesn't matter that much because if you have just a little bit of IQ any build you make inevitably becomes broken, that's just how the game mechanics in the game work, sadly.
Abelard who takes literally ZERO damage from anything, Argenta who could shoot like 15 times in a row with every shot being a crit, absolutely broken Cassia's navigator fuckery and so on.
I expected the final stretch of a game to be a typical Owlcat shitfest with incredibly bloated stats on every single enemy like in two Pathfinders but it turned out to be a joke combat wise. I don't even think that changing difficulty from hard to unfair would help because the mechanics end up fundamentally broken even if you don't try to break them on purpose.


Dec 9, 2014
Northern wastes
Rogue trader combat is not anymore "broken" then any other recent big turn-based titles like Bg3. Even Codex favourites like JA3 or King Arthur have some serious balance issues where certain classes dominate everything. Rogue Trader is not perfect but stop making such a big fuss over "broken combat". Its a SINGLE player RPG for Emperor's Sake!! :imperialscum::imperialscum:

Mei Scarlet

Oct 5, 2016
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire
Rogue trader combat is not anymore "broken" then any other recent big turn-based titles like Bg3. Even Codex favourites like JA3 or King Arthur have some serious balance issues where certain classes dominate everything. Rogue Trader is not perfect but stop making such a big fuss over "broken combat". Its a SINGLE player RPG for Emperor's Sake!! :imperialscum::imperialscum:
I didn't play BG3 yet but this absolutely was not the case for both Pathfinders, both Divinities, Wasteland 2\3 or even both Pillars.
You had to try and have meta-knowledge to make broken builds in these games.
In RT you don't even have to try to turn basically 99% of the fights past chapter 2 into a joke.


Dec 6, 2021
Rogue trader combat is not anymore "broken" then any other recent big turn-based titles like Bg3. Even Codex favourites like JA3 or King Arthur have some serious balance issues where certain classes dominate everything. Rogue Trader is not perfect but stop making such a big fuss over "broken combat". Its a SINGLE player RPG for Emperor's Sake!! :imperialscum::imperialscum:
I didn't play BG3 yet but this absolutely was not the case for both Pathfinders, both Divinities, Wasteland 2\3 or even both Pillars.
You had to try and have meta-knowledge to make broken builds in these games.
In RT you don't even have to try to turn basically 99% of the fights past chapter 2 into a joke.
And, more importantly, if you DON'T end the fights on turn 1, you instead get wiped as soon as the enemy gets a turn. Absolutely zero thought was put into the numbers past the beta portion of the game and the combat just completely falls apart on a basic arithmetic level.


lard doesnt get wiped
lard does the wiping!

funny fight, i thought the game broke after the farseer hit me with 12 lgihting bolts in a row...
but no, he is a diviner who gets a full extra turn when one of the enemies hit 50% hp or dies
so he hits everyone wtih lighting, damages his own, kills his own, heals some above 50%, loops around xD


its seems visions of death has been nerfed into the ground ^^
it isnt doing 40% of current hp anymore, but maxes out at 300... .. .


Sep 22, 2022
Rogue trader combat is not anymore "broken" then any other recent big turn-based titles like Bg3. Even Codex favourites like JA3 or King Arthur have some serious balance issues where certain classes dominate everything. Rogue Trader is not perfect but stop making such a big fuss over "broken combat". Its a SINGLE player RPG for Emperor's Sake!! :imperialscum::imperialscum:
I didn't play BG3 yet but this absolutely was not the case for both Pathfinders, both Divinities, Wasteland 2\3 or even both Pillars.
You had to try and have meta-knowledge to make broken builds in these games.
In RT you don't even have to try to turn basically 99% of the fights past chapter 2 into a joke.
The biggest challenge in the game is trying not to break the game.


Jan 22, 2019
i dont even know where i would start to try fixing this shit
probably caps on stacking, but than all the talents that stack are overlapping and pointless

Yeah, it's a royal mess but I think someone said they are planning a combat rebalance? Haven't seen a relevant dev statement myself though.

Caps suck, I'd prefer soft caps/diminishing bonuses over hard caps. Hope they avoid stacking rules too. But they need to review all talents all over again. I hate half-assed low value +1% etc talents and items, but some are ridiculously over-tuned. Others should work additively instead of multiplicatively. It's a shame for them (and for us) that they released the game at this state :(


Mar 16, 2015
i dont even know where i would start to try fixing this shit
probably caps on stacking, but than all the talents that stack are overlapping and pointless

Yeah, it's a royal mess but I think someone said they are planning a combat rebalance? Haven't seen a relevant dev statement myself though.

Caps suck, I'd prefer soft caps/diminishing bonuses over hard caps. Hope they avoid stacking rules too. But they need to review all talents all over again. I hate half-assed low value +1% etc talents and items, but some are ridiculously over-tuned. Others should work additively instead of multiplicatively. It's a shame for them (and for us) that they released the game at this state :(
Yes, they said on Discord they are going to rebalance weapons, skills and encounters. When exactly it will be done not sure (few weeks back they said in about 2 months).
And if the game will be better after that is also unknown. Maybe their "rebalance" means tweaking just a bit of numbers that will not change much.


Mar 16, 2015
Killing edge needs nobody
it doesnt look very broken, how do you get a second shot? how do you get past dodge alone? where do you get lethality from?

there is the drukari rifle that resets cooldown on crits and a psyker officer will give dodge bypass and autocrit
warp surge brooch gives idira assassin additional attacks equal to her psy rating
and there is dumb shit liek this: whcih at least doesnt seem to work...
Dodge is solved by putting all your points into Perception and using Operator abilities in addition to Laser sniper rifle and laser weapon talent (by end game I had like 115 perception without buffs from Officer). If you also find extra dodgy enemy you can use Exploit Weakness as well.
Lethality is solved by assassin talents and above bonuses that reduce enemy dodge.
Damage is solved by ignoring the description that says differently than combat log :D
If it actually worked like description it would be OK.

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