I think V3 basically has two problems.
1 is that it was rushed. Clearly. Just the amount of bugs and obvious "literally nobody fucking played this shit or bothered fixing it" stuff makes it clear enough.
2, more importantly, is that Paradox's developers just don't really understand how the world works.
The idea of just clicking a multiculturalism button and suddenly having all your minorities happy to live in your nation is a good example of this. In reality the whole issue of ethnic / cultural tensions actually works in two directions. Yes, there's top-down issues like state backed discrimination, but there's also bottom-up issues like a desire for autonomy (or better yet, sovereignty). A realistic GSG would feature both of these. You might have tolerant laws towards minorities, but there would still be nationalist movements, and quelling these would basically require giving substantial territorial autonomy to let them exist as a country within a country, as Austria did for the Hungarians, or Canada did for the Quebecois. And indeed you could actually have a minority that is catered to with autonomy who then enacts fairly intolerant laws towards relative minorities in their territory, as is the case with Quebec and English speakers in Quebec (Quebec has been trying to suppress the English language in Quebec for as long as they've had the power to do so while simultaneously demanding that the French language be supported in the rest of Canada; they also maintain a regional voting party, the Bloc Quebecois, a mechanic which again is missing from V3 and was missing from V2; there should be parties that aren't ideologically aligned but rather regionally/ethnically aligned), which in turn evokes discontent in the rest of the country's majority population, etc.
A good GSG would represent this sort of concern so that the player has various things they may want to balance out - do I cater to this minority or not, can I give this territory some amount of autonomy and how much, will it upset the rest of the country and why, etc. In V3 you just click the "stop being a bigot" button and suddenly everyone, from Czechs to Serbs to Romanians, loves D I R E C T R U L E F R O M V I E N N A. It's a game made by walking stereotypes of the idiot college-educated NPC who has no fucking clue how human society, economics, or anything works, with a pop culture level of knowledge of history and zero understanding of why historical events played out as they did.
Even if Paradox had put in the effort to make their game not broken, and waited to release until it was finished, it would still have these problems because the people making the mechanics don't understand the world they're trying to simulate.
So what you are saying is you want to play Axioms?
No. I hope your game turns out to be good, and successful, but I'm not, personally, particularly interested in it. First of all, if I recall correctly, it will be procedurally generated, which immediately kills my interest in a grand strategy game (or 4x, which I don't typically play because they're customarily procgen).
Even if this weren't the case, there's not much substance on Axioms of Dominion so far. We've seen one or two screenshots, but most of what you've posted about it, that I've bothered to read (or skim through, honestly), have been design philosophy essays or "the game will be like this idea" in vague terms, but not concrete mechanics. This leaves me without much of an idea of what the gameplay's actually going to be like, so even if it was going to have a hand-crafted world, I still wouldn't have any excitement because there's nothing to go by. Same as Grey Eminence, which
is hand-crafted (historical, in that case) but doesn't have anything of substance to back it up. Both it and Axioms of Dominion have plenty of ambition, but ambition for small indie projects tends to make me wary rather than excited, at least until something playable has come out to begin with.
I'm more interested in Princes' Fortune, being made by some anon on /vst/, because it (A) has a hand-crafted world, even if I have specific criticisms for some of the lore & naming schemes, and (B) has a more realistic scope, as it features a relatively small landmass, there's already video footage of observer mode with the AIs warring and taking territory from one another, etc, I believe it can be made and will be made. I'm not super excited because the dev hasn't given us a lot of mechanics detail, but at least there's something there, and he has gone over some of the mechanics (such as combat resolution) in a concrete if simple fashion.
Again, I'm not saying this to be negative, I do genuinely wish your game all the best, but currently there's nothing about it that makes me think I want to play it.