The time to mine iron has been reduced, and the yield of iron has been increased, and it also appears in loot chests in the dungeons now. So this phase of the game isn't insanely long anymore. Also they have a new enemy type for the swamp, a huge creature equivalent to the troll in the forest biome, which also drops a resource you can make light armor from.
I disagree on the time or difficulty of finding a swamp and finding crypts. Yes, its faster in Terraria, since its 2D and you literally just walk to the left and find it, but its not long in Valheim either. And the fun part is sailing and discovering new land. Oh, a swamp. But its Plains nex to it, thats too high level. Let me sail around... a peninsula with forest, okay. Stone tower there. Go in, kill the mooks, cut some trees, build walls, trench, portal, roof. Every time you visit swamp creatures are fighting forest creatures near, maybe beating on your walls as you shoot from your tower. Run into the swamp, clear a crypt. Keep bringing the ore to the first room with a chest, stack it there. Do 2-3 trips to bring it to the boat, sail away to go refine it in your home base. This neither takes too long, nor is it busy work, its integrated with the other mechanics.
I hate to be like this, but it honestly feels like most people complaining never got good. The game has legitimate issues (calculating elevation when digging or fighting in melee, as mentioned, but also AI, inability to dig out caves, the honestly useless skills menu and stats that you can play for days without noticing, enemy difficulty in dealing with ranged combat, the early access unfinished thing, can't build too tall or too deep, etc), but the ones being brought up either were from the initial versions and were already addressed, or aren't actually problems at all if you play in a normal way.
I don't mean to be an activist for this game, its just alright, but replies here are fake news.
Anyways, on the off chance that a dev is lurking, and since Terraria was mentioned: Make it so we can build rooms for guest NPCs! The game already recognizes when a space is a room, some benches require it to operate. Make it so if we have a room with X furniture in it, some NPC comes to live there. A blacksmith, a herbalist, or even just a guard. Should be easy to implement, most of the functions for it already exist.