What the hell are you talking aboutevery 10 sec theres a fucking scripted event! for fuck's sake! let the people play the fucking game! if i wan't to know stuff let me inquire, if i want to find stuff let me search, if i want to talk let me start the fucking conversation instead of spoon feeding me everything!!!
it's not immersive to be thrown into some battle in which people have nothing better to do then piss me off asking for my fucking friendship, it's stupid!
If you can't keep up with the conversation you may wanna keep out of it.What the hell are you talking aboutevery 10 sec theres a fucking scripted event! for fuck's sake! let the people play the fucking game! if i wan't to know stuff let me inquire, if i want to find stuff let me search, if i want to talk let me start the fucking conversation instead of spoon feeding me everything!!!
it's not immersive to be thrown into some battle in which people have nothing better to do then piss me off asking for my fucking friendship, it's stupid!
and don't get me started on continuing to use this ability cooldown crap we hated so much in PoE, the stats that meke no sense and skills you can only use once every encounter because 'balance' and 'omg it's op' and 'we can't let people use the skills they have as much as they want' kind of idiotic logic.Okay. We tried to make a good game.
telling me "even PoE did something" and "typical mmorpg" are the stupidest possible arguments you can use when i'm bashing Tyranny for not moving away from PoE. it is you who is retarded. now kindly shut the fuck up when grown ups are talking and get the fuck out of my forum! you fucking noob!Are you retarded? The only per rest/encounter abilities are combo abilities, everything else is on cooldowns like your typical mmorpg.
Your complaint about scripted events every 10 seconds is also fucking wrong. If you're at the start, that's sort of normal, even PoE did it. The introductory areas of every game usually tend to take control away to guide the player a bit. After you get out of the initial area there's nothing interrupting the flow of the gameplay aside from character conversations.
Also they reworked stats, might has nothing to do with mages anymore. Wits governs spell strength (Might doesn't do shit for mages in PoE either by the way you mongoloid, it only increases AoE by a minimal value).
Joshua Eric Sawyer's Stormlands would have undoubtedly blown this game away with regard to tone (and mechanics and...).
Purely some advice on the game design side when Heines wanted it.How much influence did Sawyer have on Tyranny? I'm assuming not much. Some of Sawyer's ideas seem borderline antithetical to having fun, but with a setting focused on realistic evil, his pragmatism and DM'ing experience would've likely served the game well.
Thanks for the info, but dang, that's disappointing. I'm struggling to finish PoE for a variety of reasons but I can appreciate Sawyer's design philosophies and the man seems self-critical in a lot of positive ways that could potentially lead to a much improved sequel. I was hoping that'd get applied to Tyranny, but I guess not.Purely some advice on the game design side when Heines wanted it.How much influence did Sawyer have on Tyranny? I'm assuming not much. Some of Sawyer's ideas seem borderline antithetical to having fun, but with a setting focused on realistic evil, his pragmatism and DM'ing experience would've likely served the game well.
Have you finished the game?I think I might pull a Roguey and let this game cook until it's done, few balance and content patches as well as expansions are necessary. I like what I see so far, I think the game was mis-marketed however, as if it would be some narrative about consequences and philosophy of evil, a la MOTB or kotr, when it's more just a power fantasy of representing a conquering army against rebels and solving the issues with the conquest itself, at least from what I have seen so far.
Have you finished the game?I think I might pull a Roguey and let this game cook until it's done, few balance and content patches as well as expansions are necessary. I like what I see so far, I think the game was mis-marketed however, as if it would be some narrative about consequences and philosophy of evil, a la MOTB or kotr, when it's more just a power fantasy of representing a conquering army against rebels and solving the issues with the conquest itself, at least from what I have seen so far.
I think PoE improved a lot over its patch life time and I look forward to PoE2 in terms of design. Sawyer's PoE Post-Mortrem presentation was also very interesting and left me hopeful.Thanks for the info, but dang, that's disappointing. I'm struggling to finish PoE for a variety of reasons but I can appreciate Sawyer's design philosophies and the man seems self-critical in a lot of positive ways that could potentially lead to a much improved sequel. I was hoping that'd get applied to Tyranny, but I guess not.Purely some advice on the game design side when Heines wanted it.How much influence did Sawyer have on Tyranny? I'm assuming not much. Some of Sawyer's ideas seem borderline antithetical to having fun, but with a setting focused on realistic evil, his pragmatism and DM'ing experience would've likely served the game well.
If it's half as good as Obsidian's better work then it'll still be worth playing eventually, but with the cliffhanger ending and apparent gameplay issues I'll join the "patches/expansions then buy" crowd for now.