MOUN TAIN DEW, a Shout that grants you DOUBLE XP.I want to be a doritofagon.
Oh, also the Wainwright chick "atheistium" has apparently finally engaged in conversation about all that shit in the thread over here:
I just don't give enough of a fuck to look if there's anything good there.
Don't fuck with Hideki Kamiya.
Don't fuck with Hideki Kamiya.
That's pretty much one of the defining traits of weeaboosBayonetta guy is a bro.
We need more kotaku-hating developers, those assholes need to be shot down. Sadly, most indies only wanna free PR, and western big names can't burn thenselves doing stuff like this... I hope cboyardee avenge us all.
And it's always amusing to see how the kOTAKU website, bastion of weaboos, has so little understanding on how Japan actually works...
Why are you guys fawning over GAF inverted so much, are you serious? They are a lot more despicable than the likes of Kotaku, always have been. It is literally nothing but disgusting mouth breathing sycophants who all think the same and are Nintendo fanboys in their thirties drooling at the thought of playing as Princess Peach in Super Smash Bros, and the egotistical inferiority complex afflicted moderators are the worst of the worst. I have never posted there, never would. It is literally the following:
Poster 1: This game sucks!
Poster 2: You tell me!
Mod: Guys I think this game is great, stop trolling if you don't want to get permabanned.
Posters 1 and 2: Oh I see your point! By the way has anyone ever told you how great you are? *10 pages of fellating*
It really shocks me that people who decry Bioware Social all the time would think it on the other hand is praise worthy. Their off topic discussions are worse than the worse of these social justice tumblrs. You are called a bigot if you say you would never date a transsexual because "her vagina feels just the same".
MOUN TAIN DEW, a Shout that grants you DOUBLE XP.I want to be a doritofagon.
That's my understand of NeoGAF as well. Though they did have that hilarious DA2-thread going on for them.
Why are you guys fawning over GAF inverted so much, are you serious? They are a lot more despicable than the likes of Kotaku, always have been. It is literally nothing but disgusting mouth breathing sycophants who all think the same and are Nintendo fanboys in their thirties drooling at the thought of playing as Princess Peach in Super Smash Bros, and the egotistical inferiority complex afflicted moderators are the worst of the worst. I have never posted there, never would.