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... a trustworthy elf.
... a trustworthy elf.
Also, there is no such thing as a dwarven band. Probably because a rock-band composed solely of dwarves would look ridiculous and everyone would laugh at them.
Why not? A city to which merchants and other workers from many distant lands come sounds completely plausible, especially if it's a coastal city.There should be no such thing as cosmopolitan medieval-era fantasy settings, where whites, chinks, nigs, nogs, pajeets, abdools, trannies, etc. just walk around like there's nothing odd about it.
... an RPG game.There's no such thing as....
What do you mean by "RPG"?... an RPG game.There's no such thing as....
You knowWhat do you mean by "RPG"?... an RPG game.There's no such thing as....
... an answer to this question.There's no such thing as....
So, you've never heard of Constantinople, then.There should be no such thing as cosmopolitan medieval-era fantasy settings, where whites, chinks, nigs, nogs, pajeets, abdools, trannies, etc. just walk around like there's nothing odd about it.
The D&D 3.5 Chaos Monk was p. cool with its randomized flurry of blows.Chaotic Monk.
Because it's obvious.
Flailing Strike (Ex): Chaos monks practice martial arts with a reckless abandon that shifts drastically from humorously ineffective to frighteningly deadly. At the expense of accuracy, the chaos monk can make a roll (of the die type shown on the chaos monk chart) to determine how many extra attacks she can make (minimum 0). Regardless of the number of attacks made, she suffers an attack penalty on all of them. At 1st level she takes a-2 penalty, at 5th level it decreases to -1, and at 9th level it disappears. Using a flailing strike requires a full-round action and can only be made as part of an unarmed attack or with special monk weapons.
Erratic Advance (Ex): At 5th level, a chaos monk can attempt to daze an opponent with a wild and erratic rush. As part of a charge, a chaos monk can activate this ability, forcing her opponent to make a Will save (DC 10 + chaos monk class level) or become dazed for 1 round. The chaos monk can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Wisdom modifier (minimum once per day).
Displacing Stance (Sp): Beginning at 7th level, the chaos monk's movements become so wild and unpredictable that she can partially displace herself for a number of rounds per day equal to half her chaos monk class level (these rounds need not be consecutive). This grants the chaos monk a 20% chance that an attacker misses because of the displacing stance. At 12th level the miss chance increases to 50%. This requires a standard action to enter.
Freedom of Thought (Su): The chaos monk's thought process become so anarchic at 11th level that once per day, should she fail a Will save against a mind-affecting effect, she may immediately reroll her save (with the same modifiers to the roll). She must take the result of the second roll, even if it is worse.
Anarchic Self (Su): Same as perfect self except the monk gains the chaotic subtype.
Cosmopolitan metropolises existed it's just this retard thinks everywhere was like his retarded inbred village.So, you've never heard of Constantinople, then.There should be no such thing as cosmopolitan medieval-era fantasy settings, where whites, chinks, nigs, nogs, pajeets, abdools, trannies, etc. just walk around like there's nothing odd about it.
That thing even has a name - RAS syndrome, which in itself is homological, coz RAS stands for Redundant Acronym Syndrome.... an RPG game.There's no such thing as....
Constantinople had whites, chinks, nigs, nogs, pajeets, abdools, trannies, etc. just walk around like there's nothing odd about it?So, you've never heard of Constantinople, then.There should be no such thing as cosmopolitan medieval-era fantasy settings, where whites, chinks, nigs, nogs, pajeets, abdools, trannies, etc. just walk around like there's nothing odd about it.
Sleep. No body sleeps in RPGs. They're always awake.
Masterminds play chess with human lives, and that precludes them from being Good.Lawful Good masterminds.
Bad training. Training always improves stuff.
stop insulting Wakanda!Cosmopolitan metropolises existed it's just this retard thinks everywhere was like his retarded inbred village.So, you've never heard of Constantinople, then.There should be no such thing as cosmopolitan medieval-era fantasy settings, where whites, chinks, nigs, nogs, pajeets, abdools, trannies, etc. just walk around like there's nothing odd about it.
wait until you reach abyss in wrath of trannies with 20+ lvl beggar demons with super equip.There is no such thing as economic awareness and I'll use Baldur's Gate as an example.
Your average villager is some peasant who farms or slinks around. There are folks of 2nd or 3rd level who shuffle through town with a +1 sword and maybe +1 chain. This adventurer is outwardly displaying $5,500 gp worth of loot (Advanced D&D prices). Now, that does explain bandits in your run of the mill rpg - aka - slobs to be killed by low level parties.
But wouldn't high level parties also be on the lookout for lower level parties with extreme items? There is a 3rd level fighter in BG1 with a +2 sword, which is pretty much useful 'til the end of the game. I throw my 1st or 2nd level party against him until I win the item, but wouldn't a party of 5th level adventurers come after me, knowing that there is easy money and they would greatly benefit? Wouldn't peasants be tempted to poison or disease the party to steal their goods a la 7 Samurai?
Better yet, everyone in town knows that Zargov the Magnificent took his +4 Flaming Sword of Justice into the Kobold Kaves, but never returned. Why would it sit there that long? Wouldn't the entrance be choked with the skeletons of those seeking a better life? Why are his fully clothed bones still laying where he died?
Just seems that in a world with beggars who will tell you their life story for 1 gp, it doesn't make sense that inside or outside of town there would be goods worth 10 gp in every barrel or garbage can. Same for magic in dungeons.
What if they're all space aliens? In 2012 some telepathic Beings who claim to be space aliens insinuated that Warhammer (fantasy at least) is based on an actual realm where people who kill others in battle are sent as punishment. The Pink Orcs from the north call this place Valhalla or something.There's no such thing as space aliens in a fantasy RPG!
... a good RPGmade after 2002.