at least a hundred thousand blacks of all ages and genders.
Holy shit, that Portuguese king proves both that we wuz europeans an sheet, and that there are many genders! What was their pronouns, Their Majesty?
at least a hundred thousand blacks of all ages and genders.
They are probably "downplaying it" because you'd have to mentally retarded to get into the moral panic that "Vavra is making a game where you are forced to have gay sex".Source
KFC2 steam forum is full of apologists downplaying it and paid shills in damage control mode.
All this time and effort just to say "I hate niggers".I'm willing to bet 100 bucks that not a single negro ever set foot into Bohemia during the years the game is set in. Not one. Not a single black person ever even came close to Bohemia's borders during that time.
Because if one did, a local monk would have noted it down in his chronicle. Medievals noted down everything remotely noteworthy in their chronicles.
1394: Count Bumblefuck fell off his horse during a trip to his villages in August. A farmer who laughed at him got put in the stocks for a day. It was very amusing.
1395: Nothing interesting happened this year. Harvest was mediocre.
1396: A strange woman went through town, dancing for no reason. Probably a witch idk
1397: The Count's son got married. A big party was had. Everyone had fun.
1398: A cow gave birth to a calf with two heads. Ominous.
Even the tiniest little noteworthy thing was written down. Had a black guy, the likes of whom nobody had ever seen before, entered the village, it would have been written down as a curious happening of the year.
But nobody ever wrote that a black man visited town. Because it never happened.
Gonna raise the stakes and say that not a single black person entered the territory of Bohemia before at least the 19th century. Not one.
I challenge all the defenders of the Malian in KCD2 to prove me wrong by providing serious historical sources to show that yes, indeed, a black man in medieval Bohemia is plausible.
If you can provide me with a credible source, I will concede the point. And I will be extremely generous.
Any primary historical source from anywhere between 1000 BC to 1800 AD that proves irrefutably that just one black person was physically present in the territory of Bohemia will suffice.
Contemporary chronicles, historiographies, archaeological evidence, etc. I will consider anything.
I will not consider blanket statements made by modern woke historians without backing from contemporary primary sources. If the claim is "There was a negro in Bohemia in 1438" I want a link to the chronicle from 1438 that directly mentions it. I will also not consider any arguments made ex nihilo, like "Well it's plausible that a black person once entered Bohemia on his travels, we just don't have any writings about it."
No. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary backing. Either there is a primary source written at the time it happened, or it didn't happen.
Game is set 12 years before Jan Hus was executed and 16 years before the actual hussite wars.
At this point they should just rename it to Kingdom Cum
An accurate take
"Hus and Zizka rule, german catholics bad and killed our bros" is a core of czech national identity
Don't pretend the outrage is about lack of accuracy. The Steam boards showed otherwise.The fact is, in terms of unlikely racial cameos in 99.999% white Europe, it's infinitely more likely to have an Asian; such as Turks, Arabs, or even Persians.
They chose a black guy because that's what the black-colonialist globalist agenda demands.
Almost every case of a "black skull" being found in a graveyard turned out to be a leftist fabrication, i.e. Beachy Head Lady, who turned out to be a Cypriot.
Don't pretend the outrage is about lack of accuracy. The Steam boards showed otherwise.The fact is, in terms of unlikely racial cameos in 99.999% white Europe, it's infinitely more likely to have an Asian; such as Turks, Arabs, or even Persians.
They chose a black guy because that's what the black-colonialist globalist agenda demands.
Almost every case of a "black skull" being found in a graveyard turned out to be a leftist fabrication, i.e. Beachy Head Lady, who turned out to be a Cypriot.
I didn't. I said it was about colonialism against my people.Don't pretend the outrage is about lack of accuracy.
<Why not both?>At this point they should just rename it to Kingdom Cum
Lame. It's Kangdom Come, sheet.
Of continent and people you didn't know. Black people, in spite of whatever you want to say/mean, were already part of thhis world.So, there was a Korean named Antonio living in Rome in 1600. And this didn’t surprise anyone.
You know what happened between 1400 and 1600?
Age of Discovery.
Just because you have a vague idea of something doesn't make it part of your world. Like with you and heterosexual intercourse.Of continent and people you didn't know. Black people, in spite of whatever you want to say/mean, were already part of thhis world.So, there was a Korean named Antonio living in Rome in 1600. And this didn’t surprise anyone.
You know what happened between 1400 and 1600?
Age of Discovery.
What "argument" for anything said in this thread is a Korean living in Rome in early 17th century? Wait! There were niggers in Carribean in 17th century too - that proves everything!Of continent and people you didn't know. Black people, in spite of whatever you want to say/mean, were already part of thhis world.So, there was a Korean named Antonio living in Rome in 1600. And this didn’t surprise anyone.
You know what happened between 1400 and 1600?
Age of Discovery.
If that's really from the 15th century I would wager to guess that prince is in fact D. Pedro, the 1st Duke of CoimbraI have decided to also translate the further response of the Portugese kings' brother, since it beautifully elucidates that blacks were thought of as slaves and cattle to be sold in medieval Europe, not fucking scholars.I have managed to find an original record of a Bohemian noble requesting two black slaves in the latter half of the 15th century, when they met with the Portugese king on their travels.
When we were saying our farewells, the king spoke with lord Lev very kindly and said these words to him: "I see that you come from a truly noble house and as such I beckon you to honour us and our kingdom and request whatever you wish. It shall be granted to you."
When our lord heard these words, he humbly thanked him for the honour and generosity and asked the king for two blacks.
King's brother was present and when he heard it, he burst out laughing and said: "What you ask for, friend, has no value. Ask for something bigger and more honorable than are these blacks. But if you so desire them, accept this third gift from me, a monkey, and return to your country with such a great gift. It seems," he asked " that you have neither blacks nor monkeys in your country, since you ask for them before anything else?"
And when our lord confirmed that they are indeed a rare sight, the duke replied:
"In our lands, such things are in abudance. Here, the king, my brother, has three cities in Africa and sends an army to these lands each year. And they never return, not even from the smallest expedition, without bringing with them at least a hundred thousand blacks of all ages and genders. And everything that has been brought is sold like cattle. Such is the custom here that people from different countries come here and buy them. The king earns more from them, than from taxes from the entire kingdom as even a small black costs twelve or thirteen Portugese gold coins, the bigger ones are much more expensive."
But you, no. You aren't black. You are an idiot. You (in general) first ask for a scientific evidence and then you deny it because you're idiot.Yeah we know, the early britons were black, the Swedes were also black. Beethoven was black. The gladiators were black, and so were the Roman emperors. Discoveries by Shlomo Goldstein.I'm not a Malian defender, but here it goes, with archeological evidence:I'm willing to bet 100 bucks that not a single negro ever set foot into Bohemia during the years the game is set in. Not one. Not a single black person ever even came close to Bohemia's borders during that time.
Because if one did, a local monk would have noted it down in his chronicle. Medievals noted down everything remotely noteworthy in their chronicles.
1394: Count Bumblefuck fell off his horse during a trip to his villages in August. A farmer who laughed at him got put in the stocks for a day. It was very amusing.
1395: Nothing interesting happened this year. Harvest was mediocre.
1396: A strange woman went through town, dancing for no reason. Probably a witch idk
1397: The Count's son got married. A big party was had. Everyone had fun.
1398: A cow gave birth to a calf with two heads. Ominous.
Even the tiniest little noteworthy thing was written down. Had a black guy, the likes of whom nobody had ever seen before, entered the village, it would have been written down as a curious happening of the year.
But nobody ever wrote that a black man visited town. Because it never happened.
Gonna raise the stakes and say that not a single black person entered the territory of Bohemia before at least the 19th century. Not one.
I challenge all the defenders of the Malian in KCD2 to prove me wrong by providing serious historical sources to show that yes, indeed, a black man in medieval Bohemia is plausible.
If you can provide me with a credible source, I will concede the point. And I will be extremely generous.
Any primary historical source from anywhere between 1000 BC to 1800 AD that proves irrefutably that just one black person was physically present in the territory of Bohemia will suffice.
Contemporary chronicles, historiographies, archaeological evidence, etc. I will consider anything.
I will not consider blanket statements made by modern woke historians without backing from contemporary primary sources. If the claim is "There was a negro in Bohemia in 1438" I want a link to the chronicle from 1438 that directly mentions it. I will also not consider any arguments made ex nihilo, like "Well it's plausible that a black person once entered Bohemia on his travels, we just don't have any writings about it."
No. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary backing. Either there is a primary source written at the time it happened, or it didn't happen.
Litterally the book I've linked?And where do you get about him not surprising anyone? Please provide a source for that claim.Of continent and people you didn't know. Black people, in spite of whatever you want to say/mean, were already part of thhis world.So, there was a Korean named Antonio living in Rome in 1600. And this didn’t surprise anyone.
You know what happened between 1400 and 1600?
Age of Discovery.
Kang's Cum: Deviance<Why not both?>At this point they should just rename it to Kingdom Cum
Lame. It's Kangdom Come, sheet.
Kangdom Cum sounds ok to me.
The city of Timbuktu in particular gained the influence it did in the region because of a flight of Muslim scholars from the remnants of the Ghana empire sometime in the 12th centuryI don't think even during the heyday of Mansa Musa scholarly pursuits was something notable in Mali.
Even if he could've hired the best architects in the world and 10.000 slaves to build it, it still wouldn't have been anything significantly superior to thatFor all his wealth dude couldn't even be bothered to hire some arabic or persian architects and build something nice. This was the kind of construction he left behind:
Is that what you get when you keep upgrading a mud hut? does mention local historians and physicians --that foreign visitors wrote books doesn't meant local scholars didn't do so as well. Apparently some locals travelled within the Islamic world, like Mecca, Cairo and Nigeria:é_Madrasah#Religious_pilgrimage but they were obviously not allowed in Christian countries. Would even Ethiopian Christians have been allowed in Czechia at the time? Various Christian creeds were not always on friendly terms either...Muslim scholars and travelers of the time described Mali in their accounts when they visited.I vaguely remember reading some medical history books in college about Maimonides and Avicenna. One of them in particular touched on the fame of Avicenna's school and similar schools that existed during the islamic "golden age". I know these weren't contemporary to this game, but I don't remember anything about exchange with africans. What I do know is that medieval muslins viewed subsaharans as miserable and backwards.
The Malians did not write down their own history. It was Arab, North African, Andalusian Muslims who did.
Now ask yourself, how likely is it that a country that is part of the Muslim world, and had an upper class who knew Arabic, yet didn't write down even their own history despite being in contact with other civilizations who regularly did so, sends off a scholar to explore far-off lands? Not very.
Sounds interesting, who said that?Also, pretty much all the descriptions of Arabs visiting Mali mention their medicine being shit, the absolute worst in the entire Muslim world.
Kangdom Cum: DeniggeranceKang's Cum: Deviance<Why not both?>At this point they should just rename it to Kingdom Cum
Lame. It's Kangdom Come, sheet.
Kangdom Cum sounds ok to me.
Even if he could've hired the best architects in the world and 10.000 slaves to build it, it still wouldn't have been anything significantly superior to that
For the simple reason that, at that time and more importantly at that place, you couldn't build anything more complex and above all, more pratical than that - because the conditions and resources for such ambitious projects just didn't exist there