2) Because the rural area KCD1 took place in wasn't cosmopolitan enough for it to be plausible anyway - but now we're looking at a royal retinue.
If you can concoct a rationale for a black African man in Kuttenberg, you can do it for Sassau too. One is more likely than the other but that's not the point. You can ALWAYS concoct some story.
I hate this. You see, he did NOT write the African "scholar" in because he wanted to avoid another shitstorm at all costs, no way siree, he did it because there's a veeeeery good reason for him to be there. Riiiight.
Karl fucking Pilkington bullshit. You could've made up a "veeeeery good reason" in KCD1 already. Sassau is just 30 clicks from Kuttenberg, a travelling African scholar could've passed through Sassau on his way to Kuttenberg or Prague. That's. It. All the rest is just a facile cop out.