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The Elder Scrolls Online

Nov 8, 2007
The island of misfit mascots
According to Pete Hines bethesda makes good games.

He's right about the niche part though. They're crappy games post-Morrowind, but they aren't jumping on the CoD/Uncharted bandwagon of mashing every game genre into one generic cover-shooter-platforming-cinematic-dating-sim. They've got their fanbase and are dominating Bioware by making sure their entire fanbase buys every one of their products, instead of trying to sell to CoD gamers.

Which makes it more jarring to their fanbase when TESO isn't catering to them,
Nov 8, 2007
The island of misfit mascots
I don't understand those forums. It seems only a certain elite is allowed onto them, because every time I want to join it tells me I need an invite code, which I don't have.

Anyway, I don't think I'm going to extend my subscription next month. I really like the game, but today I noticed I'm doing the exact same thing that lead me to leave WoW back in the day. I have literally not spent more than an hour in any other game since I got this on the 7th and it's all because my time is worth money. I feel obliged to play because I'm paying for it.

Maybe if the subscription was something a bit more reasonable like 5 euros a month, I wouldn't mind, but I don't want to pay 12 euros and then feel like I'm obliged to play.

If "paying a sub" is what makes you feel like you should be playing the game, well... that doesn't bode well for the game. If the game is good, the sub being 5 dollars or 15 dollars shouldn't matter as if it does, it is just a shit game and you basically end up rationalizing its worth in play. It is like the argument someone makes with FTP games... They say things like "I wouldn't pay to play that shit game... but... um... I will play it for free", which doesn't change the fact that it is a shit game. Best solution for people is just not to play shit games and then... well... they might make games with enough quality that people aren't overly concerned about the subscription price.

I learnt that sad lesson from Dink Smallwood.
Nov 8, 2007
The island of misfit mascots
This is why ESO is awesome:

In my guild, out of the 7 of us that duped, only two got banned, me included.

Our gbank is still full of duped items and my guild leader is still slowly selling all his gold to Chinese farming sites. While playing on Steam with him yesterday, he told me he used that money to pay off his 2013 Sonata Hybrid. So that is quite a bit of cash, and it is still rolling in.

I know of a few more people that did the same thing, earning thousands of dollars.

The thing I like most about this is that if you follow the economics through to work out who loses out from this scenario, it's the Chinese farming sites. The game will be affected if its balance is thrown out, but unless they have a RMAH the door is always open for them to just revise the item stats/values - they don't directly leak money from dupes, as they aren't yet monetising items. So you've got an unplanned spike in the supply of goods, causing their value to plummet. This makes duping terrible for farming sites, as without any way of imposing scarcity upon their product, they're buying up items that are plunging in value as the demand for those items is also plummeting (infinite availability of goods means customers have no real incentive to pay for them, forcing vendors to rely on the diminishing number of customers who don't actually realise that the items are infinitely available).

Of course, clever sites might just be buying up items now in the expectation that TESO will fix the duping bugs quickly, causing the value of those items to leap back up again. They had better hope that this occurs before the inevitable MMO item-inflation leaves them with a bunch of worthless goods.


Sep 30, 2012
Codex 2013
Thank you kindly. There's gotta be tons of better MP games.

No matter what you're playing, there always is.

Just like novels. No matter what you're reading, there's always something that's better. Maybe I should look for the best novel ever and then just read that for all eternity.


Nov 8, 2012
Thank you kindly. There's gotta be tons of better MP games.

No matter what you're playing, there always is.

Just like novels. No matter what you're reading, there's always something that's better. Maybe I should look for the best novel ever and then just read that for all eternity.
Man, I already feel guilty wasting time with the codex and with good games. Where do you people find time to play shit games?


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
Thank you kindly. There's gotta be tons of better MP games.

No matter what you're playing, there always is.

Just like novels. No matter what you're reading, there's always something that's better. Maybe I should look for the best novel ever and then just read that for all eternity.
Man, I already feel guilty wasting time with the codex and with good games. Where do you people find time to play shit games?
But the codexian experience is partially defined by people playing shit games and finding the most hilarious things about them over the net.


Jul 13, 2009
Or wating for a spawn with friendly locals to finally get that overpowered vampire skill tree everyone wants :


I bet that you could make a Monty Python sketch out of this last screenshot.


I'm forever blowing
Aug 7, 2013
Here's what botting currently looks like:

It looks like ZO cannot track this "hack" right now, so it's a reliable way to make easy money.


I'm forever blowing
Aug 7, 2013
The reddit brigade's bugbear du jour is the news that all AoE will be capped to 6 targets max with the next patch:

This game sure provides a lot of drama.
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Jun 15, 2009
The 6 man capping is not the first thing to do, PVP is a joke atm. Everyone can stealth so you may think you encounter a small group while theres a whole army stealthed, plus the vampire skill tree make you move faster as stealthed. No way to move in the open, you will be one shotted by archers even capping health and wearing heavy armor an archer can take me down in a few sec STUN--->SHOOT---> DEAD, 3 sec i am not even exagerating. Biggest problem ever is the lag, we were advertised european server, they are clearly not . The lag and delay is unacceptable in pvp , an ability not working in time and you die, fights are going way too fast for this. You cna lso do zerg vs zerg, where you build and personal abilities doesnt matter the slightest.
Honestly if you want to pvp you may as well do it for free on guild wars 2 . Daoc did it better decades ago , again they learned nothing and it reeks of amateurism.


I'm forever blowing
Aug 7, 2013
The gold spammers have cottoned on to the fact that the official forums don't have Ignore or Report functions and that PMs are sent as e-mails by default. For a short while, many beautiful things happened. Then, unfortunately:

We are temporarily disabling private messages due to gold spammers. We will provide an update when PMs are re-enabled. (Apr. 29, 2:00 p.m. EDT)


I'm forever blowing
Aug 7, 2013
People said: "This game can not get better". They were wrong.

Coming throughout 2014 and beyond

A justice system—steal from and kill NPCs and deal with the consequences if you are caught

Migration of European Megaserver to our European datacenter.

Armor dyeing and tinting

Increased ability to pick up items in the world

Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood storyline and quests.


Horse Racing

Auto-leveling dungeons that level to your group leader

Imperial City PvP dungeon

My. God. :incline:


Jun 15, 2009
There's lot of things making me want the dev keelhauled , but its still a good game and they are making efforts. Only been able to finish one Veteran Rank 1 dugeon so far , the other, fungal grotto we keep wiping at the second boss who was obviously bugged during my run . As for ESO thee's a very good things followed by a complete disaster. The fight is very tacitcal, the boss cast a link between two players and they must move away from each others quickly or die.

Should be easy but with those so called european servers there such latency my friend from bulgary cant see it in time.... Then the boss randomly chain a party member on ground, 4 shadows npc are holding you and you need to kill one and only one before a giant blade instant kill the chained guy. Then the boss also disappears and spawn 4 mega dps shadows you have to root them or be smashed qucikly.

Thats nice to have tactical fight , but of course there a downside,a serious lack of testing as eveyrthing elderscrolls online related : The fight was bugged and getting each phases quickly after each other with no break, making the fight absolutely impossible to win.

I dread to see more veteran rank content now
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all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
*yawn* shit game is shit, Pete and Todd are morons, if you are actually paying for this go kill yourself.

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