Producing games in two different IPs is too much work, Bethesda is merging TES and Fallout."Collect Deathclaw talon."
Producing games in two different IPs is too much work, Bethesda is merging TES and Fallout."Collect Deathclaw talon."
ID say that OOO mode for Oblivion pretty much changed the game from the roots
You weren't really wrong though, mods are what saved skyrim, the vanilla was just bad. Mods can't fix an mmo if the developers won't let them fix it.
You forgot the need for a new engine.
The vast majority of their audience didn't use a single mod and loved the game.
The vast majority of their audience is comprised of retards.
The vast majority of their audience is comprised of retards.
Not really arguing that. I just hate when people say mods are why their games are successful. They're not.
Had a big boner for Oblivion after Morrowind... Boy I was when the Abomination of Oblivation hit the Buccaneer Coast.F3 and Skyrim were both playable if only for Landscapes and being less derpy than Oblibion. TESO looks so shity and WOW like I would not play it for free.
The vast majority of their audience is comprised of retards.
Not really arguing that. I just hate when people say mods are why their games are successful. They're not.
Bethesda is pretty much the only company that builds open world & sandbox. Also they're quite good at making pretty landscapes (except in Oblivion- Oblivion's sucked but then everything in Oblivion sucked).
I didn't say that though. What I say does not in any way represent all people everywhere! For me mods more or less fixed it. My point being that in this mmo there is no hope of mods doing that.The vast majority of their audience is comprised of retards.
Not really arguing that. I just hate when people say mods are why their games are successful. They're not.
well lets be realistic here vanilla Oblivion is unplayable,horrible shallow game with level scaling that kills your any desire to do anything in game.ID say that OOO mode for Oblivion pretty much changed the game from the roots
No. OOO barely scratched the surface. Oblivion needs less cartoonish and all around better art, less boring landscapes, less generic fantasy cities, dungeons that are unique and interesting with a lot less copy paste involved, way better writing, better worldbuilding and lots of other details I can't be bothered to post now. OOO simply removed the most annoying shit.