Weird enough I'm having more fun with ESO than wow (fuck how awful is to lvl up from 1 to 90 in wow.)
Puggie going for top gears. Heh.pug raids, pug instances in search of Teh top tier gearz!
I don't think it's that they can't fix it but that there would be a community backlash because people who hate it likely already quit.Animation canceling is the reason I stopped playing. Devs are so incompetent that serious bug they're unable to fix (and they tried) is advertised as future.
I was thinking of getting ESO and I saw people saying they improved it a lot since the launch. How grindy is it? Could you still enjoy it with a tight schedule with just the base game?
Considering they've never raised the gear or level cap and 99% of the entire game is open to players the moment they leave the 15 minute tutorial, this is your best choice if you're going to play an MMO. It's pretty awesome that end game players could've stopped playing five years ago, log in today and find themselves viable in the end game today is something that I've only seen in Guild Wars/Guild Wars 2.
From page 1, how depressingly prophetic.Next it will be announcedthat "Fallout 4" will be a MMO...
ESO is actually good though. Probably because Bethesda has nothing to do with it.From page 1, how depressingly prophetic.Next it will be announcedthat "Fallout 4" will be a MMO...
Thousands of fully voice acted quests add up across multiple expansions. Go get an extra SSD while there aren't shortages and the prices are low.I can't install this because it requires 88gb of free space. I'd have to uninstall PF:KM and Path of Exile. I haven't had fun in an MMO since ArcheAge so I doubt it'd be worth it.
Everything in this game is level scaled until end game- enemies, crafting, items![]()
In that trials are just boring raids? Yeah, I can criticize that. They're not fun or interesting.There are a thousand things you can criticize the hell out of ESO for but having an "end game like World of Warcraft" sure as fuck isn't one of them.
And now? A bro recently came back to play, we ran him through dungeons from HC to Mythic 2 in one evening, did a warfront and a warfront boss and suddenly next day his iLevel was 375 and he was basically ready to do just about anything in the endgame. Big fucking woop if your endgame tier armor from last expac got outdated, big fucking woop.
Anyhoo, I have access to the beta test for the new expac so I need to try that out and see how the Necro is.
tbh the classes are all ruined by the idea of letting every class do everythingYup, the one archetype that I'm remotely interested in and they totally fuck it up.
Who the fuck would think that, for a class called "necromancer", having just one minion up at a time is acceptable? Also, since when does a necromancer heal????? Fucking assholes.