I played a caster for about 3 hours in DS2 and found it way harder than in Demon's Souls and Dark Souls. I think it got majorly nerfed in DS2, at least earlygame.Playing casters has been easymode since Demon's Souls and that trend definitely continues in DS2. Anyone saying Cleric is useless is useless himself.
Really? I got some 500 with Swathe, and that was the best I could get out with Pyro.Pyromancy is still fantastic even without any real investment. I have a Faith and Int of 6 and am doing over a thousand damage with every flame swathe.
+8 glove and sinner's shackles, itz beastlyReally? I got some 500 with Swathe, and that was the best I could get out with Pyro.Pyromancy is still fantastic even without any real investment. I have a Faith and Int of 6 and am doing over a thousand damage with every flame swathe.
I think I might have seen my first hacker. Maybe I'm wrong but I got summoned at Heides. The guy got hit a bunch of times and his health bar didn't move. he didn't use any estus flasks or gems. we went all the way up to the church with him in front being hit over and over. Then at the church he dropped a bunch of gear that was all maxed out. +10 Sunlight sword and stuff like that. Maybe it was just lag or something but it looked suspicious. I've never seen anyone do that run plus the boss fight and not use health or take damage
How do you guys get the items laying on those magma rocks in the iron keep? I have seen some barrels with water in it and thought rolling into them helps me, but it doesnt work at all..
I'm pretty saddened that they went for the Demon's Souls PvP again.