I struggled to like Demons and DS way more than I actualy liked them, way to twitchy for my tastes, would like to see turn based combat.
Hmm, hmm.Second row, first from the right - that's Onionbro if you ask me.
GameStop and a few other retailers got the game in stock today. People are grabbing the game early.
GameStop and a few other retailers got the game in stock today. People are grabbing the game early.
some faggots are already playingat least according to reddit
Actually I remember some leaks that long ago from retailers. I remember hearing stories of people getting games from retailers early that long ago and I remember a youtube video of someone who got COD MW2 early and traded it in at gamestop before it even came out and he got $23 for it.I think at this point, everyone knows that games WILL leak at least a week before release date because of retailers. Curiously enough however, stuff like this didn't happen 5 years ago, I wonder why that was? Maybe videogames just weren't as culturally significant back then, but now, with Youtube LP'ers having to compete with each other in releasing the first walkthroughs of big games, it's gonna happen now, especially considering how cutthroat and competitive that whole Adsense LP community is.
New pictures of some bosses, their trophy images. Amazing art direction ahead.
Speculation time: I wonder if the masked boss is the real King Vendrick, with the other one being somehow false, like the whole deal with Allant in Demon's Souls.
- 4channerstop left is Vendrick, the last boss
Reminder that Patches is Gnawing Covenant leader
the mirror knight represents the legendary warrior who defeated the gods, you are required to go on his pilgrimage and then face the mirror knight, a holy warrior dressed in armour made to resemble the legendary warrior. The thorns represent his sacrifice.
the man in the iron mask is the legendary warrior
it's a chosen undead
OP from that 4chan thread is not a fake faggot it seems
available beards
gentelman bald muscle mage with mustache incoming on 14.03
Man, DS1 had these completely normal looking male bodies (complete with hair + no smooth six pack). DS2, NOW WITH MANSCAPING THANKS GAYS.
edit sauce: