My only evidence is that it has not changed all that much since Demon's Souls. Attack patterns have been improved, enemy stat values have been made greater, some of them are more fierce with their blocking so you can't just snipe them all from afar, but deep down they still have the same predictable behaviorism that you can exploit. One of the bigger problems imo with the AI is that it isn't dynamic. I mean we all know that one way FROM has tried to make the game harder for us is with monster spam, right? But in many situations you can make the monsters work against each other. They'll try to run through each other in a dumb manner if you use choke points, or if you go close up to one enemy to trigger their attack move set (which they will play out completely disregarding distance between you and the enemy) and while they are locked on to their animation you can go and pick off one of the enemies.
Monster spam should be a threat if they'd know how to work together, but they don't, so the same tactics mostly apply to them as they would to singular targets, except you need to kite them a bit longer to pick them off one by one unless you have a huge sword in which case you can just kill them all at the same time.
Actually that's one of the changes they did to the AI. They made it so that enemies would rush at you if you'd try to heal. It doesn't really help them that much once you realize this since it's very exploitable as well. You can just wait for the enemy to be locked in in a animation and use that opportunity to heal.