dude its April 1![]()
Oh well I believed it because the japanese site dated back to March 28th.
dude its April 1![]()
naaaah the site and info on it was about upcoming patch 1.03dude its April 1![]()
Oh well I believed it because the japanese site dated back to March 28th.
Have any of you guys gone back to play DS after the sequel? Wonder how it will feel in comparison, especialy things like the combat gangups and the limited spawns
I think that some things will feel more "videogamey" in comparison as yatzhe said like the level design and enemy types feel more like Super Castlevania rather than Souls you know? While places felt like functional locations in DS and Demons too, on DS2 they actualy feel like videogame levels where you climb up this out of the way ladder to turn off the switch that makes the minotaur statues spew fire while running and jumping to this plataform...
I am really enjoying the game but it somehow feels more gamey than both of its predecesors
-Ladder in Doors of Pharros is OP. Everything else in that area can be circumvented in some way, albeit requiring a ton of skill/preparation, but winning against a decent ladder-camper is incredibly difficult and more about them punting the match more than anything. Yeah, I get that it's supposed to be a trollish area, but once people realize how central this strategy is to the map and the practice spreads, people simply will stop going to the Doors or playing offline.
I almost brought 2 chars to NG+ and lost interest (one of them didn't kill Nashandra yet). I have been playing my SL1 char in DS1 and I def. feel more involved. You don't realize how much more streamlined the game is with limited respawns/warp anywhere/shitty weapon upgrades/stunlock after you try DS1 again. And man, it's nice to have 3 move speeds and overall more fluid animations. DS2 chars swing swords like shitty console animu warriors.
limited respawns is definitely more streamlined. now everybody can finish the game through sheer attrition,
and it only makes the game more frustrating for experienced players because some enemies drop useful shit for your build that can't be gotten elsewhere and at a certain point they stop spawning (yeah, farmed 2 more hours yesterday for the damned lizard staff.. still nothing. anybody care to trade for one?) and the drop tables are as full of bullshit as they were in DaS1 (thankfully nowhere near DeS level pure bladestone idiocy).
warp anywhere is also definitely more casual and streamlined and made them uber lazy on the world design (which is complete shit),
the new stunlock/poise so far is very reminiscent of the DeS idiocy (thankfully not as stupid) but considering their track record i have strong doubts they will fix it in any way, shape or form.
dunno what he's on about the new upgrade system 'cause that one's a pretty cool addition and a welcome change (other than some bullshit combinations by infusing some special weapons, staves etc... yeah, looking at you magic infused MLGS + CMW. but hey, it's FROM, so any resemblance of balance is thrown out the window and the PvP will always revolve around 3-4 OP weapons/spells/rings. it's not better than DaS1 or DeS, just a different kind of unbalanced crap)
equipment>SL. -1 for youLike they couldn't before by farming infinite amounts of souls.
No. It removes the tedious bullshit of having to backtrack through Undead Parish fifty billion times. There was ONCE instance in Dark Souls where this mattered with not having bonfire warp and that was Blighttown. Sorry but I disagree with you.
Poise was exceptionally retarded in DS1. Being to ignore attacks allowed for Backstab abuse. Don't miss it.
PvP was never balanced, but at least it's not everyone rolling Dex/Pyro and is more like DeS (DBC, BBS, Faith-something, Dex). I'll take 3-4 OP builds over one OP build.
I give you a -2.
equipment>SL. -1 for you
it also kills any semblance of consistency and atmosphere. fuck, even DeS was more consistent than this. not even "themepark" adequately describes this clusterfuck
-1 for you
i did not say DaS1 poise was better. this is just a different kind of retarded. justify however you liked it
-1 for you
not everyone in DaS1 rolled a Dex/Pyro. fuck, there's more MLGS wielding fags in DaS2 than there were pyrodexers in DaS1. don't make up shit. they're all different kind of retarded because FROM couldn't see "balance" if it kicked their teeth in and shat on their faces
you score: -3. thank you for playing
For fuck's sake, Lizard Staff isn't even worth farming no matter what.
I got a lizard staff drop for my dex/pyro man completely coincidentally. Straight in the item box![]()
Yea I got it from the first Necromancer I iced. And yep, straight in the item box. The only reason it wasn't sold to Gavlan is because I only wheel and deal duplicates to Gavlan.
Isn't there a way to reset the spawns on the levels?But really, most of the Good Shit isn't even drops. Black Witch's Staff is one of the rare exceptions, but those witches are easy to farm for it.
Also, regarding despawns, I'd say it's not really in favour of the newbies. For one thing, it limits their ability to power up for a boss they can't beat otherwise, and it's not like anyone with a miniscule degree of skill couldn't easily just avoid almost every enemy on the way to any boss in DaS1, and often avoiding all of them.
Yep, but I'm not sure newbies are prepared to use Bonfire Ascetics wantonly.Isn't there a way to reset the spawns on the levels?But really, most of the Good Shit isn't even drops. Black Witch's Staff is one of the rare exceptions, but those witches are easy to farm for it.
Also, regarding despawns, I'd say it's not really in favour of the newbies. For one thing, it limits their ability to power up for a boss they can't beat otherwise, and it's not like anyone with a miniscule degree of skill couldn't easily just avoid almost every enemy on the way to any boss in DaS1, and often avoiding all of them.
Isn't there a way to reset the spawns on the levels?But really, most of the Good Shit isn't even drops. Black Witch's Staff is one of the rare exceptions, but those witches are easy to farm for it.
Also, regarding despawns, I'd say it's not really in favour of the newbies. For one thing, it limits their ability to power up for a boss they can't beat otherwise, and it's not like anyone with a miniscule degree of skill couldn't easily just avoid almost every enemy on the way to any boss in DaS1, and often avoiding all of them.
That's the other nice thing about despawn: not having to kill the enemies again and again. I know in the Undead Burg in Dk1 you had to kill the enemies EVERY fucking time to have a duel for every time you died. There's lots of nice dueling areas once you rid some of the enemies from existence.