Sorcery is balanced in PvE, and quite hard at the start, in fact. Now in PvP, it is the most overpowered thing you can fight against because of the ridiculousness of the Moonlight Greatsword, which I explained earlier (if you didn't see it, long story short, a Moonlight Greatsword at base stats to wield it has the same damage as a Claymore with 40 str and 40 dex). Int builds also deal massive damage with pyromancy, which is an issue when you have a spell such as Forbidden Sun - a massive fireball with a lightning fast casting time, it can demolish your HP bar. At least it costs 3 slots to attune and it has a low amount of casts, so there's that.
In terms of PvE, Faith is the new Int. You get a lot of nice utility miracles, and a lot of lightning spears, which are very versatile and excellent against basically all enemies and bosses. Lightning weapons with SLB do very good melee damage as well, so you're not short in that regard, either. In PvP, Faith is quite balanced, the offensive miracles are easy to dodge through, and while SLB does a lot of damage, it's a reasonable amount. Faith builds are fun to fight against. Then you get Wrath of the Gods, which is absolutely ridiculous. If you didn't encounter it yet, WoG is not like it was in Dark Souls 1 - it's a single, slow-ish cast which does massive damage, easily more than 2000. If you get hit by it in PvP you're most likely going to get one-shotted. You can get one more cast with the right headwear, and with items that give you more casting speed, it becomes quite ridiculous. The only thing I can recommend is blocking it with a nice magic resistant shield, because rolling through it is quite difficult since 1) you tend to get surprised, because it's not a common spell 2) the difference in casting speed from player to player makes the timing to roll through it trickier, roll too early or too late, and you're gone.
Hexers gain access to one of the most retarded spells in this game, Great Resonant Soul, which is essentially a soul arrow with massive damage. Once you get that spell, press R1 to victory. In PvP, they're quite balanced, similar to Faith builds, though the Great Resonant Soul is very problematic. It's very easy to dodge but if lag makes you get hit, you can lose most of your HP and it drains your stamina as well, so it can be annoying. Aside from this, everything else seems fine.