How do you deal with minorities breeding out of control? I have uplifted six proles, next time I know they occupy the quarter of empire.
How do you deal with minorities breeding out of control? I have uplifted six proles, next time I know they occupy the quarter of empire.
How do you deal with minorities breeding out of control? I have uplifted six proles, next time I know they occupy the quarter of empire.
I'd say don't run it on a toaster, but the game gets laggy even on a SSD with a good CPU & great graphics card, so... yeah, if you really want that speed, baturinsky 's choice is the only real one available afaik.What settings do you guys use so that the game doesn't start lagging after 75 years?
Probably, but I like to make do with the way things are in a game as much as possible. So at the moment the New World Order is lead by a plutocratic Shadow Council.RIP New World Order. Megacorps can't have Syncretic Evolution.
Isn't that moddable ?
I am not a programmer, but is it really that difficult to well implement a feature such as gateways? How many possible calculations could they add to the pile and why it's even an issue in a world of computers capable of conducting millions of cycles per second?
Lower the amount of habitable worlds in the galaxy and/or galaxy size.What settings do you guys use so that the game doesn't start lagging after 75 years?
How so?
If I can't be a reptiloid, I shall be a devil.
D&D, anyone?
How so?
Barbaric Despoilers swaps Diplomacy for Adaptability, which is vastly better, especially for the BD playstyle. Diplomacy might be worthwhile in the distant future of the AI using the Market and Federations not being absolute ass, but for now it's trash.
Subversive Cult is nowhere near as good as I want it to be. All it gets you is standard Crime Syndicate, plus the church building, except you can't really leverage the church building to convert pops to spiritualist because it doesn't add crime, leaving you vulnerable to getting kicked off the planet unless it's your third or fourth building.
Personally I think Enforcers are just too effective, -25 each is huge. Thinking of making a mod to drop them to -10, -15 with Police State to make that Civic better.
Apparently the Beta artificially forces the AI to avoid policing hard to make the Crime Syndicates workable. What exactly are the conditions for being kicked out, is there a minimum crime threshold at which you are safe?
Yeah, housing benefits are golden. The city districts are generally bad to build, you want as many energy/mineral/food districts built as possible else your specialists run out of material to work with, but they only provide 2 housing for 2 workers under most empires.
I'm not quite sure about it. Energy and customer goods can be produced basically out of thin air by trade. Food you do not need much, especially if you us a lot of droids. Minerals, though, you'll need for a lot of things, but you can make a ton of it per district in 2.2, so you can have a lot of spares for cities.