Prophet of the Dumpsterfire

This is the ideal space empire for humans. You might not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
Uh, what mod is that for the discworld? I want it.You could not be more wrong.
I cannot wait for megacorp., what mod is that for the discworld? I want it.You could not be more wrong.
I cannot wait for megacorp.
It's comedic how much the game changes after each major patch. I'm staring at my empire's capital planet in 2.2, and its resource modifiers pop-up is rather chaotic.
I find the whole thing a tad annoying to be honest. The changes happening to the game make it very fustrating to play after taking long breaks from it. It just feels like nothing is concrete. All those stratagies I worked out are invalid and I need to figure out the game all over again. The game already struggles with finding it's own identity and it can't even keep it's features straight.It's comedic how much the game changes after each major patch.
True, but its a sign that the dev team of Stellaris knows when shit doesn't work anymore, and changes it.
Game got a massive overhaul with Apocalypse, now its getting a massive economic overhaul. Which will surely lead into Diplomacy next.
Stellaris is pretty decent if a bit barebones right now, but its heading to the right direction.
FTFY.who cares, all you need isalphamodNew Horizons compatibility.
FTFY.who cares, all you need isalphamodNew Horizons compatibility.
Okay I was laughing my ass off from the whole thing even before I noticed it, but the way Earth is flat is just perfect icing on the cake.You could not be more wrong.
I cannot wait for megacorp.
My friend, you'd do best to ignore all those pieces of anti reptilian propaganda from the 2000s. Our nibirian friends are fellow travellers in the ship of Earth. Rumours of speciest segregation in the upper echelons of Corporate Service are unfouded at best: even a very clever human could certainly ascend to become CEO! The fact is that in just a few centuries, our friends from the outer stars promised and delivered a new world order based on the perfect synergy of our species. Alone we couldn't do much, but together we stand to profit from the starts. What unsettling facts about science and the physiology of our planet were kept from common knowledge for the greater good of human psyche. And I for one am grateful to my nibirian betters for conducting all the intellectual tasks required for the future of civilization.EDIT: Also why are the New World Order actually benevolent after all? This is nowhere near cartoonishly evil enough, or were all those conspiracies just for the entertainment of some hillbillies and yokels?
That still leaves the question of why they secretly made the Earth flat for shits and giggles.My friend, you'd do best to ignore all those pieces of anti reptilian propaganda from the 2000s. Our nibirian friends are fellow travellers in the ship of Earth. Rumours of speciest segregation in the upper echelons of Corporate Service are unfouded at best: even a very clever human could certainly ascend to become CEO! The fact is that in just a few centuries, our friends from the outer stars promised and delivered a new world order based on the perfect synergy of our species. Alone we couldn't do much, but together we stand to profit from the starts. What unsettling facts about science and the physiology of our planet were kept from common knowledge for the greater good of human psyche. And I for one am grateful to my nibirian betters for conducting all the intellectual tasks required for the future of civilization.EDIT: Also why are the New World Order actually benevolent after all? This is nowhere near cartoonishly evil enough, or were all those conspiracies just for the entertainment of some hillbillies and yokels?
The idea is that the Nibirians are an extremely patronizing bunch who sees humans as their children. Not unlike the Arilou La'leelay from SC2. They won't outright enslave the human species out of a sense of inflate ego: nothing short of absolute perfect synergy can be expected from their perfect society. But below this veneer of benevolence, there's the conspicuous measures put in place: only nibirians can lead, only nibirians work non servile jobs, humans have been bred into an anti social species of proles via the internet and so on. It is more of a Brave New World than a 1984.
When they left Zeta Nibiru, these reptilians brought some experimental lifeseed equipment. After some centuries of discussion, it was decided that the aesthetics of a discworld is more valuable than gaia terraforming. And that a perfect environment would be conterproductive against the plans of utilizing the human species for spacefaring colonization.That still leaves the question of why they secretly made the Earth flat for shits and giggles.My friend, you'd do best to ignore all those pieces of anti reptilian propaganda from the 2000s. Our nibirian friends are fellow travellers in the ship of Earth. Rumours of speciest segregation in the upper echelons of Corporate Service are unfouded at best: even a very clever human could certainly ascend to become CEO! The fact is that in just a few centuries, our friends from the outer stars promised and delivered a new world order based on the perfect synergy of our species. Alone we couldn't do much, but together we stand to profit from the starts. What unsettling facts about science and the physiology of our planet were kept from common knowledge for the greater good of human psyche. And I for one am grateful to my nibirian betters for conducting all the intellectual tasks required for the future of civilization.EDIT: Also why are the New World Order actually benevolent after all? This is nowhere near cartoonishly evil enough, or were all those conspiracies just for the entertainment of some hillbillies and yokels?
The idea is that the Nibirians are an extremely patronizing bunch who sees humans as their children. Not unlike the Arilou La'leelay from SC2. They won't outright enslave the human species out of a sense of inflate ego: nothing short of absolute perfect synergy can be expected from their perfect society. But below this veneer of benevolence, there's the conspicuous measures put in place: only nibirians can lead, only nibirians work non servile jobs, humans have been bred into an anti social species of proles via the internet and so on. It is more of a Brave New World than a 1984.
That's to be expected, as much as they changed... well, just about everything.There are already serious issues with this patch
Lol, they embargo'd that reddit post. What was in it?
Don't worry, we are resourceful:Lol, they embargo'd that reddit post. What was in it?