Fuck the combat is so bad,it is painful how stupid the AI is. Most ships just run around and do nothing.
The game doesn't need that much AI.
The enemy will simply crush you with simple fleet composition.
As for your own fleet, that's what command points and Officer Traits are for. Even then it's more about fleet composition and survivability.
It is very lacking,you can't position your ships and then your ship AI is really bad. I run with mainly big/medium ships,but they are far too stupid,they just get lost and don't attack because they are too big and slow. In the mean time my smaller ships get fucked up. It is really annoying that i can't just quick battle every battle and have to lead in some fights. My lead ship have 4 long range lazers but she is just sailing forward and ignoring the battle while getting pounded in the ass.
I am not talking ass a butthurt faggit that looses battles,i do win all of them without much of losses. Still the battles are more of chore than a fun thing.
Another bad thing that i noticed is the save system. I just fucked my self hard by spending 100,000 building a colony and ended up low on supplies fighting some 200,000 bounty with low battle readiness (for some stupid reason) in the middle of a unexplored system,far away from colonies. Oh well i do hope that manage to win and scavenge the needed supply for the return trip
. Still getting that low readiness for no reason is stupid!