
Also, when it comes to playing elves in the Krynn games, I'll steal the words of PetrusOctavianus (who I think frequents the Codex) in a post he wrote about them:
"...the Krynn games are much more hard core than the FR games. In the Krynn games Elves can't be Resurrected! And Disintegrated characters are GONE and can't be resurrected either. So if you play the Krynn games more or less Iron Man, you'll have to think long and hard about including elves. I included elves in my party and found that my playing style was affected by it, and I always tried to keep them away from things that could insta kill them, like Beholder rays and Dragon breath."
"...the Krynn games are much more hard core than the FR games. In the Krynn games Elves can't be Resurrected! And Disintegrated characters are GONE and can't be resurrected either. So if you play the Krynn games more or less Iron Man, you'll have to think long and hard about including elves. I included elves in my party and found that my playing style was affected by it, and I always tried to keep them away from things that could insta kill them, like Beholder rays and Dragon breath."