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So, anyone playing League of Legends?



Jun 18, 2010
So Shyvana looks interesting. If her Q ability resets her autoattack timer the way riven and nasus'es q do, she should be able to jungle pretty decently with a vampiric scepter. Her W will be handy for wraiths/wolves, her E gives an armor pen steroid for dragon/buff creeps and she can donate early bluebuffs to mid. Her single target burst looks pretty good as well, so she should be a decent counterjungler. Her ganks will be mediocre without any innate CC. But she does have a movespeed steroid and a dash in her ultimate, so I guess she'll be yi-level in ganking.

I'm thinking I'll try starting her with vampiric scepter, armor pen reds, flat armor yellows, attack speed blues and either attack speed or flat health quints. Take Q, clear wolves, smite enemy blue wraith for level 2 and eat a red wraith with Q. Pick up E as my level 2 skill, then kill one of the enemy big golems, gank a sidelane and bluepill if I'm low on health. That should give me enough to either pick up cloth armor towards wriggle or finishing an emblem of valor for sustainability. Then clear my own small creeps, donate blue, take red and gank again.

I can't say for certain until her ratios are out, but I don't think malady will be all that good on her. Sheen/lb/triforce will also be sort of meh with their internal cooldowns.

On the other hand, it looks like wits end will be mandatory. +82 damage on her Q? Yes please. Phage will also be interesting for her as a jungler, since the double activation on Q will make the slow more reliable and possibly allow her some semblance of ganking potential.

Depending on her ratios, I'm thinking uinsoos might be good as well, since she look slike she'll be able to build stacks quickly and maintain them with the passive CDR on her Q ability. Phage could build quite decently into a Fatmogs for tankiness I guess. Good thing I still have 10k IP :P

I'll pick her up as soon as she's released and try a few different jungle paths to see how things go. I'll let the KKKodex know if things turn out promising so you can all cause rage moments on your teams when you pick jungle shyvana before she becomes FOTM :P


Jun 18, 2010
I'm gonna do a sound file swap so my speakers yell "AWESOME!!!" every time I activate shyvanas ult


Jun 18, 2010
Reject_666_6 said:
Man, Riven is so good. I think I've been playing her so much that I've regressed in skill with my other heroes.

Tell me about it, mang. I've had so much fun playing her I think she's been my champ 95% of all games I played since the day she was released. My current jungle path is hyper aggressive too. start doran's blade at my own wolves. If the enemy starts golem, I then proceed immediately to smitesteal his blue wraith, continue on to kill one of his small golems and gank the nearest sidelane. I then bluepill, get boots + pots if gank didn't produce a kill or an extra doran's blade if we got a kill. Clear small creeps, gank, donate blue.

It gets me off to a really good start. And most junglers get fucked over when you steal ~2/3'rds a level of experience for them. Has led to some hilarious lizard deaths when people try to take their red underleveled.


Oct 30, 2008
The thing is, I'm not rich and high-level enough to give her a full/appropriate set of runes. Right now I'm using 2 armour pen quints, 7 cooldown reduction blues, 8 armour yellows and 6 attack speed reds. This means I'm pretty much stuck using Cloth+5 pot to get an effective and safe jungle route going.


Jun 18, 2010
Well, Shyvanas jungle seems mediocre(ish) so far. Clearing time is ok, but her ganks are meh and she feels really, really squishy.

I'll try a few different setups and see how things go. Wits end is pretty good on her. Guinsoos seemed meh. Thinking I might try giving her an aegis instead of mallet for survivability. W,E,R all deal magic damage, so maybe I should try going wits->malady->sunfire cape for hybrid damage.


Jan 10, 2010
Both Saintvicious and Dan Dinh feel that she is possibly overpowered. Insanely safe and fast jungle. Ganks are dependent on teammates not being retarded.

Then again, you don't seem to want to build anything worth it on her except for Wit's End... Seriously, all of the pros are using generic tanky DPS item builds and doing amazing with her. Just wait for them to switch out a couple pieces for specialized items.

Also, don't forget the fact that she's an amazing solo top bruiser.


Aug 17, 2008
Phage said:
Grunker said:
Ask me, any rating below 1700 or so doesn't mean much. That's around the point where others can't carry you enough anymore. At 1700+ the game changes drastically from individual perfomance to a team game, at least compared to lower ratings. So individuals who are not on par will drag their team down more.

My rating was 960 in Season 1, and now, more by coincidence than anything else really, it's 1520. I take pride in my 5v5 Arranged Raned rating, because that feels like an achievement. My solo rating feels like luck, just as my low Season 1 rating felt like bad luck.

After thinking about it further, I have to disagree with you.

If you've only played your 10 placement matches, then sure, your rating really doesn't mean much, but honestly, after you've played enough matches in solo queue, you'll know where your current skill level stands. I've got 61 solo queue games played, and I've been hovering around 1400 (+/- 20 points) for the past 20 matches, so I can, in my opinion, confidently say that's where I belong skill-wise.

I know it's not a glorious rating, but if take into account the masses that play, I'm actually pretty proud of it.

Yeah, I hate when people do their first 10 placement matches, get gold, and are like YAYUH GOT GOLD I AM SO GOOD LOOK YOU'RE ONLY SILVER HURRRRR. I had a friend that did that and then dropped to sub-1200 and lost like 10 games in a row.

I'm sitting at about the same place as Phage -- 1450 with about 60 ranked games played, but TBH I don't really play any strong FOTM picks (besides sion) in ranked, and I often choose whatever the team needs, so I get to watch retards get raped by Akali/Talon/Morgana/etc and lose their lane miserably constantly, somehow.


Jun 18, 2010
Dunno. I was 5 points away from gold when s1 ended, though I'd been gold 4 times. I'm currently below 1200. When I play premades with 1700+ players, I occasionally carry the team and rarely feed.

Seems to me ELO is to a large degree determined by how lucky you get at avoiding trolls on your team.

One thing I have noticed however is that my ELO (over time) goes up when I solo and down when I duo ranked. I'm not sure why. Statistically I ought to have one chance less of gettign an utter retard on my team when I bring a friend.


Jan 10, 2010
When you duo-queue with someone, the system artificially inflates both of your ELOs by a small amount because it assumes you're communicating/strategizing together. (Not sure what the exact number is, but I wouldn't be surprised if it adds 50 ELO to your combined amount for matchmaking purposes)

Additionally, if your elo is significantly higher (Say you're 1400 and your friend is 1100), you will lose more elo than you normally would upon defeat.

Ultimately, if you're just duo-queue with someone who's significantly less skilled than yourself, you're setting yourself up to lose ELO.


Jun 18, 2010
Well, when I duo with a mate with a lower elo than mine, the 3 randoms on my team also have lower ELOs than mine 9 games out of 10. So I'm not sure it gets inflated.

Shyvana jungle seems to be getting better as I get a feel for her abilities. 18/2/8 last game. Ended with Wriggle, Merc, Wit, Warmog, Atma, FoN

I'm half tempted to try building Triforce on her. Even if the internal cooldown means it doesn't double-proc on Q she can still use everything but the mana. And one thing I constantly find myself wishing I had was more movespeed.

Probably clothpots->boots->vamp->wriggle->phage->wit->zeal->giant belt->triforce->(warmog/sunfire)->atma->replace wriggle with FoN

I've changed my masteries from 21/0/9 to 12/3/15. (Deadliness/Plentiful bounty/alacrity/sunder and 1 pt offensive mastery) - (Hardiness) - (good hands/2 pt perseverance/awareness/greed/utility mastery/swiftness). It only slows my level 4 down by ~10 sec and the extra movespeed is a godsend.


Jan 10, 2010
Reds have confirmed in the past that duo queuing does inflate it. Perhaps not by much, but it's there. For an indication, I'd look to the opponent's elo, not your teammates. There's also a very small inflation (like 20 points for the combined team) for the team that plays on the blue side of the map, since that side has a slight advantage.

You're also losing more elo per loss than you gain per when duo'ing with a lower elo freind, so if you guys win 50% you're coming out behind.


Jun 18, 2010
Ok, I've played Shyvana all day. She's really fun, but her jungle is not good enough to be viable in ranked.

Her clear is decent, but she has no innate sustain without wriggles. Her lategame transition is ok but her top lane will let her get there faster and better.

The main problem is her ganks are terrible. Pre-6 she has no gapclosers (her W is sort-of like udyrs bear stance for speed, but has a terrible cooldown). She has no built-in snares, stuns or slows. If you're taking a jungler for their level 6 gank, go for ww, noc or skarner instead.

But for jungling, it's stupid to get a champion that can't do early ganks. If you're tryharding, I cannot defend taking shyvana over lee, cho, riven, xin, shaco etc.

The knockback on her ult annoys me a little. Most of the time you end up knocking enemies towards safety rather than into more danger. If it had been a knockup instead, she'd have awesome disruption potential.


As an aside, I would LOVE the chance to talk LoL for an evening with GuardsmanBob. Hell, I'd buy the beer. It never ceases to amaze me how good he is to boil the machanics of the game down to simple systems and pointing out how they're interconnected. I think pretty much anyone could improve their elo signifigantly simply by having a chat with GMan.


Oct 2, 2007
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Phage said:
Also, for those who truly believe that getting to your ELO is all luck based...

http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/sho ... ?t=1355769

This guy literally dodged himself down to -17 ELO, and documented rising back up to 1500 (where he was last season). He also managed to maintain an extremely high win/loss ratio throughout the whole ordeal.

Well it is more luck based when you are not a great player or like me use secoundtier.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Phage said:
Also, for those who truly believe that getting to your ELO is all luck based...

http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/sho ... ?t=1355769

This guy literally dodged himself down to -17 ELO, and documented rising back up to 1500 (where he was last season). He also managed to maintain an extremely high win/loss ratio throughout the whole ordeal.

Because he is a very, very good player.

To pull yourself to 1500 - with no luck at all - you have to be better than you have to be to simply play at 1500. That's my point.

I maintain that ELO is luck-based until you reach a certain point, and I think I speak from a pretty good basis, considering how my ELO has bounced every which-away in the about 100 games I've played. If you don't want personal experience, look up how much mobility is in ranked below 16-1700. It's way, way too much.

Compare this to a game like SC that quickly finds your designated level. It stands to reason that's it not SC's ELO system that is magically better, but the fact that it's a single player game.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Oh my, started playing ranked gamez.

Played only two games and already managed to witness some wonders of the solo queue, too :M

A gangplank with revive that ends up with 4/17/24

A team that starts by taking Mundo and Singed despite everyone else saying they take Kass + Morgana + Jungler.

A guy who forgets that he can ban another dude in champ bans.

Another guy who asks what to ban, hears 'akali' and bans Trynd.

Still, managed to win both games I played. Carried hard with Kassadin in both, and was aided by a pretty crazy Singed first game (he ended with 19 kills) and Galio second (the guy was really good and I doubt I would have been able to carry that team on my own).



Oct 2, 2007
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Today i started playing LUX and MAN she is good.

Her Range mixed with some decent CC makes her a good alternative to the always banned Morg.

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