You're in denial, bro. There is some truth to what you said: if you're just a little better than the people you're playing with (or about on par and improving slowly) you're going to have to grind your way out of your elo. If you're considerably better, you'll always fly out of it. This is hard to quantify, but it's safe to say that if you really deserved to be on the next division you'd be crushing people on the lower tiers of the previous one (e.g. gold-3 level player will usually demolish players in silver 3-5). Regarding the bronze 5 comment, a silver player will absolutely thrive and get out of there ASAP.
And yes, platinum player will absolutely steamroll silver and gold elo, there's no question of that. I'm a platinum player at heart (though I've gotten diamond 5 in two seasons now - hu3 server helps) and I dumpster silver as a support. As you get a little better in the game you start seeing and abusing these people's mistakes more clearly and, to be perfectly honest, most gold players I've come accross act retardedly agressive in lane, it's so dumb it hurts to watch. Of course, if you suck, you're not going to be able to punish that, you'll miss your skillshots and so on and the retard will get away with his aggression and generate a lead for himself (that's how he got to gold, he abuses the other bad players; that's why he won't get past gold, he gets abused by better players).
You think you can play with people at a better elo because you're better than your current stock of teammates and that the game just doesn't favor climbing, right? You aren't and you don't. If you were to be dropped in a division higher than yours, you'd be destroyed like a deer in the headlights, like every other eloboosted player is. Like the guy I sold my account to, poor dude was modest, he didn't even go shopping for a diamond account, he just wanted gold elo because he probably played at silver or bronze and thought exactly as you did, that he deserved better. I checked my account back on lolking after the sale and the match history became littered with losses. I think he dropped so hard he eventually managed to get the account back to silver.
I too am far from being "good". I'm decent at landing skill shots if that's the only thing I have to focus on at the time, but mechanically I'm slow as fuck, I can't dodge anything, I can't make outplays (playing on a potato doesn't help either). I do have a good mind for tactics and strategy, and I'm very good at initiating. That's why I play tanks. Gotta play to your strengths.
Oh regarding the champioon pool comment, for the love of christ, DO NOT try to play a two dozen different champions in 5 different roles. You do not have the time nor the skill to be able to do that, very few people do. Of course if you're just goofing off in the game, play whatever you want. But if you want to climb, pick up a good varied champion pool with 2-4 champions in one role and 2-4 in another, and focus on being profficient with them.
For example, I played:
And yes, platinum player will absolutely steamroll silver and gold elo, there's no question of that. I'm a platinum player at heart (though I've gotten diamond 5 in two seasons now - hu3 server helps) and I dumpster silver as a support. As you get a little better in the game you start seeing and abusing these people's mistakes more clearly and, to be perfectly honest, most gold players I've come accross act retardedly agressive in lane, it's so dumb it hurts to watch. Of course, if you suck, you're not going to be able to punish that, you'll miss your skillshots and so on and the retard will get away with his aggression and generate a lead for himself (that's how he got to gold, he abuses the other bad players; that's why he won't get past gold, he gets abused by better players).
You think you can play with people at a better elo because you're better than your current stock of teammates and that the game just doesn't favor climbing, right? You aren't and you don't. If you were to be dropped in a division higher than yours, you'd be destroyed like a deer in the headlights, like every other eloboosted player is. Like the guy I sold my account to, poor dude was modest, he didn't even go shopping for a diamond account, he just wanted gold elo because he probably played at silver or bronze and thought exactly as you did, that he deserved better. I checked my account back on lolking after the sale and the match history became littered with losses. I think he dropped so hard he eventually managed to get the account back to silver.
I too am far from being "good". I'm decent at landing skill shots if that's the only thing I have to focus on at the time, but mechanically I'm slow as fuck, I can't dodge anything, I can't make outplays (playing on a potato doesn't help either). I do have a good mind for tactics and strategy, and I'm very good at initiating. That's why I play tanks. Gotta play to your strengths.
Oh regarding the champioon pool comment, for the love of christ, DO NOT try to play a two dozen different champions in 5 different roles. You do not have the time nor the skill to be able to do that, very few people do. Of course if you're just goofing off in the game, play whatever you want. But if you want to climb, pick up a good varied champion pool with 2-4 champions in one role and 2-4 in another, and focus on being profficient with them.
For example, I played:
- Bard as a generallist support, who's also ranged and a lane bully, while providing great initiation, counter initiation and pick potential (that's whom I blind pick);
- Tahm kench as a babysitter support to be paired with immobile ADCs / against team comps with large amounts of single target damage or CC (Thresh, Elise, Zed, Rengar, Lux, Morgana, Malzahar, etc.)
- Braum as a pick with and against Lucian, Ashe and Kog'Maw (all proc his passive with ease, all get denied heavily by his shield), and against teams comps heavy on projectiles that can be blocked by his shield (2 ADC comps in particular are very common right now).
- Zac as a source of magic damage, tank and initiator
- Vi as a source of physical damage and single target lockdown
- There should be a heavier source of sustained magic damage here because full AD teamcomps are so common with Zed being popular and Zac's damage just won't cut it. Could be Elise, Nidalee, Eve, Shyvana and I heard Ao Shin is also a capable jungler.
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