C9 and TSM will pick it up I think.
TSM at least, Dyrus said they were trying out strategies that would work against korean/chinese teams, which is why they went with the pick comp. Something along the lines of there's no point in owning the NA scene with a strategy that won't work when they get to worlds.
C9's loss had so much to do with Hai playing like a drunk toddler, the guys is inconsistent as fuck. And Meteos with the Elise pick, seriously, the champion is complete garbage right now. It'll only ever not be a burden to it's team if she gets really really ahead and builds damage in solo que, in competitive she'll get focused and popped in 3 seconds if she doesn't go full tank. Hell, that's already what happens when she DOES go full tank, she still seems really squishy.
I'm more curious to see winterfox, they have all these koreans coming to the roster and Pobelter is a beast who's only going to keep on improving for the next couple of years. Team Liquid is just looking really solid all around, if I had to bet I'd say they'll win this split.
I played with a Rioter once too. Motherfucker kept getting caught on like my 3rd desperate attempt to get into diamond (promos) and I couldn't even rage at him because, well, Riot tag. Also played against one who was with some brazilian pros too once on a random teambuilder game.
Found it:
"it’s the execution on those champions that make it hard, our goal is to win worlds, if we play simple champs then get rolled by asians at worlds it doesn’t mean shit, of course we need to be able to do both though."
From the reddit thread:
"i half ass answered that question don't need to take it to seriously
for the record all the rengar's i've seen in scrims win the game for their team whether it's ours or theirs"
So maybe that answers why they play Rengar.