I'm 30 on US, but won't play ranked until I own at least most champions for counter-picks. At my trash normal ELO everyone bans tanks for some reason: Amumu, Malphite, Singed, Rammus. I don't get it. Who am I supposed to tank as when my team starts crying "SOMEONE TANK!!"
So should I get Rammus or Galio over Amumu? Amumu is nearly always banned and pretty damn effective in solo-queue (normal draft), but I find him to be oddly squishy, the Q awkward to use and the R very punishing if you don't time it right. Plus, weak in the jungle if they counter-jungle. I don't do well as him.
Galio, on the other hand, does metric tons of damage while still being tanky and has the best initiate in the game that I have seen (but pray your team actually does something after you use it). He farms like he's on steroids and is just in general pretty damn good, and not banned nearly as often as the other tanks.
Rammus I find very easy to play for me, quick early jungle (scales poorly), great ganks, extremely handy to shut down their carry, great to chase people that are fleeing and amazing to save someone from dying with. Plus, unlike Galio, he needs like no levels or gold to do his job well. I don't usually lose normal games when I play either him or Galio, but plenty as Amumu.
And his walking animation is so adorable! Awww!
Which one would you get first?
And I tried HoN and I have to say, that interface and game seems incredibly awkward. It would take days just to get used to it; LoL was a lot easier to get into. What bugs me the most is how there are a lot of abilities with really long ranges, yet the game is zoomed in so ultra-far that I can't see shit. (LoL has this problem too, but the ability ranges are shorter). Worse though, the top-right part of the map, the "dead tree" forest looks like crap. Meaning, I can't tell the ground from the trees! This game discriminates against my shitty eye-sight!
Not even gonna get into the microscopic minions and their minuscule and impossible to see health-bars (for me anyway). I'd love to play the supposedly better and smarter game but I just don't have what it takes! (Enormous monitor? Great eye-sight? Patience?)
Edit 2:
No joke, on my games everyone takes Ignite, but somehow fails to not feed Tryndamere, or kill him when he uses Undying Rage. How can this be!?!?! I've yet to fail killing Tryn with Ignite! Or Exhaust, for that matter. Also nobody stuns Katarina during her ult. Ever.