Did they ever buff Rumble? They were talking about it a couple months ago.
EDIT: Holy shit I'm in love with Ryze right now. I remember way back when I played him I was trash. Was doing ok as him but then switched from 9/21/0 to 0/9/21 masteries and I've just been shitting on every lane opponent.
I mean it's Silver so I know that these opponents are crap like me but just a little movespeed and they let me Q and run away every time. Dumped on as Yorick top, just had a game where team select was a massive clusterfuck, we ended up with Jarvan top, Eve jungle, Ryze mid, and Cait/Kayle bot with a huge amount of swearing at select.
I was mad lately because low silver has way too much disparity in skill. So many people get placed here when they're clearly bronze and got lucky in placement matches so now I have to absolutely dominate lane to win. My Lissandra is amazing in teamfights but I never win lane hard enough to make up if another lane feeds. Ryze on the other hand is too tanky for glasscannon tops and can go toe to toe with fighters but has the benefit of ranged harass. Plus Frozen Heart is perfect for him as a top laner. Have the option of damage Ryze with a tear if you get way ahead after you build a RoA. God I haven't had this much fun in ages. Usually I pick champions that are good at teamfighting, and that's what Ryze is supposed to be. (That ult <3) but I'm just laning so well with him now. Especially after I shifted to 0/9/21.
EDIT: Holy shit I'm in love with Ryze right now. I remember way back when I played him I was trash. Was doing ok as him but then switched from 9/21/0 to 0/9/21 masteries and I've just been shitting on every lane opponent.
I mean it's Silver so I know that these opponents are crap like me but just a little movespeed and they let me Q and run away every time. Dumped on as Yorick top, just had a game where team select was a massive clusterfuck, we ended up with Jarvan top, Eve jungle, Ryze mid, and Cait/Kayle bot with a huge amount of swearing at select.
I was mad lately because low silver has way too much disparity in skill. So many people get placed here when they're clearly bronze and got lucky in placement matches so now I have to absolutely dominate lane to win. My Lissandra is amazing in teamfights but I never win lane hard enough to make up if another lane feeds. Ryze on the other hand is too tanky for glasscannon tops and can go toe to toe with fighters but has the benefit of ranged harass. Plus Frozen Heart is perfect for him as a top laner. Have the option of damage Ryze with a tear if you get way ahead after you build a RoA. God I haven't had this much fun in ages. Usually I pick champions that are good at teamfighting, and that's what Ryze is supposed to be. (That ult <3) but I'm just laning so well with him now. Especially after I shifted to 0/9/21.
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