Finally promoted to silver tier. Won my first two matches, 1 very difficult as Zyra, the next laning went great, teamfights not so much as morg but we win solidly. Lose a match as Lissandra mid when the Akali got fed on a roam where I killed the ADC then she came up and killed my jungler, support, and ADC. FUCK. ME. Lose a match as Fiddlesticks which turned out to be a bad pick when the enemy team has Amumu and Orianna. Didn't help that our mid accidentally picked Morde, then disconnected for a solid 5 minutes of laning.
But that last match. I'm bummed because it feels like I'm going to lose my 7th promo. I'm last pick so I figure support, whatever it's worked for me. But no, I get jungle. Let's try Vi this time. Nope enemy team picks her first. Fuck me Kha'ziix sucks now so I'll do Fiddlesticks again. My whole team opens the floodgates of rage besides my mid. "Go tank, go tank." We already have a damage sponge in Shyvana, why do I need to go tanky, and who is this mythical tank jungler that is strong in S4? That shit pisses me off every fucking game. Everyone wants a tank jungle to take all the damage because their delusion is that they'll make flashy plays and secure a kill. Fuck them.
Nothing special happens before my first gank. I go top, me and Shyv kill Udyr with FB going to me. Awesome, good start. Can't do jack to the tower yet so I roll mid. Me and Heimer kill Morde, I start a kill streak. Awesome. Mid and top ahead already? Bottom is outfarming? Easy day. Except they fuck this up too. Shyvana starts hemmoraging to Udyr, pretty much constantly pinging for assistance because laning is teh hard. Heimer starts having trouble against Morde, but I keep ganking and I almost take top tower, at this point I'm all over the map. I get to 6 kills before my first death. Finally, mid and bot take towers at about the same time. I'm also soloing dragons because I'm sexy and we start doing great picks. We're up like 23 kills to 14, plus every single dragon has gone our way. Just walk it in right? Sniped out Vayne in a quick skirmish, and an inhib, I say Imma grab drag. Heimer says lets do Baron. Good idea, were ahead, we've got everything on them, bait and win there right? Fuck no. Shyvana is on her own program at this point, soloing drag. We almost take baron, we almost win the 4 v 4, but me and Heimer are the only 2 coordinated so we lose, get aced even. The take our inhib. At this point Shyvana goes full retard and constantly splitpushes alone and has no teleport. Teamfights get difficult as hell we lose one where I'm certain its a loss, it's 4 freakin enemies attacking our nexus turrets, at this point I activate god mode or some shit. I manage a 1 v 4 triple kill, vayne runs off with about 200 health. We rush down mid lane, they're up, we fight but I get a perfect ult on. Apparently Udyr tried to back door us, but he blinks first so we win the base race. Finish 14 and 5 with a 2k gold lead over anyone. A 4k lead over the highest enemy team. And I secured some allchat rage directed at me from the enemies, especially Vi who twice had me at 200/100 health trying to damage for more than my w can heal.
Fuck man. My first match was dramatic as hell too. Would love some easy wins but all I care is I'm silver again.