Just had a really interesting game with Aatrox top lane. This season I find that adc and top are the roles no one wants and it's so much better when I stop begging for my fav role and instead just fill. So I end up last pick and having to face a Zac top, oh God that's even more boring and frustrating than facing a Nasus. I decide to dust off the Aatrox, I figure that Zac should never be able to kill me and I'll outscale him late game, a safe matchup with an upside. The game turned out to be anything but boring. It turns out that if you have a good early game, none of these sustain champions can do shit against you. I bullied Zac really hard and only his Elise prevented me from being more aggressive. The Elise was really good, but I got the feeling I was her #1 worry, I got camped so hard every time I was picking some momentum and ready to snowball she came for the gank, every single time. And when it wasn't Elise it was Yasuo mid. Then at one point after getting a kill on Zac, he flat out stopped laning! Double buff Elise and her kit designed to fuck me came to lane. It only lasted until they ambushed me again and my tower was down, but the help top didn't stop.
Although the game was really close in terms of kills and I didn't snowball, I was able to be very useful in teamfights and build pretty much full damage. Aatrox really is something, 2 attacks per second, his mechanics become quite difficult and it's a little bit like playing a Vayne except you're melee, everyone focuses you and you get kited more easily. Nothing but chaos when you pick him up and I ended with the 2nd highest damage on my team. I was really surprised, I haven't had this type of Aatrox game since pre-nerfs, he's a really unique champion that when even with the enemy doesn't really do that much, he has to snowball. One big experiment that even Riot admits ended a bit in a failure as they really nerfed his ability to snowball, when you play with him you always play on the edge. And the funniest part was that I wasn't really ahead of the Zac.
I didn't think Aatrox was capable of this post nerf, he's still pretty good but only situationally. With the jungle changes in S4 and the recent nerf to Nocturne, my jungle pool has really been decimated but somehow I've stumbled into a great top lane pool, Nidalee when blind picking, Yorick against carries and Aatrox against tanks. There is no one that I'm afraid of, well except maybe a Yasuo top, haven't figured his bullshit out. Just my last Yorick game I made a Tryndamere ragequit and my last Nidalee game I went a weird AP build against a Riven and was way more useful than her in teamfights. Maybe Season 4 will be top lane season.