Ran around picking herbs around Whiterun, trying out alchemical solutions for cash and training.
Using speechcraft to get better prices perks plus amulet of haggling another +15%. Slowly getting up to 5k and blow all of it in Archery training.
Decided I need more money, goes on a thieving spree - the Jarl's palace, any home, shops. I walk in and grab what I could and stuff it into a barrel behind the market.
Whenever I do this, the citizens of Whiterun would say 'What a poor girl, sifting through trash...'
Haha, if only they knew what's inside. Around twenty silver jugs worth 50 coins each. Over a 50 stones-heavy herbs ready for mixture, some pieces of jewelry worth more than 1000 gold altogether, pouch full of gems, and a few dozens of fine clothings,shoes and hats looted from the nobles' wardrobes fetching between 40-60 gold pieces in the retail market. I probably need an assistant, carrying the gold coins alone would weight me down. Ysolda was willing to join in after I handed her a Mammoth Tusk. She wanted to be a merchant, this is the perfect opportunity to learn from practice.
As the goods dried up from the citizens of Whiterun, I decided to embark on a trip to Riften to sell off the goods. It was a quirky sight, two women hover around a barrel, deciding which junk to throw into their sack of loot before boarding a carriage to Riften.
Laughing with glee as I disembark from the cart, my laughter was cut short by the sight of three burly men wielding giant warhammers.
"Can we help you gentlemen?" I gave them my most polite smile.
"We're about to teach you a lesson for stealing things." the grumpy one muttered before the three hammers were swung.
Dodged it, barely. Damn, to lose all this shit, when it was so close. I started walking backwards - thinking on what to do. Lose, and I get raped, enslaved - and they probably will take everything. Can't risk pulling out the bow as well. As I continued the dance downhill - suddenly one of the thugs dropped. And another, leaving the last dude alone, crying for mercy.
Conjured a sword and cut the lone prick down. Only then I realized Ysolda had a bow by default. Damn city girl.

We stripped the three asssholes, hauling their armors and enchanted warhammers towards the gate of Riften, their dicks blowing in the wind.
That was the beginning of a beautiful relationship.