Again, why the fuck would you ever think of buying a version of TES game that doesn't support mods?
With modern TES it's like fucking buying a car that doesn't support fucking brakes.
You don't fucking buy a car that cannot into braking because you can't afford a proper one.
Ok, it's a bit harsh for Skyrim as it at least can be actually played in vanilla form, but you couldn't have known this after oblivious.
While none of the games I listed are actually games I like, but Skyrim is just such a shoddy game in absolutely every department that it's easy to make it the lowest point on the "video game quality" chart. Skyrim's graphics, sound and general design are all so horribly broken or executed so poorly that you can basically put any horrible fucking game next to it and still see that Skyrim is a much worse product. Oblivion was a far better product. I fucking hated Oblivion. The state of Skyrim does not make sense considering its budget of 85 million dollar, not even if two thirds of it went to pay for reviews, billboards and Max von Sydow. Skyrim is a shit game.
So you would say that:
In terms of visual design this
(giant green dildo) looks better than this
For reference - MW counterpart:
look superior to those:
Some MW characters for reference:
Hmm, so maybe environments?
(CBA to seek MW references anymore)
In terms of less visual aspects, Skyrim has less aggressive level scaling and doesn't equip every single enemy with daedric and glass at high levels. I guess it's bad. Skyrim has actual hidden stuff (randomized in vanilla, but since not everything becomes daedric at high level extra opportunities ot pick up loot are welcome). Skyrim has actual reactivity - you can have thugs sent after you if you wrong someone, you can be challenged to a magic duel if your magic skills are high, etc. Skyrim has unified wielding system and lats you do stuff like blowing people off high places in combat.
Skyrim has follower system that allows you to recruit help and for example have an NPC tanking while you cast.
Despite dumbing down skyrim at least has some addtions to magic system - runes, concentration spells, necromancy requiring corpses, etc.
Skyrim has some mariginal C&C - civil war, many daedric quests, some side quests, flavour dialogue if you belong to two different factions, some stuff playing out differently depending on quest order - it's not much, but still massive improvement over OB.
Skyrim has descriptive direction available in a handful of quests.
Skyrim has lycanthropy.
As of now, Skyrim might have extremely derpy horses, but at least they are useful AND you can fight from them.
Skyrim tries to stick to the lore or at least address discrepancies, Oblivion had books in it describing Cyrodiil as jungle yet ignored this information in its world design - that's an entire new level of shitting over your own lore.
The only things that are worse in Skyrim are:
-UI (seriously, it's on par with fucking Holocaust in terms of general badness)
-Lack of attributes
-No mysticism skill
-No item wear
Every single thing other than those is about infinity times better in Skyrim than in Oblivious (though more often than not inferior to what was present in older parts of the series).
I'm not counting spellmaker here for a reason, because it already served limited purpose in Oblivious since the effects didn't apply sequentially. Counting attributes was already a bit of stretch because it's Oblivion that made them redundant in the first place.
You're defective, report to the nearest glue factory for recycling.
It would be like saying that Morrowind is utterly unplayable and unworthy of attention because of clunky controls and animations and outdated graphics, or something like that.
Except Morrowind has fully rebindable controls and forces no GFWL on you.
I was genuinely interested in DS port, but when I learned that it's so shoddily done that you can't even change the resolution and have to install some malware shit in order to play it I just Jay Wilson'd it.
If we are talking about the "Elder Scrolls" lore, I'm sorry but for 20 years of games they have shit all to show for it (magical prophesy saves the day over and over again, nothing is explained ever).

Can you even fucking read?
Anyway, in case you can, unlikely at it might seem:
Read those and play the fucking earlier parts of the series (no, Oblivion doesn't count, neither does Arena because there was barely any lore established at the time and everything was a shitty D&D knockoff).
No wiki, guides or any form of online help, obviously.
Then we *may* talk.
Also, I kind of have no patience for long-winded tirades right now, so:
Unorus Janco