except graphically.
Yeah, there, I said it. Skyrim fucking sucks. The story sucks, the quests suck, the gameplay sucks, the dialogues suck, the voice acting sucks, the rpg elements... are non-existent, but it sure looks nice.
I was doing the mage quests, and I can't help but compare it to Morrowind. Remember how the mage guild was down to earth in Morrowind? Remember how they had a normal looking building in the city? Remember how they started you out on really mundane tasks aimed at familiarizing you with your environment? Remember how you advanced through the ranks, and the ranks actually had requirements that made you sure you were an actual mage? Remember how the high level missions were mostly political?
Well, fuck all that. That's not MAJESTIC enough. I can see the bethpizda meeting now. "We want something that kids who don't have enough of an attention span to watch Harry Potter movies will enjoy."
And oh god are the mages in Skyrim MAJESTIC. They live on a GIANT ROCK, where the college is made out of GIANT STONE, like everything else in Skyrim. The hall are HUGE, even though there's nothing in them. The only way into a college is through a decrepit walkway over a CHASM OF DEATH, even though this is absolutely the only way to and from there. The place is littered with MYSTERIOUS POOLS OF MANA and KICKASS EPIC LASERS BEAMS INTO THE SKY. The missions ARE MAJESTIC!!!!! The second mission has you SAVING THE WORLD, and fighting EPIC UNDEAD. In the middle of the second mission you're contacted by a MAJESTIC SECRET MAGE ORDER LONG PRESUMED DEAD BUT REALLY OPERATING IN THE SHADOWS WIELDING MORE POWER THAN ANY IMAGINE, AND THEY WANT YOU!!!
This whole game is EPIC. If by epic we agree to mean shit.
Yeah, there, I said it. Skyrim fucking sucks. The story sucks, the quests suck, the gameplay sucks, the dialogues suck, the voice acting sucks, the rpg elements... are non-existent, but it sure looks nice.
I was doing the mage quests, and I can't help but compare it to Morrowind. Remember how the mage guild was down to earth in Morrowind? Remember how they had a normal looking building in the city? Remember how they started you out on really mundane tasks aimed at familiarizing you with your environment? Remember how you advanced through the ranks, and the ranks actually had requirements that made you sure you were an actual mage? Remember how the high level missions were mostly political?
Well, fuck all that. That's not MAJESTIC enough. I can see the bethpizda meeting now. "We want something that kids who don't have enough of an attention span to watch Harry Potter movies will enjoy."
And oh god are the mages in Skyrim MAJESTIC. They live on a GIANT ROCK, where the college is made out of GIANT STONE, like everything else in Skyrim. The hall are HUGE, even though there's nothing in them. The only way into a college is through a decrepit walkway over a CHASM OF DEATH, even though this is absolutely the only way to and from there. The place is littered with MYSTERIOUS POOLS OF MANA and KICKASS EPIC LASERS BEAMS INTO THE SKY. The missions ARE MAJESTIC!!!!! The second mission has you SAVING THE WORLD, and fighting EPIC UNDEAD. In the middle of the second mission you're contacted by a MAJESTIC SECRET MAGE ORDER LONG PRESUMED DEAD BUT REALLY OPERATING IN THE SHADOWS WIELDING MORE POWER THAN ANY IMAGINE, AND THEY WANT YOU!!!
This whole game is EPIC. If by epic we agree to mean shit.