I'ma going to shoot plasticman with a taser. My thoughts so far:
Main plot: From the prologue, I still have no idea what is happening and what is the main twist. I have same amount of information on main plot after finishing all misions as I did after prologue. Sure, there's some foreshadowing and ominous signs, dreams & foster father (
), cursed city, but nothing in particular I can cling to. So I had to focus on characters instead to enjoy reading at least something.
Characters: Racter > Duncan > Is0 > Gobbet. Ghouls vampires whatever, I didn't feel like I trust that shit and killed everything.
Racter is stereotypical, but well thought out. He has life long and interesting enough that he needs the amount of text game supplies it's characters with. It is interesting to have such a complicated psycho and talking with him gave me these nice walking on the gray razor feelings. PC's replies were nice and different, allowing you to put good impression on comrade, while some of them made me laugh ("YEAH LIKE STALIN DUH"). I can imagine Racter as one of the crew for Alpha Centauri ship side to side with his bro Zakharov. "The most interesting person on the ship". Very useful in combat too with his super droid.
Duncan, what can I say, I feel it was just nice to have your own Imoen again in pants and with assault rifle. It hurts player's roleplaying agency a bit but I think it's fine since whole story ties closely with player's own story. Somewhat KOTOR2ish but I can live with that. It also felt that Duncan's walls of text weren't as long as others, I'd edited out some of good old times TM, but overall, he had that sort of reactive writing that complemented PCs own feelings about things. Not to mention Duncan-bro one-shots most things with his assault rifle bursts provided right buffs.
Is0bel, she's funnier than others and has cool mission. She plays introvert well, a lot of awkward moments, especially during the mission. However, what is it to her, it takes too much text. It doesn't seem like there is any choice at how she acts after her mission, and the potential of a character with her secret did not come out. She could have become two different personas of your chosing, for example, depending on how you acted with her during game. Her grenade launcher is p. good.
Gobbet - lot's of text that didn't work for me. I tried listening to her stories, but in the end I skipped too many of them. Her mission did not impress me either. I played Shaman myself anyway.
Other characters - don't have any particular opinion. Auntie is not bad fixer, previous ones were more generic. Other characters could have used "more with less" approach.
City and mission design: It's poor. Dragonfall felt tighter when it came to designing the hub. I feel third game is good time as any to add some new sprites, like people sitting, cars moving; work on interiors, appartments and side quests of the world player is in, so the world wouldn't feel so flat and empty.
Missions are easy and I can't remember even one that could match a mission from Dragonfall about getting your own terminator. There's a surprising amount of socialite stuff, dialogue and "find that hotspot where you could use your chosen skill to win the mission". I'm surprised they didn't translate stealth system from Matrix into meatworld. Maybe because you can't control your party members.
Combat: Companion skills is nice addition. Everything else is pretty much same. I think there is only so much you could do on that engine and with the setting before it becomes boring.
Matrix: Hate it with passion. Dislike minigames. And design is thery samy. Wherever you go you begin in a room with two sentry bots. Then go into a more difficult room. Sometimes you must fight and can't avoid the fights. It also doesn't matter much. Decker is not obligatory for anything, best you could do is get a bit more credits.
P.S. Hurrah for minor and game breaking bugs