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Sapkowski demands CDPR pay him more


Apr 4, 2015
Nah, I'm just happy they liked my stories. And what a bargain it was for them! Heh, I guess I should do better next time. :) That's capitalism and I'm a capitalist, more power to them, I say!

You misinterpreted me. I don't expect him to be happy with his deal now. I wouldn't be. What I meant was, back then, he could have just wished CDPR best of luck (or at least kept quiet), when what he did instead was act like an arrogant jerk. Just makes me much less sympathetic to his current situation.

Ok, I get it and can get behind that. He's always come across as a cunt.


Nov 5, 2007
Should've pushed for the case, he was already asking for the minimum.

I hope the "further compensation" CDPR offer the stupid arsehole is 1zł. He insisted on a flat fee in the first place instead of ongoing royalties. Tough.
Not only that, he basically insulted CDPR as well, saying that he had no faith in them and video games are stupid. Miserable old cunt couldn't be just be glad that people liked his work enough to create an adaption of it. And as stated elsewhere in this thread no one held a gun to his head in the first place. Now he has the gall to do this? Fuck off.
And he was right. And if you would have faith in a no-name developer who made no games before after the previous attempt (Metropolis) already flopped, then you are the one who's retarded.
Take your 20/20 hindsight and shove it up your asshole.


Sapkowski should go storming right into CDPR's offices and take a leak right in their front lobby while giving the secretary the finger. Then Crip walk out.

The Great ThunThun*

How DARE you!?
Mar 8, 2018
Pathfinder: Wrath
Should've pushed for the case, he was already asking for the minimum.

I hope the "further compensation" CDPR offer the stupid arsehole is 1zł. He insisted on a flat fee in the first place instead of ongoing royalties. Tough.
Not only that, he basically insulted CDPR as well, saying that he had no faith in them and video games are stupid. Miserable old cunt couldn't be just be glad that people liked his work enough to create an adaption of it. And as stated elsewhere in this thread no one held a gun to his head in the first place. Now he has the gall to do this? Fuck off.
And he was right. And if you would have faith in a no-name developer who made no games before after the previous attempt (Metropolis) already flopped, then you are the one who's retarded.
Take your 20/20 hindsight and shove it up your asshole.

This argument was fine until he decided to reject their offers after the game was successful and even talking negatively about it. He decided to ride the high Horse and frankly, I admired him for it until he decided to dismount in the most dishonourable fashion.


Nov 5, 2007
Should've pushed for the case, he was already asking for the minimum.

I hope the "further compensation" CDPR offer the stupid arsehole is 1zł. He insisted on a flat fee in the first place instead of ongoing royalties. Tough.
Not only that, he basically insulted CDPR as well, saying that he had no faith in them and video games are stupid. Miserable old cunt couldn't be just be glad that people liked his work enough to create an adaption of it. And as stated elsewhere in this thread no one held a gun to his head in the first place. Now he has the gall to do this? Fuck off.
And he was right. And if you would have faith in a no-name developer who made no games before after the previous attempt (Metropolis) already flopped, then you are the one who's retarded.
Take your 20/20 hindsight and shove it up your asshole.

This argument was fine until he decided to reject their offers after the game was successful and even talking negatively about it. He decided to ride the high Horse and frankly, I admired him for it until he decided to dismount in the most dishonourable fashion.
There were no "offers after the game was successful", that's all reddit bullshit.

The Great ThunThun*

How DARE you!?
Mar 8, 2018
Pathfinder: Wrath
Should've pushed for the case, he was already asking for the minimum.

I hope the "further compensation" CDPR offer the stupid arsehole is 1zł. He insisted on a flat fee in the first place instead of ongoing royalties. Tough.
Not only that, he basically insulted CDPR as well, saying that he had no faith in them and video games are stupid. Miserable old cunt couldn't be just be glad that people liked his work enough to create an adaption of it. And as stated elsewhere in this thread no one held a gun to his head in the first place. Now he has the gall to do this? Fuck off.
And he was right. And if you would have faith in a no-name developer who made no games before after the previous attempt (Metropolis) already flopped, then you are the one who's retarded.
Take your 20/20 hindsight and shove it up your asshole.

This argument was fine until he decided to reject their offers after the game was successful and even talking negatively about it. He decided to ride the high Horse and frankly, I admired him for it until he decided to dismount in the most dishonourable fashion.
There were no "offers after the game was successful", that's all reddit bullshit.

In it, Sapkowski's lawyer(s) claims the original Witcher video game contract "concerned only the first in a series of games, and therefore distribution of all other games, including their expansions, add-ons etc., is, simply speaking, unlawful".

"I would also like to mention that we are aware not only of your intent to actually and legitimately (!) [sic] purchase all copyright from Mr. Andrzej Sapkowski, but also of specific offers which have been extended in this regard," it added.

Emphasis mine, source: https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/...y-demands-more-money-from-cd-projekt#comments

While, AS's arguments have some merit, in that he is the creator, and *maybe* he authorized only the first game (?), there are several problems with his claims. First being, he voluntarily turned down % profit on *all* subsequent products. Now, that means he *was* aware of possible future games. He simply bet wrongly on the % profit or the down payment. That in itself disqualifies his arguments a lot. If he had kept his quiet at this point about the quality of the games, which is, of course, inferior to the books in terms of the story, being a different medium, (who wudda thought), I would have some sympathy for him.

The Great ThunThun*

How DARE you!?
Mar 8, 2018
Pathfinder: Wrath
In fact, I will tell you what put him up to this. Speculation abound:

Netflix has asked him to rein in CDPR, because they fear brand dilution. If this be true then AS is not just a greedy pig but also a backstabber.


Dec 5, 2018
And he was right. And if you would have faith in a no-name developer who made no games before after the previous attempt (Metropolis) already flopped, then you are the one who's retarded.
Take your 20/20 hindsight and shove it up your asshole.

Fuck man what are you talking about? I'd love to be able to go back and use my "20/20 hindsight" to remake all my bad decisions, unfortunately C&C exists in the real world. Why people are defending this man is beyond me.


Nov 5, 2007
Should've pushed for the case, he was already asking for the minimum.

I hope the "further compensation" CDPR offer the stupid arsehole is 1zł. He insisted on a flat fee in the first place instead of ongoing royalties. Tough.
Not only that, he basically insulted CDPR as well, saying that he had no faith in them and video games are stupid. Miserable old cunt couldn't be just be glad that people liked his work enough to create an adaption of it. And as stated elsewhere in this thread no one held a gun to his head in the first place. Now he has the gall to do this? Fuck off.
And he was right. And if you would have faith in a no-name developer who made no games before after the previous attempt (Metropolis) already flopped, then you are the one who's retarded.
Take your 20/20 hindsight and shove it up your asshole.

This argument was fine until he decided to reject their offers after the game was successful and even talking negatively about it. He decided to ride the high Horse and frankly, I admired him for it until he decided to dismount in the most dishonourable fashion.
There were no "offers after the game was successful", that's all reddit bullshit.

In it, Sapkowski's lawyer(s) claims the original Witcher video game contract "concerned only the first in a series of games, and therefore distribution of all other games, including their expansions, add-ons etc., is, simply speaking, unlawful".

"I would also like to mention that we are aware not only of your intent to actually and legitimately (!) [sic] purchase all copyright from Mr. Andrzej Sapkowski, but also of specific offers which have been extended in this regard," it added.

Emphasis mine, source: https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/...y-demands-more-money-from-cd-projekt#comments

While, AS's arguments have some merit, in that he is the creator, and *maybe* he authorized only the first game (?), there are several problems with his claims. First being, he voluntarily turned down % profit on *all* subsequent products. Now, that means he *was* aware of possible future games. He simply bet wrongly on the % profit or the down payment. That in itself disqualifies his arguments a lot. If he had kept his quiet at this point about the quality of the games, which is, of course, inferior to the books in terms of the story, being a different medium, (who wudda thought), I would have some sympathy for him.
If they had all the rights they needed, why would they be "extending offers" to purchase them? What other copyright would they want? This has nothing to do with them wanting to give him extra money for the original license though.
I always did think it was weird he somehow agreed to any number of games.


4 Dimension Games
Aug 27, 2015
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Well, if there is a law for blatant misproportion of creator royalties in potatoland, I have a hard time imagining a more obvious opportunity to apply it. Wether that law is fair or not I really can't say, and I think this is not so much about money as it is about pride and taking back control of the franchise now that he has new "Big Friends" capable of, who knows, promoting a new videogame saga based on the TV series.


Nov 5, 2007
The point was that there were offers after the game was successful and it was not Reddit bs as you claimed.
They weren't offers of giving him more money for the license as you claimed (and as the retard who first posted that on reddit claimed because I've seen that post).


May 11, 2015
where east is west
I would say that the art of storytelling is not in creating something from nothing, but in reconfiguring extant tropes in novel and interesting ways.

The new is born of the old that is itself not entirely new.

Look at reproduction: Much of you is simply a retread of your ancestors, yet there is enough difference for you to be a individual and enough new to be considered a unique one at that.


Apr 30, 2011
Nope, there's no storytelling without audience, "pandering" to audience is inherent part of it.


Nov 5, 2007
Still no official word on this by the way, despite the fact that they just released the financial reports and it includes proceedings in two other cases (one of which was going on like 15 years now and they were demanding ridiculous money from the MoF :lol: and in the end was dismissed completely) and it probably would've looked good if they had actually settled this dispute.


Oct 5, 2012
Codex 2014
Settlement, CDPR will pay him some money in a form of recognition (not obligation), reportedly much lower amount than what he was asking: https://wccftech.com/the-witcher-compensation-cd-projekt-red/

The Witcher Author To Receive Further Compensation From CD Projekt Red, Report Claims


And now an agreement has been made, it's non-disclosure: https://www.cdprojekt.com/en/investors/regulatory-announcements/current-report-no-17-2019/

Current report no. 17/2019

December 20, 2019

Subject: Conclusion of agreement

Legal basis: Art. 17 of MAR – Inside information

In relation to information previously disclosed in Current Report 15/2018 of 1 October 2018, the Management Board of CD PROJEKT S.A. with a registered office in Warsaw, Jagiellońska 74 (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) hereby announces that on 20 December 2019 it entered into an agreement which solidifies and reinforces the Company’s relationship with Mr. Andrzej Sapkowski – author of The Witcher saga.

Given the contractual non-disclosure provisions applicable to both parties as well as the Company’s legitimate interest in protecting its trade secrets, details of the agreement will not be disclosed. Nevertheless, the agreement satisfies and fully clarifies the requirements and expectations of both parties in light of previously concluded agreements, and establishes a framework for future cooperation between the parties.

The agreement confers new rights upon the Company and reaffirms its existing title to “The Witcher” intellectual property in developing video games, graphic novels, board games and merchandise.


Sep 4, 2013
Yep Elric the Elven Emperor of Melnibone, weakling sustained by drugs or stolen souls, and bearer of the infamous Stormbringer is almost a one for one copy of the human orphan Geralt, a supermutant immune to disease, and weilder of two mundane swords. Clear case of plagiarism.
Yes, albino swordsman called the White Wolf running around reinforced by drugs. How you don't see similarities, and knowing how Sapkowski literally had no original ideas of his own, I don't know.
Hell, half of the 80ies and 90ies fantasy stole from Moorcock, no reason to deny it on technicalities. Geralt is a Elric expy.
Glad to tell it to you, but your argument of the White Wolf nickname is retarded. And it clearly shows that you understand nothing about Polish Commonwealth and South East Europe and how White Wolf as a nickname and heraldic crest is implicated in this topic.
This is to be expected from vulgar plebs.

Also i have made up my mind about this topic after one year:
I side with Sapkowski and he is entitled to his share by Faith, Law and King.


Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017
Yep Elric the Elven Emperor of Melnibone, weakling sustained by drugs or stolen souls, and bearer of the infamous Stormbringer is almost a one for one copy of the human orphan Geralt, a supermutant immune to disease, and weilder of two mundane swords. Clear case of plagiarism.
Yes, albino swordsman called the White Wolf running around reinforced by drugs. How you don't see similarities, and knowing how Sapkowski literally had no original ideas of his own, I don't know.
Hell, half of the 80ies and 90ies fantasy stole from Moorcock, no reason to deny it on technicalities. Geralt is a Elric expy.
Glad to tell it to you, but your argument of the White Wolf nickname is retarded. And it clearly shows that you understand nothing about Polish Commonwealth and South East Europe and how White Wolf as a nickname and heraldic crest is implicated in this topic.
This is to be expected from vulgar plebs.

Also i have made up my mind about this topic after one year:
I side with Sapkowski and he is entitled to his share by Faith, Law and King.
Sapkowski signed a contract. He is entitled to jack and shit other than what is in the contract.

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