Is the only proper way to play.God Randy is insane and addictive.
Is the only proper way to play.God Randy is insane and addictive.
(Since RimWorld translations are fan-made, non-English languages won't be available for the expansion immediately upon release.)
Remember, Tynan just from Steam made about 18 million dollaroos. Still he can't even pay for translation, those are voluntary. From the store page:
(Since RimWorld translations are fan-made, non-English languages won't be available for the expansion immediately upon release.)
But my main point is - the whole thing about supporting a poor starving indie developer is just a major wtf to me. Sure, buy the game if you really think it's worth it. To me it just looks like a cash grab, and according to ChaDargo(the big baby) pic more is to come. But buying it to support the dev is just misplaced which a lot of people seem to do.
Dev here: It won't. Unless a mod directly builds on Royalty content there's no reason for it to require Royalty.
I expect essentially all current mods and 95% of future mods to work with or without Royalty.
I made sure during the design process to reject ideas that would change the 'bases' of the game and thus create expansion/mod conflicts. So Royalty is a clean drop-in addition of content. No split community because that sucks.
So what would be for you a non cash grab DLC then?
What would you expect him to add the game further than Royalty for you to deem it a " real DLC"
How is it in any way like Bethesda's paid mods? This is the devs own work. This is what he himself made, as content for a game he made. Not the dev attaching a price tag to third party content. As for the rest, is the dev supposed to be blocked from expanding his own game because someone else made a free mod with similar features? What kind of logic is that? If you find the content to be too small to be worth the price tag, then don't buy it, but bitching about the dev being scummy because he dared to add optional content to his game, and asked money for it, is pants on head retarded.Ugh, OK. I love this game and I don't mind paying for its continued support but the DLC's content itself, I find VERY questionable and setting up a nasty precedent heavily in vein of Bethesda paid mods. The only saving grace I see here is the fact it adds music, but then again, the OST standalone costs half the price. As for everything else (like someone nicely summed up already):
Ruler system - done with mods
New Faction - Done with mods
Special Powers - Done with mods
New guns/clothes - Mods by the dozen
New building options - So many mods cover this
Literally every single game with DLCs that is popular with modders will have mods dependent on said DLCs, since they often want to expand upon the content therein. You aren't even presenting an argument, you're like a man complaining that water is wet.So just like I said. Content based or built upon Royalty will require the DLC. I don't understand why some people here refuse to acknowledge that. Now we have to see how that pans out, he says 95% will remain. But I have to wonder, as a modder, why wouldn't you want to make use of the new DLC stuff if you have the DLC?
Literally every single game with DLCs that is popular with modders will have mods dependent on said DLCs, since they often want to expand upon the content therein. You aren't even presenting an argument, you're like a man complaining that water is wet.So just like I said. Content based or built upon Royalty will require the DLC. I don't understand why some people here refuse to acknowledge that. Now we have to see how that pans out, he says 95% will remain. But I have to wonder, as a modder, why wouldn't you want to make use of the new DLC stuff if you have the DLC?
Ugh, OK. I love this game and I don't mind paying for its continued support but the DLC's content itself, I find VERY questionable and setting up a nasty precedent heavily in vein of Bethesda paid mods. The only saving grace I see here is the fact it adds music, but then again, the OST standalone costs half the price. As for everything else (like someone nicely summed up already):
Ruler system - done with mods
New Faction - Done with mods
Special Powers - Done with mods
New guns/clothes - Mods by the dozen
New building options - So many mods cover this
How is it in any way like Bethesda's paid mods? This is the devs own work. This is what he himself made, as content for a game he made. Not the dev attaching a price tag to third party content. As for the rest, is the dev supposed to be blocked from expanding his own game because someone else made a free mod with similar features? What kind of logic is that? If you find the content to be too small to be worth the price tag, then don't buy it, but bitching about the dev being scummy because he dared to add optional content to his game, and asked money for it, is pants on head retarded.Ugh, OK. I love this game and I don't mind paying for its continued support but the DLC's content itself, I find VERY questionable and setting up a nasty precedent heavily in vein of Bethesda paid mods. The only saving grace I see here is the fact it adds music, but then again, the OST standalone costs half the price. As for everything else (like someone nicely summed up already):
Ruler system - done with mods
New Faction - Done with mods
Special Powers - Done with mods
New guns/clothes - Mods by the dozen
New building options - So many mods cover this
Seriously, it's like you people do not remember when adding expansion packs to games was common practice (and widely liked one at that) and treat this like some strange new thing.
Ugh, OK. I love this game and I don't mind paying for its continued support but the DLC's content itself, I find VERY questionable and setting up a nasty precedent heavily in vein of Bethesda paid mods. The only saving grace I see here is the fact it adds music, but then again, the OST standalone costs half the price. As for everything else (like someone nicely summed up already):
Ruler system - done with mods
New Faction - Done with mods
Special Powers - Done with mods
New guns/clothes - Mods by the dozen
New building options - So many mods cover this
Yeah, there is a goddamn mod for everything. Whatever the DLC would be it would have been something that was done in a mod to some degree.
I think someone criticizing Ludeon for this DLC either already dislikes Ludeon and/or just has some inherent distrust of game developers and money-making. Although I'm not aware of any posts like that currently in this thread.
Care to name several examples of DLC's fitting your description?Something that truly expanded on the game and mechanics, maybe make it more of a simulation than just a random string of events. Not just a bunch of mods made official. Digging and being able to build multiple floors would be cool too.
What the fuckSo just like I said. Content based or built upon Royalty will require the DLC.
For fuck's sake. It's not about releasing DLCs. Battle Brothers does. It's about the mindset of going for easy money for virtually obsolete content just because the general audience is going to swallow it. The pauperization of franchise. DLC nations in Civ6. DLC national focuses in HOI4. The list goes on.Is it really fair to compare a small indie dev to the likes of Bethesda or Paradox and posit that they're going to end up releasing the same shells on 1.0 just because they've started adding DLC? Plenty of indie games have DLC, and you've got psuedo-indie studios like supergiant who've got real money behind them, and they still don't pull that shit.
I am sorry but the amount of polish the DLC has is not comparable to any mod, i just played a bit today, its literally like star craft brood war, where you cannot tell where the new stuff is from the last.For fuck's sake. It's not about releasing DLCs. Battle Brothers does. It's about the mindset of going for easy money for virtually obsolete content just because the general audience is going to swallow it. The pauperization of franchise. DLC nations in Civ6. DLC national focuses in HOI4. The list goes on.Is it really fair to compare a small indie dev to the likes of Bethesda or Paradox and posit that they're going to end up releasing the same shells on 1.0 just because they've started adding DLC? Plenty of indie games have DLC, and you've got psuedo-indie studios like supergiant who've got real money behind them, and they still don't pull that shit.
This pretty much shows you know shit about Rimworld mods. Medieval Times, Androids or both Vanilla Factions Expanded mods, add shitloads of stuff all the way from basic items & weapons, through recipes, workstations & factions up to storyteller events and world cell generation, while not being any less professional. Combat Extended, Psychology or EPOE go way beyond base game mechanics. Dinosauria, Megafauna or Vanilla Animals Expanded add stuff that looks better than vanilla. There's a mod that does a better job than the base game in virtually any category you could imagine, but it's beside the point. It just makes your explanation retarded - "polished" is a generic term in defense of everything developer released, as if being official magically makes it somehow better, while in truth it's just your post-purchase rationalization, completely ignorant of the existing material. Bethesda's horse armor was also technically alright, and so are the DLC nations in Civ6, but that "polish" doesn't make their existence any less shit, but as expected retards fail to even comprehend the issue here. You only come crying, years after the fact, when your game becomes a casual mobile trash. I bet you think nuXcom is superior to Battle Brothers, so trying to make you understand is a lost cause anyway.I am sorry but the amount of polish the DLC has is not comparable to any mod, i just played a bit today, its literally like star craft brood war, where you cannot tell where the new stuff is from the last.