Gamepass finally good for something, but minus points for not including Judgment duology. Literally what.

I started with 0 and moved on to Kiwami 1 and K2 but after playing most of the series I have to say that the original Yakuza 1 and 2 are just better in general, especially 2. Kiwami 2’s an awful remake. Make sure to get an undubbed rom of 1 unless you want to hear some REALLY campy and mostly shitty voice acting.I want to start experiencing the Life and Suffering of Kiryu Kazuma and friends as a total newbie to the series,, should I start playing from Y0 or Y1/YK?
I tried to search through the interwebs and there's many who recommend Y0 and many for YK so I'm sorta confused.
Play OG Yakuza 1, 2, 3, then 4, 5, 6. Then play 0. If after that, you want to continue with Ichiban's story, do that.I want to start experiencing the Life and Suffering of Kiryu Kazuma and friends as a total newbie to the series,, should I start playing from Y0 or Y1/YK?
I tried to search through the interwebs and there's many who recommend Y0 and many for YK so I'm sorta confused.
you sound gay, you may wanna man the fuck up before tackling YakuzaI want to start experiencing the Life and Suffering of Kiryu Kazuma and friends as a total newbie to the series,, should I start playing from Y0 or Y1/YK?
I tried to search through the interwebs and there's many who recommend Y0 and many for YK so I'm sorta confused.
This is what you get for not speaking up about Sawyerism 2 decades ago.Why the game throws 20+ same enemy groups in short intervals, giving you zero challenge, poor rewards and very little experience? What's the logic here?
Absolutely impossible. Guy's mech would get shot up before he figures how to turn and shoot at once.mecha Kiryu
Gotta say though, brawler is much more viable than other impressions conveyed. And wild dance is a real fluid and fun style. Shame I used it only after I beat the game.I too finished Ishin, at least on hard. Still plan on at least beating Amon before I shelf it to NG+ later.
I tried playing Judgement before this, but somehow I don't have as much fun with Judgement as I did with Ishin. Despite Ishin being as grindy as a damned cement mixer.
brawler is much more viable than other impressions conveyed
Viable nonetheless, I think, I used it against takechi with good effect.Personally the Brawler's damage just didn't scale beyond the beginning chapters.
You can only increase it with a couple of skills or 1 type of armor seal.
Meanwhile the gun and sword get all that extra damage from weapon, weapon abilities and weapon seals. You can 10x your brawler damage with an upgraded sword as early as Chapter 6.
Yeah ask the barbarian to gun people, what could go wrong.You're supposed to swap stles, anyway.