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Resident Evil Village - now featuring giant vampire MILFs


Nov 30, 2016
An oasis of love and friendship.
Make the Codex Great Again! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I helped put crap in Monomyth


Feb 26, 2020
Is it just me or Capcom still haven't handled the FPS combat quite well yet? It felt too stiff and awkward.

It works well in Ethan's due to his section being more survival horror oriented but Chris's section felt rather boring and stiff despite you fight hordes of monsters. He doesn't feel powerful when compared to his feats in Res5-6.

If this is how the Resident Evil 4 remake will be, I'd definitely call it a heavy downgrade since they will dumb down the gameplay and difficulty.


Dec 5, 2003
Chris's section felt rather boring and stiff despite you fight hordes of monsters. He doesn't feel powerful when compared to his feats in Res5-6.

Chris feels way OP after playing Ethan the whole game - his assault rifle alone takes down standard enemies in no time.

This was the first FPS game I've played on console which actually felt decent and a better way to play than on M&K (I tried the PC demo and the non-controller gameplay was clearly an afterthought)
Aug 10, 2012
Alright, just finished. The Heisenberg bit and the finale were lame as shit. I think my favourite part of the game was the fish boss (after the scripted event) as it felt like a proper fight.

Not sure if I'm going to replay it on the hardest difficulty mode that gets unlocked or just sell it right away - probably just sell it. Pretty weak game. I prefer 7, even though the gameplay in 8 is technically refined over its predecessor, 7 is much less lame and has some actual tense moments.

However, one hugely impressive thing about the game on PS5 that I don't see talked about enough are the loadtimes. There are none - zero. Loading up the game from scratch into a savegame takes less than 5 seconds. I loaded up a RE7 savegame on the console to compare and it's ridiculous the sort of difference that this makes - orders of magnitude better.

Returnal also has pretty much zero loadtimes. The storage tech on the PS5 is a real breakthrough I feel, I have a pretty top-end NVME on my PC and it doesn't even compare. There are some hardcore optimizations going on in that area.


Old time handsome face wrecker
Dec 1, 2010
San Diego
Codex 2014
Returnal also has pretty much zero loadtimes. The storage tech on the PS5 is a real breakthrough I feel, I have a pretty top-end NVME on my PC and it doesn't even compare. There are some hardcore optimizations going on in that area.

I think it's a combination of good ram and a top-shelf solid state drives. I threw an SSD in my gaming PC a year ago and it made a monster of a difference. But now of course, NVMEs are a thing so I guess I need to get one of those (fuck!).
Aug 10, 2012
Returnal also has pretty much zero loadtimes. The storage tech on the PS5 is a real breakthrough I feel, I have a pretty top-end NVME on my PC and it doesn't even compare. There are some hardcore optimizations going on in that area.

I think it's a combination of good ram and a top-shelf solid state drives. I threw an SSD in my gaming PC a year ago and it made a monster of a difference. But now of course, NVMEs are a thing so I guess I need to get one of those (fuck!).
From what I understand, the PS5 situation goes beyond top-shelf parts. According to this article, the throughput is 5GB/s, which is only seen in best-case synthetic benchmarks even on the very top NVMEs on PCs, not real-world scenarios.

Understanding the PS5's SSD: A deep dive into next-gen storage tech | TweakTown

I thought it was just marketing spiel and overblown drivel before I actually played Returnal and RE8. But going from the system menu to inside the save within 5 seconds is some truly serious shit. I think this is the first time pre-release hype actually measures up regarding console tech. Although there's some bullshit in that article ("installs are a thing of the past" yeah right, 30 minute installs are still a thing).


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
At large
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath


This guy is the best thing in this thread and makes the thread worthwile on his own.

Feels like it kinda is. Games have entered the Hollywood sphere. At least AAA games... something you might "consume" for an afternoon, but then it's over.
Yeah, mediocrity and wokeness managed to bring the hobby down to the level of hollywood mass-produced crap.


May 22, 2013
Finished it, will possibly post more detailed impressions later.

Can say that I definitely prefer over 7 though, which while had an excellent start, petered out pretty fast (terrible enemy variety and a fucking ship + caves level out of all things in the last third).


Jan 23, 2016
Terra Australis
Master piece of shit, more like.

If you want RE to get good again you need to look past that garbage game. The more the series returns to it's survival horror roots such as what they did with RE2:Remake, the better the game is. It's not a coincidence!

With RE8, Crapcom took two steps away from that and took two towards the RE4 formula. And what did we get? A turd. It just proves that RE4 was shit all along. If RE keeps aspiring to be like RE4, it's going to keep being shit!
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Pretty sure you don't have to play RE8 to prove that RE4 was shit. Playing RE4 does that just fine.
And then, RE7 was also shit, and compared to the original, REmake2 was also shit, not to mention REmake3. There's really no reason whatsoever to buy any of these shovelware crap games anymore, there hasn't been since RE4. The series has been complete utter shit ever since.
Aug 10, 2012
I was going to play it on the hardest difficulty and dabble around with Mercenaries mode, but just put it up for sale instead.


Think about hairy dwarfs all the time ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oct 20, 2015
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.

A pretty good review that I mostly agree with. While I'm positive on Ethan's characterization, rewarding optional exploration and varied horror themes in 4 sections, overall the game feels more like a jack of all trades themepark. It doesn't feel claustrophobic as RE7, doesn't encourage overcome limitation and learning the environment like RE2R, and most of all it's just way too easy and too damn linear. The factory is my favorite section because it's the least linear area, and tangling between floors can get confusing due to the lack of natural light sources and convenient stairs, and it's exactly what a RE needs. If only the rest of the game was like this :(

The worst thing in this game, IMO, is the inventory:

- It has too much space, even without upgrade.

- You get inventory upgrade too early through the Duke's store, instead of exploration. Too easy to get with a few treasures and some spare changes from dead enemies.

- Crafting items don't take up space. In RE2R I often find myself passing up gunpowder or herb, memorize their position, then come back for them later when I need them. Never had to do that in Village. You constantly have a stream of resources readily available and that just lowers any kind of tension and decision making in this game.

- The game pauses, unlike in RE7, when you go into inventory, so we have another "pause the game to eat 36329 apples" dilemma here.

- There's very few item combinations, which further trivialize crafting system. In RE2R and the other classic games, you can have combinations like G + R or G + G + G or G + R + Y, in RE7 it's a bit simplified but you still can combine a Green Herb with First Aid Med to create Strong First Aid Med. So saving a hoard of green herb and wait for a yellow herb isn't always the best choice as sometimes you need to chew one to get through a hot spot quickly, but a small 2x green herb isn't enough in a boss fight for example. In Village, there's only one health item, you need it, you craft it, no need to consider anything. Ammo types do share resources, but they're so plentiful they have never come off as something worth planning ahead to me.

- Same with key items and the lack of item box. With the way the game places a key item at the most convenient time when you need it, there's no need to plan ahead where you're about to go and what key you gonna need.

- Same with treasure, there's literally no reason to leave valuable items behind. You can often find combinable items, but why sell the lone piece since you'll find the other pieces eventually? It's a no brainer, again, no decision making here.

There's also something ironic about the main inventory itself that contains only depletable items (except guns themselves). Since you don't need to worry about items that you're not sure when to use (like keys, or when you are holding a treasure but not sure when you're going to meet the Duke), it acts more like a funnel that constantly adds and delete items and it just renders managing the thing meaningless.

Also can we talk about how the Duke straight up mark secret weapons and treasures on the map for you, when in some optional quests, your only clue is a paper note or a picture??? It's so messed up how some aspects are true to RE spirit, but most others are so dumb-downed they feel stitched together and overly streamlined.
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Nov 3, 2014
- The game pauses, unlike in RE7, when you go into inventory, so we have another "pause the game to eat 36329 apples" dilemma here.

Not exactly. The game pauses when you open your inventory but if you change your weapon or use a healing bottle Ethan does it in real time (You'll see the animation when you resume the game). It's not like in classic suvival horror like the other RE or Silent hill, where you can change your weapons or use consumables instantly. This aside, I completely agree with the treasures and key items having another inventory being a issue. This is something taken from Resident evil 4 without thinking it too much, but it was also an issue in that game. The inventory it's just a toy box where you keep your ammunition and weapons. The decision in Village of making items like animal meat and fish wasting space in the main inventory but not doing the same to key items and treasures is random.


I have only to finish the game with knife only to get 100% challenges and stuff. I'll try to comment some random thoughts about the game later.

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