Cis-Het Oppressor
You bring up feminism in more and more threads that have nothing to with it and when you do, it's less and less to argue some relevant point and more and more to call some random gal you hate a retard.
Which random gal is that? Are you talking about Roguey? In the vast majority of cases when I broach feminism, I'm not responding to Roguey, but instead she appears to respond to me—as you can clearly see in this very thread. Other than Anita Sarkeesian (whom I only discussed in threads relevant to Anita Sarkeesian), I never pick on individual feminists, except for Roguey... and usually not over feminist issues.
What you write seems very sensible on the surface, but the so-called evidence you're asking me to examine isn't there. I bring up feminism only on occasion, at which point certain individuals explode because I've dragged it into the thread, turning it into even larger derail than it otherwise would be. If you feel my broaching of feminism is inappropriate, nuke the post or get someone else to nuke it. I don't mind.
It's less me and more the reactionaries who can't handle it being mentioned outside of Politics.
Edit: Which is fine; I'll try to remember not to discuss feminism in gaming threads, if everyone's going to fly off the handle over it.