PS:T - 6/10: The writing is strong, characters are cool, party is very fleshed out, setting is rather unique and the conflict regarding TNO is quite fascinating, shame the combat is so bad and the system is so dumbed down compared to BG1/2 to the point you only have 4 classes to choose from when it comes to your PC. some quests are cool and related to TNO's memory loss and past, but the gameplay in most are quite simplistic and the narrative ends up being quite short, none have the puzzle solving quality of Fo's quests and the itemization doesnt help since most items are related to combat and almost none are for non-lethal gameplay or skill manipulation, while combat is quite rare and much worse than any other I.E game (mind you that most builds wont work in this game, try high AC dodger and fail miserably). its decent, althought DE made it a bit obsolete.
Even with your complaints, some of which are very valid, a 6/10 is way too low for a game with such strong writing. Arguably the best story in any RPG ever.
Thing is, you rate Chrono trigger as one of the best RPGs ever, and Chrono Trigger has combat which is just as bad if not worse. Chrono Trigger requires literally baby-level tactics and strategies to succeed, and if you equip the right items the game plays itself (the Ruby armour essentially turns most boss fights into auto-plays). Chrono Trigger also has baby-level puzzle solving too. So how you forgive Chrono Trigger but down mark Planescape Torment is just daft.
Same thing can be said for a lot of your complaints against Deus Ex.
CT has no puzzles, i just saw your comment now. most of the side content is related to dungeon crawling or exploring different time-lines (which is the closest to a puzzle that it has, its definitively cooler than rotating a door, let me put like that)
Also combat is not as bad, its decent. having to actually rotate party members is a plus too and so is enemies actually acting differently instead of the gogo advance and kill everything enemies of PS:T. shit like sentinels becoming invincible when raising their shield, or burning the shield of ogans to deal with their high damage gives a lot more variety to combat, which is one of the main things PS:T lacks. CT is way too easy, definitively. however i dont care for a game being hard or easy if the plot doesnt reinforce said idea, CT is a rule of cool, nothing in it screams it to be hard, in fact, it makes more sense to play less like age of decadence and more like Kotor for a game like that.
In other hand, when i say Fo2 benefits from the random encounters being harder and people walking in large groups in the wastes, people often disagree, i dont understand because i will always defend that a game needs to be well tied together in terms of the writing and the gameplay, i dont judge a game by being easy or hard. people here for example, love the first Fo and Ultima underworld barely even mentioning how both of those games are in fact, WAY too easy. in fact, i dont think ive died in UW before i reached L7. bashing on easier games is kind of a meme at this point.
CT has much better pacing either, literally every time i went to beat it i ended up finishing in the next day because it flows way too nicely, first section being linear enough to focus on story progression, then slowly becoming more open ended and allowing you to visit the world and different timelines, while PS:T has some really boring sections and a bunch of exposition (not nearly as much as PoE but still)
The main difference while playing both is that the flaws in CT barely detract much from the experience, instead you just think something could be better, but everything is working to make the story flow well, while in PS:T you constantly ask why even have combat in the first place since the story telling would actually benefit of not having such, when DE came out, it only proved this point.