Joff1981 said:
Is there any particular reason why the character screen cannot be accessed via an icon on the taskbar?
No. If someone's design will have this option, that would be fine with me.
1. Are primary statistics still permanent or can you change them (in a non-temporary fashion) later in the game? A carved in stone look would be good if they're truly permanent.
2. You mentioned that you do not "level up" in the traditional sense but do you still follow a similar experience curve? i.e. you gain skill points slower the further you progress.
No. See Prelude to Darkness or Bloodlines for details.
I ask this because of the lack of any indicator as to when you are going to get your next power increase e.g. current exp 100 next level 300.
Huh? Power increase? Here's how it works. Let's say your current sword skill is 72. You killed a weak enemy, got 1 xp, bumped up your skill to 73, solved a quest, got 5 xp, bumped up your skill to 78, etc. Because your skill is now over 75, your passive disarm weapons skill attached to the sword skill went up by 10 points.
3. Are there any derived stats that are not visible on the existing character screens? I'm thinking things like carry weight, combat sequence and heal rate (assuming you naturally heal over time).
Carry weight is the only one. Sequence depends on your Dex vs that of your opponents, so it can't realy be displayed on the chat sheet. You don't heal over time as that's an exploit.
4. Speaking of time am I right in thinking that there will be time sensitive quests? If so how are you conveying the current time/passage of time to the player? Are there enough of these quests to require an additional interface component e.g. a sundial, sand/water timer.
I didn't want to attach a timer to such quests, so we use different triggers to "measure" time. For example, if you have a time-sensitive quest in a certain town, if you leave the town, the quest automatically expires and a default outcome is chosen.
I'm not sure that time-sensitive is the right way to describe these quests. Think of them as urgent quests instead. Some quests could be solved in a few months (i.e. find out what faction A is doing at location X), some quests must be solved fairly quickly (i.e. we have a hostage situation). Hope the explanation helps.
5. What does DC stand for? I assume it's something to to with avoiding blows in combat but it would be nice to know for sure.
Dodge Class.
6. I think that one of the problems with the character screen at the moment is that you are assigning the same relevance to all information displayed on it. Most other sytems display primary stats more prominently and also have tabs for less important items. In your case I would suggest having the reputations and traits on a 3 tab system as these are more for flavour and less statistically relevant than your skills and primary/derived statistics.
I's rather see everything on one screen. It's a personal preference.
7. Regarding reputations, it seems to me that numerical values don't serve too much purpose for the player and that a verbal description may be better. This would help to break up the vast mass of numbers present on the screen, which would prevent information overload for the player. Unless there a large number of differing reactions to the players reputation a display of Despised->Hated->Disliked->Neutral->Liked->Loved->Adored would be more palatable. This allows for three different degrees of response on each side of neutrality and still allows you to deal with numbers in the background but not display them to the player, since the system likely isn't precise enough to provide different results between -42 and -43. I'm sure you can come up with good verbal descriptors for the general reputations as well.
Hmm... I like your idea a lot. The only problem, it's hard to say when Disliked would change to Hated. With numbers you know that when your rep is -49 you are about to reach a new low
, so you may think twice about being naughty again. Perhaps, we should have both.