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Path of Exile is a MAJESTIC incline


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Least fun I had in any League to date so far. This could very well just be on me, because of my starter choice and/or IRL stress. OR the League actually isn't that good. I don't remember ever complaining about Heist when it initially launched. At least there you were getting some good rewards. In Ancestor I'm either getting ass raped and have to wait until I fully lose a match and then the tourney OR I'm winning, but it takes minutes and the reward is 3 Jews or 6 Chance Orbs or some such. Hopefully this hotfix will make things more fun and also a different build maybe (currently leveling Ice Spear Totems Hiero).
Agreed that the match rewards are frequently terrible (unless you get build relevant tatoos, but it's quite rare). Although you seem to frequently get a unique in the final match, and the tatoos from winning a full tournament are good.

The enemy hp scales insanely fast and high. Shits have many times the hp of map bosses, and theres several of them, and you have to kill them multiple times to get their respawn timers up to anything high enough to give you time to attack.

I still think it's more fun than sanctum, or crucible, and so on. At least they're trying something new even if the balance is out of whack.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
When did that happen? I remember them being a cheapo 1c unique.
After the big Uniques Rework that also made Uniques much more rare. Any build that stacks charges would want these, except Discharge builds.

I also remember every floor used to be, kill boss get out, now some floors are just find the exit, some are kill every boss/rare (usually there's around 6 that need to be killed). Also this shit is still very annoying. Ran into a trap fight room where the traps shot laser beams that track you (hf if you don't have a teleport skill), forcing you to relocate a lot and of course the enemies have no problem attacking you from offscreen and it's not like you can dodge if you can't see. So yeah, I'm not exactly excited to play more.
The changes to Sanctum made me pretty mad. The ability to fish for a favourable start = gone. Inspiration = gone. Offscreening = gone. It was one of the most well received Leagues in recent memory and they just HAD to make so many drastic changes to it which nobody asked for. Maybe it'll be good once I roll my SRS Grandpa COPIUM.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
I doubt this strat survives for long, but maybe one of you can have some fun with it over the weekend:



Oct 12, 2010
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Grab the Codex by the pussy RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
Also hoping the league mechanic receives further tweaking. I've done it a few times, but it's just a pain in the ass to play right now.

Baron Dupek

Jul 23, 2013
what sorcery is this?


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
it's just a pain in the ass to play right now.

Every league the last 10 leagues :D
Yeah. It's also funny because in this league someone figured out a hack (reverse knockback to suck em all up into a corner) and GGG instantly hotfixed it. Meanwhile enemies instagibbing players, having 10x the hp of map bosses and rewards being awful gets to stick around for a full week or more. Wouldn't want to accidentally make the game too fun to play.

Oh well, you can stack up the coins and it might be a really fun league if they do another round of nerfs in a week.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
it's just a pain in the ass to play right now.

Every league the last 10 leagues :D
Yeah. It's also funny because in this league someone figured out a hack (reverse knockback to suck em all up into a corner) and GGG instantly hotfixed it. Meanwhile enemies instagibbing players, having 10x the hp of map bosses and rewards being awful gets to stick around for a full week or more. Wouldn't want to accidentally make the game too fun to play.

Oh well, you can stack up the coins and it might be a really fun league if they do another round of nerfs in a week.

It's the primary thing making me a bit concerned for PoE2. Developers wanting to play their game for another reason than why they're doing it currently is always worrisome.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
It's the primary thing making me a bit concerned for PoE2. Developers wanting to play their game for another reason than why they're doing it currently is always worrisome.
Yeah, I don't have a lot of faith in GGGs current design team. But the standard convention for aRPG is also kind of shit (I play poe because it has buildfaggotry like nothing else, not because grinding maps for 30 hours is intriguing design), so if they try to include more active action elements like needing to dodge roll and use more ability combos I'm fine with that. But I also think the point and click interface is pretty shitty for they seem to be trying to make (if I am expected to make precise movements in a chaotic space, you cannot put a pathfinding algorithm between my input and the characters movement).


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
It's the primary thing making me a bit concerned for PoE2. Developers wanting to play their game for another reason than why they're doing it currently is always worrisome.
Yeah, I don't have a lot of faith in GGGs current design team. But the standard convention for aRPG is also kind of shit (I play poe because it has buildfaggotry like nothing else, not because grinding maps for 30 hours is intriguing design), so if they try to include more active action elements like needing to dodge roll and use more ability combos I'm fine with that. But I also think the point and click interface is pretty shitty for they seem to be trying to make (if I am expected to make precise movements in a chaotic space, you cannot put a pathfinding algorithm between my input and the characters movement).

If Last Epoch had decent content I would definitely play that way more than PoE. I think PoE's content-richness is a main argument for playing it.

I just feel like their balancing is targeted towards creaming the small amount of hardcore zoom-zoomers, and it doesn't really do that because they're too good, meanwhile it fucks the rest of us out of tangible rewards and reasonable content.

Crucible fights is some of the most boring content I've ever done in an aRPG, and playing until uber-endgame I never once found a tree I'd consider super strong. That's some shitty design.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
I just feel like their balancing is targeted towards creaming the small amount of hardcore zoom-zoomers, and it doesn't really do that because they're too good, meanwhile it fucks the rest of us out of tangible rewards and reasonable content.
Yeah, the devs nerf just about everything except for top tier items. Probably out of some metric thing that told them that when people finish their itemizations they quit.


Sep 11, 2016
They did well with bows I think, just added a lot of power to early and mid tier builds, then of course, they nerfed poison which is only used for league start and disapears after week one.
Like I've said before, they have no idea what makes their game attractive.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Grunker (and anyone else that wants to give advice) I found https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Windscream, considering putting it on my RF build. Thoughts?

Would have to hextouch/bane to combine it with flammability, and also not sure which curse is best. Ele weakness is probably better but the color requirements are crazy (3 nonred in one item is too much). Punishment also seems pretty good since lowlife is 50% of the time (realistically more uptime in practice on rares since something in the pack is gonna explode for free burst at the start). Could also put a defensive curse in there but then it's back to high color requirements, unless I do something like hextouch temp chains + selfcast flammability.

Despite having fire res conversion and having played quite a few maps my gear still feels pretty shit. Have cleared a t9 map, but both of my rings are still ones I crafted in like act 3... So chaos damage still feels rippy, and low armor (I'm using a hybrid int/str 5link I found, and headpiece is hybrid to get exposure) means I'm not as tanky to physical damage as I'd like either.


Mar 16, 2015
What performance issues? Just turn off sounds entirely as usual.
Or use soft that limits your CPU... or do it yourself via BIOS.
Or like me try it on Xbox Series X where it works better than before :D
I switched to that from my PC, no need to turn anything off, I left better quality ON and it is works perfect. I even bought a supporter pack for 20$ for POE1 on Xbox and now I am fully console peasant for PoE1 (and PoE2 once it is out on Xbox). Well I was already for last few months but I didn't buy any stash stuff so far as I was still telling myself I will play in on PC again at some time..
AND my back and neck do not hurt me by playing PoE on controller instead of K&M.


Nov 5, 2007
Grunker (and anyone else that wants to give advice) I found https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Windscream, considering putting it on my RF build. Thoughts?

Would have to hextouch/bane to combine it with flammability, and also not sure which curse is best. Ele weakness is probably better but the color requirements are crazy (3 nonred in one item is too much).
I don't think there is a better anoint option than Whispers of Doom for RF for Flammability + Ele Weakness, so using a unique item for +1 curse is a bit of a waste. If you're playing Jugg it's more damage that you'd want.
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Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
I don't think there is a better anoint option than Whispers of Doom for RF for Flammability + Ele Weakness, so using a unique item for +1 curse is a bit of a waste. If you're playing Jugg it's more damage that you'd want.
I'm playing chieftain. Anointing whispers of doom sounds nice, but 3 golden oils is asking quite a lot (I have like 2 clear and 1 sepia to my name total right now).


Mar 16, 2015
I was just thinking today if someone already made a viable Sentinel of Radiance build and then youtube recommends this video:


Mar 16, 2015
People enjoying league!

I'm almost to maps playing on console, having a blast with Ascendant Reap/ Reaper/ Eternal Youth/ Demon Stitchers. Izaro dropped Grand Spectrum +1 to power charges, not sure how to price it. L Only two others on market at 3 div and 4 div, while poeninja says 40c.
I got to maps on Xbox and started looking around at buying some stuff I need... yea it is not going to end well for me :D
Market on console is super small.
Price checking does not work, everything is going to be more expensive on console.
Best one can do is find those that did not list a price and offer less. I managed to get a decent Large Cluster jewel for minions like that. People were asking from 20c to 1 divine for those, I offered 2c to a guy and he said yes :D

Now I need Medium Cluster Jewel for minions and Fleshcrafter. There are like 2 of those unique armors on market, and they are priced in divines and not even 5l :D


Mar 16, 2015
I tried 2 sanctum runs with my guardian summoner, failed both near end of first floor. Then I watched how Ziz does it and it is best if you attack as little as possible and never get hit... wtf.. why do GGG make such terrible league mechanics in a fucking aRPG?!?! I got almost nothing for these two runs (I learned my lesson and stopped choosing to get rewards at end of floor as I guess that was also too ambitious).

I am not fan of Heist but even Heist is 5x better than this shit. At least there you get some loot from seperate runs and you can use your character stats and defenses and life and potions to survive through it and get some loot even if you are not specialized in doing Heist. And I even managed to get decent rewards from Delve in past even with not being specialized for that..
Sanctum is just shit design, I have no idea why it went core except to make Ziz happy

Jason Liang

Oct 26, 2014
So... on PC:
- Scion Hierophant Forbidden Flame is 30c
- Scion Slayer is 1 div
- Scion Pathfinder Forbidden Flame is 4 div
- Scion Necromancer Forbidden Flame is 14 div

Guess I'm going Necro/ Pathfinder

I made a graph in case anyone finds it useful:

Scion Forbidden Flame/ Flesh Prices-

Forbidden Flame/ Flesh

Juggernaut 20 c 20 c
Berserker 5 div 3 div
Chieftain 10 c 10 c

Raider 5 div 9 div
Deadeye 14 div 14 div
Pathfinder 4 div 14 div

Occultist 140 c 1 div
Elementalist 2 div 65 c
Necromancer 13 div 3 div

Slayer 1 div 70 c
Gladiator 30 c 40 c
Champion 8 div 5 div

Inquisitor 25 c 20 c
Hierophant 30 c 25 c
Guardian 14 div 2 div

Assassin 20 c 10 c
Trickster 20 c 25 c
Saboteur 1 div 5 div

I'm definitely collecting sets of all the cheap ones. Scion is amazing.
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So... on PC:
- Scion Hierophant Forbidden Flame is 30c
- Scion Slayer is 1 div
- Scion Pathfinder Forbidden Flame is 4 div
- Scion Necromancer Forbidden Flame is 14 div

Guess I'm going Necro/ Pathfinder

I made a graph in case anyone finds it useful:

Scion Forbidden Flame/ Flesh Prices-

Forbidden Flame/ Flesh

Juggernaut 20 c 20 c
Berserker 5 div 3 div
Chieftain 10 c 10 c

Raider 5 div 9 div
Deadeye 14 div 14 div
Pathfinder 4 div 14 div

Occultist 140 c 1 div
Elementalist 2 div 65 c
Necromancer 13 div 3 div

Slayer 1 div 70 c
Gladiator 30 c 40 c
Champion 8 div 5 div

Inquisitor 25 c 20 c
Hierophant 30 c 25 c
Guardian 14 div 2 div

Assassin 20 c 10 c
Trickster 20 c 25 c
Saboteur 1 div 5 div

I'm definitely collecting sets of all the cheap ones. Scion is amazing.
They should just train an AI on PoB to help design the optimal matrix of DPS, eHP, Budget $.
That would force the Devs to think outside the box beyond solved build design.

Jason Liang

Oct 26, 2014
The Templar start is one of the best on the map; playing Scion, it's almost irrational not to take a Templar class just to get the Templar start. Hence I think why the Scion Templar jewels have so little demand.


Mar 16, 2015
I think I wasted 2 hours buying shit yesterday on console. I am pretty sure that GGG made the UI cancer on purpose because of how they simplified buying process (no need to go into people hideouts to buy or sell stuff).
To counter that you can only filter by base types and then names of items. That is fucking it! Luckily corrupted is part of the name so I could filter by all body armors and word corrupted. My goal was to buy an affordable 6l or 5l with decent stats and colors of sockets I need. It took fucking forever going through 250+ pages of shit. The name filter does not only show you what you wrote but game still shows you all body armors for sale and name filter only highlights those it fits... fuck you GGG
In the end I didn't even get all colors perfectly. I needed 4 or 3 blue and 2 or 3 red. But all corrupted 6l had some green shit on it. In the end I settled for 3 blue, 2 red and 1 green and put half useful Culling Strike into it. Well I could use hypothermia as a real damage support but then I would need to use skitterbots which I do not have a slot for. Or run into packs to use that shitty Chill flask.
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Jason Liang

Oct 26, 2014
I think I wasted 2 hours buying shit yesterday on console. I am pretty sure that GGG made the UI cancer on purpose because of how they simplified buying process (no need to go into people hideouts to buy or sell stuff).
To counter that you can only filter by base types and then names of items. That is fucking it! Luckily corrupted is part of the name so I could filter by all body armors and word corrupted. My goal was to buy an affordable 6l or 5l with decent stats and colors of sockets I need. It took fucking forever going through 250+ pages of shit. The name filter does not only show you what you wrote but game still shows you all body armors for sale and name filter only highlights those it fits... fuck you GGG
In the end I didn't even get all colors perfectly. I needed 4 or 3 blue and 2 or 3 red. But all corrupted 6l had some green shit on it. In the end I settled for 3 blue, 2 red and 1 green and put half useful Culling Strike into it. Well I could use hypothermia as a real damage support but then I would need to use skitterbots which I do not have a slot for. Or run into packs to use that shitty Chill flask.
You can filter any text (at least on Sony PS). For example I find Forbidden Flame/ Flesh by searching Cobalt Jewel and filter for "Scion". I also found my body armer by searching all the str/int armors filtered for "recharge". The only thing I wish it could do is filter for sockets and links.

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