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Path of Exile is a MAJESTIC incline


Dec 29, 2010
I got my Jugg into lower level red maps, still sporting a 5L :(
I had a few 6L drops but none of them axes or armor or armor/evasion body armor so useless. Now I gave up on waiting for 6l to then craft on but now I will try to find worthy body armor first and then turn it into 6L so I got a lot of fusings now and maybe I get lucky.
Survival is still going strong even with only 3700 life lol. This build asks now to get a lot of spell supression for red maps but so far I didn't find anything good for any of my item slots so now I just decided to do red maps without it :D
I tried to craft a better axe but no luck so far, I am still using something I crafted while still in white maps that has about 450 pdps .
Look up tainted fuse. Niko's memory of chasms is easy source otherwise beyond.
Nah, I already specialized into Syndicate, Harvest and Expeditions. I am collecting some delving energy and hope to get some stuff there to craft over 20% quality on something worth using so to try to make a 6l (like a Despot Axe with good Forge abilities). Or from Syndicate when I get to right safe houses.
Well yeah not to mention those beyond bosses can get ugly xd. I think i got more tainted from regular mobs during memory it's quite fun. Now im itching for some delirious beyond.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Jeeeebus the atlas tree lmao.

This shit is actually worse than the skill tree as i have no idea what the hell is it i'm looking at, though at least respec points are cheaper.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
WTF the -60% elemental penalty after killing Kitava.
The chaos penalty is much worse, since it's waay harder to get on gear and becomes a distressingly common source of damage in maps.

I found some gear that has a bunch and curiously it's mostly full evasion gear, which makes me wonder whether "rogue" gear or whatever has an higher chance to roll it.

For the time being, i decided to pick up those three nodes that grant 18% for each element. They are right there and i can easily respec out of them once i patch up the holes in my gear. Currently, i have 60% or more on each element and 24% on Chaos resistance. Best i can do for the time being.

Did a couple of maps and found another of those wierd NPCs, Sister what's her face. I also found some Syndacate materials or tokens and i'm told "soneone" in town will know about them but when i talk to Jun i get no reaction. I met her once out in the open in the Oasis and she told me about the Syndacate but then after that the quest got stalled. I'm not sure i like the randomness of those encounters. I met Jun in act 9, had an encounter with her in the Oasis, told me to find the Syndacate people and then nada. Now i'm finding stuff related to her but can't turn it in because the first part of her quest was never complete.

Still staring at the Atlas trying to figure out what it is i'm looking at. I guess it would be better to climb the Atlas before using maps but i got a bunch of T1 trash maps and i saw T2 maps are pretty cheap at Kirac so for now i guess i can just do those while i figure out the Atlas tree.
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Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Lel, what is this vault bullshit. I thought it was going to be knewl items instead it's a bunch of paid cosmetics and "free" shit which however isn't available on ruthless.

Also, i see i got another Atlas point. I thought you got those only by doing missions for Kirac, but apparently you just get them like that.


Mar 28, 2014
Still staring at the Atlas trying to figure out what it is i'm looking at. I guess it would be better to climb the Atlas before using maps but i got a bunch of T1 trash maps and i saw T2 maps are pretty cheap at Kirac so for now i guess i can just do those while i figure out the Atlas tree.

There isn't really anything to figure out. Just play maps and higher ones will be collected as loot. Your start at T1 and go up to T15. Along the way there will be some story content but not like campaign. More like clues for you to do specific maps and X happens.

Saw a reddit post that suggested going like this for a first time, at least for the first 30 points or whatever:


IT doesn't really matter. Atlas tree is mostly for you to customize what you like and what you don't like about atlas. So if you really don't like some content you can outright switch it off. Or if you really love some content you can specialize atlas tree in it to get a lot of those encounters.

If you don't know what you like etc. just focus on general nodes


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
I also found some Syndacate materials or tokens and i'm told "soneone" in town will know about them but when i talk to Jun i get no reaction
I assume you mean the rogue's markers? Should be an npc in act 6. Then you can use them while in town to open a portal to rogue harbor. Immortal syndicate doesn't have tokens, you just encounter them.

Still staring at the Atlas trying to figure out what it is i'm looking at.
It's just a map. It shows how the maps connect to eachother. Connected ones have higher chance of dropping. It also shows if you have completed a map, and its bonus objective. Whenever you complete a bonus objective the first time you get an atlas point. For white maps the bonus objective is always to kill the map boss on a map of at least uncommon quality.

If you don't know what you like etc. just focus on general nodes
Going for the nodes that give more map drops, or higher tier map drops is usually a pretty good generalist strategy. I guess in ruthless the nodes that give guaranteed essence/strongbox encounter might also be good?

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
I also found some Syndacate materials or tokens and i'm told "soneone" in town will know about them but when i talk to Jun i get no reaction
I assume you mean the rogue's markers? Should be an npc in act 6. Then you can use them while in town to open a portal to rogue harbor. Immortal syndicate doesn't have tokens, you just encounter them.


Like i'm going to remember that bitch even existed. What a wierd system.


Mar 16, 2015
I also found some Syndacate materials or tokens and i'm told "soneone" in town will know about them but when i talk to Jun i get no reaction
I assume you mean the rogue's markers? Should be an npc in act 6. Then you can use them while in town to open a portal to rogue harbor. Immortal syndicate doesn't have tokens, you just encounter them.


Like i'm going to remember that bitch even existed. What a wierd system.
Be warned.. once you start doing that Rogue stuff you will not be able to ignore it. Once you do a single run game starts dropping quest maps that you cannot get rid off and fill your inventory unless you go do them.
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Mar 16, 2015
BTW, i was checking those suggest Atlas professions and i just noticed all the nodes are different from what i have on mine. This post is 3 months old and yet all the nodes aren't the same:


Guess they must have made a recent change.
They change Atlas and Atlas passive tree with every new league. Sometimes changes are more extensive than at other times. Once per year there is a bigger patch/expansion that usually overhauls these things by a lot.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
The more i look at the tree the more it seems the best way to deal with the mechanics bloat is to just pick some and ignore the rest.

I also think it was a bad call to have those special NPCs show up in the campaign, especially if they were going to make the encounters random. Like i meet Niko, blow the initial sulphite and have to ignore delve until i get to maps. Or the lady in act 6, where the rogue tokens only dropped in a map and coudn't even remember she existed by that point.

None of them gel that well with the campaign anyway why even bother having them show up there. Just keep that shit for maps only. The game is free to play so it's not like they have to worry about "locking" features out of "paying" customers by sticking that shit in the end game.


Mar 16, 2015
The more i look at the tree the more it seems the best way to deal with the mechanics bloat is to just pick some and ignore the rest.

I also think it was a bad call to have those special NPCs show up in the campaign, especially if they were going to make the encounters random. Like i meet Niko, blow the initial sulphite and have to ignore delve until i get to maps. Or the lady in act 6, where the rogue tokens only dropped in a map and coudn't even remember she existed by that point.

None of them gel that well with the campaign anyway why even bother having them show up there. Just keep that shit for maps only. The game is free to play so it's not like they have to worry about "locking" features out of "paying" customers by sticking that shit in the end game.
I think the idea is to slowly introduce some mechanics during leveling so there not such a huge explosion of new mechanics with mapping.


Apr 11, 2023
Jeeeebus the atlas tree lmao.

This shit is actually worse than the skill tree as i have no idea what the hell is it i'm looking at, though at least respec points are cheaper.
It's very easy.
Pick what content you want to farm end game (Expeditions, Essences, Legion etc.) and just spec into them. That's it. I'd recomment two mechanics with maybe an additional third as a bonus. For example, this league I'm farming expedition logbooks and essences, followed by short delirium. For altars I choose exarch.
The normal skill tree is easy too, you essentially pick the skills you want to have in your build and then use the highways to get to them, that's it. If a skill is really far from your highway, you can put a skill onto an amulet with oil.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Jeeeebus the atlas tree lmao.

This shit is actually worse than the skill tree as i have no idea what the hell is it i'm looking at, though at least respec points are cheaper.
It's very easy.
Pick what content you want to farm end game (Expeditions, Essences, Legion etc.) and just spec into them. That's it. I'd recomment two mechanics with maybe an additional third as a bonus. For example, this league I'm farming expedition logbooks and essences, followed by short delirium. For altars I choose exarch.
The normal skill tree is easy too, you essentially pick the skills you want to have in your build and then use the highways to get to them, that's it. If a skill is really far from your highway, you can put a skill onto an amulet with oil.

I think my only problem right now is that i have no idea what any of that is. What are essences? What is legion? But i'll manage i guess.

The map mechanic is pretty neat. I'm using transmutation orbs for those T1-2 maps and add augmentation too. Maps so far are small and simplistic but i think they get more complicated?

All in all right now the best thing i did in the game was the Labyrinth. While the traps are kinda silly it's at least different from just clearing waves of mobs and i thought the whole thing was slightly more substantial than anything in the campaign.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
The more i look at the tree the more it seems the best way to deal with the mechanics bloat is to just pick some and ignore the rest.

I also think it was a bad call to have those special NPCs show up in the campaign, especially if they were going to make the encounters random. Like i meet Niko, blow the initial sulphite and have to ignore delve until i get to maps. Or the lady in act 6, where the rogue tokens only dropped in a map and coudn't even remember she existed by that point.

None of them gel that well with the campaign anyway why even bother having them show up there. Just keep that shit for maps only. The game is free to play so it's not like they have to worry about "locking" features out of "paying" customers by sticking that shit in the end game.
I think the idea is to slowly introduce some mechanics during leveling so there not such a huge explosion of new mechanics with mapping.

The problem with that is that the randomness of those encounters makes it hard to actually learn anything. I saw in chat someone mention they didn't even meet Einhar until after the campaign.

In the entire ten acts, i met Einhar and Niko once and never saw either any beast or sulphire deposit since. I barely got a chance to explore either mechanic as they basically got put on freeze for the rest of the campaign. Never saw a rogue token until stumbling on them in a map, i have yet to see any of the syndacate dudes and so on. It just seems pointless to even meet those mechanics in the campaign if you can't even do them until you hit maps.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
I also think it was a bad call to have those special NPCs show up in the campaign, especially if they were going to make the encounters random.
In non-ruthless, you get a guaranteed encounter with all of them in a specific map in the same act you first meet them. And you're probably gonna see them at least once per act afterwards from random chance. It works pretty well to space them out I think, it'd be crazy if you got the full set of 10+ npcs dumped on you as soon as you hit maps.

Maps so far are small and simplistic but i think they get more complicated?
Not really. You'll start running rares and corrupted versions, and maybe even sextants, but it just adds more modifiers or more side missions in the map (like beasts, turret defence, etc).

The problem with that is that the randomness of those encounters makes it hard to actually learn anything.
Yes well, welcome to modern GGG game design. Have fun playing for 30 hours to unlock a single chance to fight against a boss. If you fail, you'll need to spend another 15 to get a chance to retry it. Hope you didn't forget the bosses attack patterns in that time!

And well, most of the mechanics were designed for their own league, where you'd get one encounter per area, for the entire game.

I think my only problem right now is that i have no idea what any of that is. What are essences? What is legion? But i'll manage i guess.
Look it up on the wiki.


Resident Zoomer
Jul 1, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I ended up making a Righteous Fire build as Kjaska suggested. Should I go out of my way to do all the Ascendancies??


Apr 11, 2023
I ended up making a Righteous Fire build as Kjaska suggested. Should I go out of my way to do all the Ascendancies??
Obviously. You need all the points you can get, and ascendancy are arguably the most important ones.

I saw in chat someone mention they didn't even meet Einhar until after the campaign.
No way he's not bullshitting, it's even a quest in Act 2 that unlocks an important crafting system.

i met Einhar and Niko once and never saw either any beast or sulphire deposit since
I had them most levels in the campaign after meeting them, and they both start quests that introduce you to the mechanics of hunt and delve, it outright tells you what to do and where to go in the quest tab once you meet them, so that one's definitely on you. The rest of the characters like Alva and Jun you also meet in their acts and they have a quest that walks you through their mechanics.
The rogue markers drop VERY often in their respective acts and they too start a quest that takes you through heists mechanics.
You have to somehow try on purpose to miss any of those. In fact it's a known problem that once you pick up heist shit (which drops with BIG GREEN QUEST ITEM LETTERS) you can't get it out of your inventory until you do it, so its dead space in your inventory.

pointless to even meet those mechanics in the campaign if you can't even do them until you hit maps.
Yes you can. You can do them anytime once you find them, by the time you beat Kitava you should have done pretty much all those mechanics at least once unless you sit there with 8 unfinished side quests in your log at all times.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Have you ever tried ruthless?

I'm telling you none of those mechanics were doable for me during the campaign. It also doesn't matter where the NPC is. I first met Einhar out in the open on the last floor right before Dominus. I can well believe the guy didn't meet him until after the campaign because aside for Einhar and Niko i didn't meet ANY of other ones either.


Resident Zoomer
Jul 1, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Obviously. You need all the points you can get, and ascendancy are arguably the most important ones.
I meant the puzzles/mazes. I didn't realize you had to do them to get Ascendancies. Already did though.

As a side note, I have a side quest to break a fractured wall in the mine. How/Where the fuck are they? I ran around with the robot a bit but couldn't mind one even though I have flares and dynamite.

Finally, just playing through with this Righteous Fire build, and holy shit I see why creating a build that would be viable by the time endgame rolls around is so difficult. Would take well over a year of play and research before I think you'd be ready to attempt to create something that could work, much less one that was optimal. Also, this question is a bit specific but still, any reason why we don't take these two skills in the Righteous Fire build Kjaska ?

36% increased damage sounds like it would be pretty massive for just two skill points.


Resident Zoomer
Jul 1, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Also, I just got a Divine while going through Campaign. How rare is that, and what can/should I use it for?


Mar 16, 2015
Also, I just got a Divine while going through Campaign. How rare is that, and what can/should I use it for?
It is very rare. And you should use it to get a good 6L armor or weapon. Or a key unique item for your build.


Resident Zoomer
Jul 1, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Got it, any idea on how I should start? Or just look at my PoB "recommended" rare items and try to find one similar to that?

Also, there are so many fucking new systems. I never really played the game, leveled a few characters to 50-70 as far back as 4-7 years ago, but holy shit. Need to find a video to do some research.

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