Technologies added and random encounters are improved.
When a player sends forces on exploration if mistlands or on lair raid, force can find some interesting events on the way( it depends on army size and luck). Monster encounters are not impacting these events, so you can find treasures or places even without a fight.
According to the level of the encounter, we receive various types of treasures: gold, people, squads, tech and so on..
Battles with monsters now can be of two types: Random monsters/ Special battle. There is a list of monsters in each mist zone. But also there is a list of factions in each zone too. So, factions impacts on monsters list in the zone, but also there can appear monsters without any factions, like mist hounds, scorpions.
So this is the encounter with random monsters:
And this is a Special battle(Bee hive)
Some encounters appear only in lairs(spiders nest), some on mistlands open spaces( Bee Swarm). Also, some type of monsters appears only in these encounters, and some special rewards appear only when you fight in Lairs.
Added log-book, where a player can look detailed what's happened between turns.
Each country has a list of technologies and technologies available to learn. There are 4 groups of technologies, each demands relevant type of resource: social, war, domestic or politic.
When you learn a tech, new techs can be revealed, and some can be removed from the list of available technologies.
According to these new factions and random encounters, lots of new units were added. Also, graphics of mistzones was changes to more realistic style: