Old school in some aspects, but new school in having DPS skills based on short cooldowns for each character a la MMOs.DA:O was old school compared to the Bio games made before and after it. Tactical combat and a larger party size. DA:O would be even more old school if it was being released today.MOTB did it's best, but it still sucks.
Basically, the incline is happening, and you stupid fucks are still hanging on to those who rose to prominence during the decline. Rome has fallen but you're still pretending these shitty developers can create anything worthwhile. Jesus, this game is literally the worst fucking high profile kickstarter of the RPG variety. It's the opposite of old-school - it's business as usual. The press for this game can be completely switched with DA:Origins and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. You all are a bunch of fucking hypocrites.
Anyways, I don't get the complaint. DA:O with better systems and better writing sounds peachy to me. I don't care if it's "auld skuul" or not.
Seems like PoE isn't going that route. Engagement and modal abilities (stances, I guess) seem to be possible improvements on the typical RTWP model. I'm still on a wait and see mindset, not at all hyped or disparaging about the game at the moment. More just... curious.