> The idea that some Int dump stat half-orc is gonna find ways to break the in-game universe rules to do infinite damage is absurd.There are implicit limits before it becomes insincere. The idea that some Int dump stat half-orc is gonna find ways to break the in-game universe rules to do infinite damage is absurd. A good DM would call out meta-gaming and just flat out say that your character is too retarded to do something clever like that.Build optimization and roleplaying are not mutually exclusive, you don't have to decrease one to increase the other.These "umm por que no los dos retard" replies are perplexing in response to a question that didn't propose incompatibility and in fact advocated for enjoying the compatibility...
You also run into another metagaming problem where everyone just runs the same hyper-optimized cheese build, with every character mechanically being the same Gary Stu of RPG mechanics.
It's easy to pick the optimal moves; any idiot these days knows that stacking +1s to things is better. It's takes skill to pick the flawed ones and give them meaning to the story you're crafting.
That's called bad role-playing, it has nothing to do with powergaming.
> A good DM would call out meta-gaming and just flat out say that your character is too retarded to do something clever like that.
Yes, a good DM would call a player like that out on his... bad role-playing. What does this have to do with powergaming, again?
> It's [sic] takes skill to pick the flawed ones and give them meaning to the story you're crafting.
And there we go with the jerking off in people's faces again.
> everyone just runs the same hyper-optimized cheese build, with every character mechanically being the same Gary Stu of RPG mechanics
A good character isn't defined solely by the mechanics of their class, race, feats, etc. There's absolutely no reason that your Elf Evocation Wizard has to be the same character as mine.