I do too ... BUT ... there is no setting they could do where I wouldn't want to at least try the game.I have faith in these guys but I want to know the setting!
Nigger u wotmore RPG elements like mages
Maybe they mean like Ja2 where they had legs and could climb so It was 3d.>> modern 3D graphics.
I hate that trend. I prefer my graphics legless sprites. Decline!
When you think about it "tactical" may mean that player controls units in platoon or company level.
We really have preciously little to speculate with.
it's an rpg because wizard guy has stats
Indeed. They did show they have good heads on their shoulders so I am not too worried about that at the moment. We shall see where this will go.Yeah, it's a temptation for the artist to get carried away and blow the budget on minute details that the brain will start ignoring after a few hours anyway. BB had great art direction so I hope they will know better than that.
I wouldn't rule out the game having RPG elements, but without having the whole game labelled as such.Nobody mentioned the lack of the term "RPG" in the game's description. I wonder if that remains the case when it's formally announced.
Menace might just be a codename.
It's too early for Battle Brothers 2 anyway. But we could be getting a spiritual successor to Jagged Alliance.So instead of Battle Brothers 2 we gef a sci fi nu xcom like. Damn it all.
fixedLegends adds a lot of bloat
You sure?I do too ... BUT ... there is no setting they could do where I wouldn't want to at least try the game.I have faith in these guys but I want to know the setting!
it's an rpg because wizard guy has stats
I said RPG elements, just play with Legends + magic origins, or even Legends + magic origins + AC_mod (Accessoiry Companions) + Stronghold (build your own stronghold, possibly adding a port and extra roads).
It's still not a RPG but Legends adds a lot of QoL like turn it in (can turn most quests in the closest aligned city) and extra functionalities, including more weapons and enemies.
Also PTR (perk tree reworked) for even more perks.
And they're all compatible, PTR will even be included in Legends soon.
It's still only a Tacticool + sandbox game.
And I hope this game is going to be an alien hunting one, not just a NuXcom clone but an alternate evolution from UFO.
Battle Brothers was never a RPG
It is essential for an RPG that you are a tangible character in the game world that has actual influence on what's happening.What makes this game not an RPG in your opinion?
Play lone wolf.But you don't even have a name.
You have no representation on the battlefield or the game world.
You have no stats (this should be a dead giveaway, really)..
It is essential for an RPG that you are a tangible character in the game world that has actual influence on what's happening.What makes this game not an RPG in your opinion?
In Battle Brothers, I'd argue that you are not.
A few times, you are mentioned as "the commander" (which is the only pro-argument I can think of).
But you don't even have a name.
You have no representation on the battlefield or the game world.
You have no stats (this should be a dead giveaway, really).
You (as in, your character) have no influence on the core gameplay aspect, combat.
You couldn't even say you are roleplaying a group of people akin to blobbers, for example, as all characters are fully replaceable cannon fodder. You couldn't care less for everyone to die, it's just a monetary (and time-investment) setback.
There's just not enough tangible here to turn it into an RPG. Having stats is not enough or every game would be one, same with decisions that influence the game world.
The devs are simply wrong about the game being an RPG. I wouldn't even call it a hybrid. Although it does have some RPG elements.
And you could argue that the game mode where you actually ARE a character (forgot the name) and it's game over when you die - that one does turn it into an RPG as it resolves all issues above.
Coincidentally, that's also the most fun game mode...
Play lone wolf.
Well, certainaly, if the devs say so!Well the devs themselves say its an RPG
Best kind of discipline.I think I had to discipline myself a few times too.
Philosophical claptrap. So it would suddenly be an RPG if they changed the text boxes to refer to the current longest-surviving merc instead of "you"?It is essential for an RPG that you are a tangible character in the game world that has actual influence on what's happening.