2nd draft, went 7-1 with Quandrix.
My thoughts are that Quandrix is SLOW. You have to keep mana up and cards in your hand (for example for Manifestation Sage). Basic strategy is to make a big fatty, give it flying with Zephyr Boots, and protect it from removal by holding up Snakeskin Veil. You just have to have a lot of patience, make defense plays and try not to lose too much life early.
I actually realized that I had drafted wrong after the 3rd pack, since I had gone with a Bitterbloom splash when I should have been picking up Prismari, which was super open. My first pull was Manifestation Sage, 2nd pull was Tempted by the Oriq, and then I got the Frost Trickster like 3rd pack and Decisive Denial 4th pack. Still I was worried that I didn't have enough removal and I didn't have a lot of the Quandrix bombs. But I had decent mana luck (got flooded in my loss vs. a fast Silverquill, couldn't quite stabilize despite trading) and my opponents didn't pull any bombs except my 6th opponent who dropped a 28/28 Body of Research on curve but couldn't find a way of giving it trample over my endless chumps.
Some card notes-
Charge Through- 3. Never did anything but it does cycle easily. Would not pick it high.
Zephyr Boots - Very good for Quandrix.
Prismari Pledgemage - 6. Solid body if you need one early to help defend. I would not pick them high though since they wheel.
Decisive Denial - 7. Decent. Did not do too much fighting, but I did use it to counter a Natural Order (!).
Frost Trickster - 7. Probably a little overrated, obviously it never wheels. But you need a lot of bodies, I kept drawing it as my only creature so never got to really leverage it. Still, flying is the way.
Kelpie Guide - 8. Got passed this 3rd pack about 5th pick. It's obviously insane, won my 2 games, and I was able to ramp to 8 land to activate it pretty early.
Pop Quiz - 4. I didn't get passed too many learn cards. This was ok, kind of like an expensive Opt, fits with Quandrix since you are leaving mana up for counterspells and other plays.
Biomathematician - 5. It's ok but a little overrated since I didn't see any wheel. Again, he's best not played on curve, you want to cast other Fractals first, which is meh.
Serpentine Curve - 4. I think I cast it once for a 7/7 but I already had my opponent in the air so it didn't really matter. It's a nice "body" for Quandrix.
Tempted by the Oriq - 8. Was great, let me steal opponents' best early plays three times, once was a Dragonscale Elite (?), 2nd was the Quandrix girl (who didn't do much but good denial), and 3rd was opponent's Frost Trickster.
Professor of Zoomancy - 7. The backbone of Quandrix, he did a large part of my total damage and traded with my opponents' big fractals, etc... I'm glad I got passed 2.
Eureka Moment - 4. Very slow. Hard to have the mana to cast this, but Quandrix does need it to ramp to 8/ Kelpie. I would not run more than 1 next time I draft Quandrix, drawing both really clogged my hand a few times.
Manifestation Sage - 7. Probably a little overrated. She *does* help you stabilize early if you have her in your opening hand, but I always played her as a turn 5 play to hold up mana for Snakeskin Veil. You also can't cast too much early so that you can make a decent 5/5 fractal. So if I drew her I would just hold up mana for counterspells etc... until turn 5, basically.
Bury in Books - 6. A really good removal in blue, good against tokens. Not as good as Expel though. It definitely saved me a few times.
Snow Day - 6. Helps to stabilize. Getting to 6 mana and casting this was usually the turning point in my matches. A very good pickup for Quandrix.
Fractal Summoning, Elemental Summoning, Expanded Anatomy - I had 1 copy of each and never casted any of them. I always went for Fractal Summoning but always had stuff to cast so couldn't find a turn to tap out for it.
Access Tunnel, Scry land - never used either. Would probably not draft or play with Access Tunnel in the future.